How do I remove peeling paint & primer from door frame?

by Deb

We bought 2 pre-primed doirframes a few hrs ago, installed and painted with latex exterior grade paint. Now both paint & primer peeling off. Is there a way to remove paint without removing door frame?

  6 answers
  • Suzette Suzette on Sep 26, 2018

    Hi Deb, Here's a how to video that may help:

    Good luck!

    • Deb Deb on Sep 26, 2018

      Thanks, but reviews for this video and product were very negative.

  • Cindy Cindy on Sep 26, 2018

    Hi there. Cindy here. You could put paint remover on your door frames and follow instructions for how long you should leave it on. If the paint remover does not remove everything, you can sand down anything that remains. Then prime and paint. All paints and primers require different lengths of time to wait. Follow instructions from manufacturer. Wishing you all the best.

    • Deb Deb on Sep 27, 2018

      Thanks so much! We have learned so much about primer and paint this year.

  • William William on Sep 27, 2018

    Citristrip safe stripper. Made to remove layers of paint and finishes. Paste formulation for vertical surfaces.

  • Deb Deb on Sep 27, 2018

    That's great info. Sounds relatively safe too. I am hesitant to use harsh chems. Gonna give it a try!

  • Bucko2000 Bucko2000 on Sep 27, 2018

    I use a heat gun on low setting. But if you bought them at a home improvement store I would take these pictures to them and complain. Maybe you can get your money back or give you some help in repairs. Worth a try.

  • Jan Marie Jan Marie on Oct 11, 2018

    Don't use a stripper. It's messy and you are working on a vertical surface which would make keeping the stripper from dripping nearly impossible. Use a heat gun. Don't hold the heat in one place too long because it causes the paint to bubble and that is more difficult to scrape off. You want to soften the paint and using a medium stiff metal putty knife start removing the paint. in your non dominate hand operate the heat gun moving along as the paint softens. Scrape with the dominate hand. Also keep the heat gun on, do not turn on and shut off or lay a running heat on the floor. I lay my running heat gun on the paint can shelf on my ladder. You will develop a rhythm and in no time you will have all the paint removed. Heat guns are the fastest way to remove paint. I have removed all the paint off my walls, doors, and trim inside, and all the paint off my trim outside on a 3700 sq ft house. I used stripper on the first door and it took forever and the results were not as good as the heat gun I used on the rest of the house. Best heat gun is from Harbor Freight. It is cheap and lightweight. No heat gun will last forever. I bought an expensive one and it is too heavy to use. Another tip is to let the scraped paint cool off and then sweep up with a broom. Use high setting, let heat gun run for 3 or 4 minutes before use, keep metal putty knife at about a 45 degree angle, don't over heat the paint, when possible go with the grain, and finish up with a light sanding. FYI I prefer the semi stiff Hyde putty knife. Use a razor blade scraper to periodically scrape off paint build up on your putty knife. Good luck.