How to fix a door that won't stay open?
My bathroom door will not stay open. Can someone tell me either how to fix the door frame or its hinges to keep it open?
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If your door wont stay open, then it is out of plumb, ie: not hanging straight. Check the screws that mount the hinges, Perhaps they are just loose. If not then you may have to loosen either the top or bottom hinge and shim it. Good luck
Hi! something as simple and inexpensive as this can solve your problem
Here's a good overview of what you can do:
For the moment, you could try a door stop, but there are some more in-depth solutions that they go over, too involving adjustments to the hinges and hinge pins. I find my doors are different depending on the weather, too. The frames seem to expand or contract, changing how the door opens or closes.
This usually means that the door is not plumb/the hinges don't line up. Here's a way to fix it:
This video may help:
Two solutions. Try the first one. It's a quick and easy solution. Second solution is if the gap around the door is uneven
We have an old house, happens a lot. Here's a quick video that may help.
Here's a great article:
Why not use a door Wedge or a hook to the wall or a door stop if you really want it to stay open, most folk would prefer the door was closed! If it is for access for wheelchair etc. fit a door stay!
Check the hinges, they may be loose.
A light adjustment to the top or bottom hinge on your door will likely solve the problem. Try tightening the screws in the hinges slightly, check the door for how it hangs, then keep adjusting until it will stay open as you want.
Door stop!
Sound like the door has not been hung straight. Check the hinges and adjust if necessary.