Can I cut butcher blocks down to make open stair treads?

Shea Embry
by Shea Embry
I am making an open staircase. The treads will be approx 1 1/2" thick 11.25"x36". Is there any reason not to buy a butcher block that is solid wood and cut my treads from that?

  6 answers
  • 2dogal 2dogal on Jan 16, 2018

    Just the cost....

  • William William on Jan 16, 2018

    Great idea. Price out the cost of butcher block versus stair treads. Cost, labor, finishing butcher block may cost more than actual stair treads.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jan 16, 2018

    Sounds fine to me, as long as the wood is well seasoned.

  • Sharon Sharon on Jan 16, 2018

    I dunno, since butcher block is just laminated pieces of thin wood, it might not hold up to constant traffic and start to break down. I would go with some 12" x 2 inch lumber for a floating staircase treads. Here are some ideas....

  • GrandmasHouseDIY GrandmasHouseDIY on Jan 16, 2018

    Hi Shea, yeah you could definitely do that and wow that would be really pretty!

  • Shea Embry Shea Embry on Jan 16, 2018

    Thank you for your help.... just found 36" x 72" solid Oak butcher block at Lumber Liquidator for a discounted price of $189 each. When I called the technical department they indicated it would be fine to use. I can get 6 treads from each block so the total cost with tax is $609. When I check for similar products made in butcher block style, the cheapest I could find was $92.89each... making those cost with tax about $1500. I will take a picture when I'm done and post.

    Thanks, again!

    • Cheri Cheri on Jun 02, 2018

      Would love to hear how it went! I want to do the same thing. Do you have a picture? Thanks!