How can I make cinder block shelves?

Patricia Thomas
by Patricia Thomas
  5 answers
  • Do you want to know how to make some?

  • Dfm Dfm on Apr 23, 2017

    the cinder blocks are purchased from a lumber yard, they are used for basement walls. they are about 16 inches hi and 8 inches skinny. 16 inches hi make a nice set of shelves. to make a storage shelf use cinder- blocks x2 or 3 depending on lenght of shelving ,boards10 inch wide. place blocks into position, add boards, stack cinder block on wood above previous cinder block. repeat until you have the ht. you need.

  • Kathy Guy Kathy Guy on Apr 27, 2017

    In addition to the above suggestio, paint The cinder blocks to match you decor. They can really look nice.

  • Shirley Heikkinen Shirley Heikkinen on Apr 27, 2017

    These make a great book shelf, the heavier the books, the closer the bricks should be together. Note - these are not safe in small children's rooms where they might be climbed on. I painted these with a 1-1/2" paint brush, but would paint with a spray on sealant and spray paint if I were to do it again. Sorry I don't have a picture.

  • S prey the blocks in various colors. Slip finished slats in the spaces. Add cushions and you have a seetee