How do I use up my foil pie plates?

by Susan

I have dozens of various sizes of foil pie tins, I hate to throw anything away, I would like to use them in my garden for decoration.

  14 answers
  • Mogie Mogie on Mar 16, 2021

    1. Feed the Birds — and Squirrels

    Birds, squirrels, and other wildlife tend to have trouble finding food during the chilly winter months. Give back to the friendly critters in your yard by creating a low-cost feeder from an aluminum pie pan.

    Simply place the pan on a flat surface outdoors, weigh it down with a rock from the yard and fill it with the birdseed of your choice. Your feathered friends will thank you — perhaps with a chirp or two — if the squirrels don’t eat it all first.

    2. Use Pie Pans for Crafts

    Aluminum pans are perfect for crafting, especially with young children. Use them as palettes for paints. Or store your beads, glitters, and glues in them while working on a project with the kids.

    After craft time, simply wash your pan well with warm water and dry it. Then, you can either save it for future crafts or place it in the recycling bin.

    3. Deck the Halls

    If you want to get a little rustic with your decorating, take a lesson from the ages. In the past, people crafted holiday ornaments from old cans and scrap tinplate. With a bit of work and creativity, you can craft your own traditional-style ornaments. All you’ll need is aluminum pans and a few basic tools to get the job done.

    4. Keep Candles From Making a Mess

    Pillar candles tend to drip, and a big mess definitely ruins the ambiance. Save your surfaces by placing an aluminum pie pan under your candles before lighting them.

    If you’re concerned that an aluminum pan may clash with your décor, simply cut out the bottom using heavy-duty scissors and toss the sides in the recycling bin. The flat aluminum circle will be less conspicuous but will still protect your tables from dripping wax.

    5. Feed Fido On the Go

    Since they’re lightweight but fairly sturdy, aluminum pie pans are perfect for on-the-go pet dishes.

    Save them with your outdoor gear and use them for food and water bowls on your next camping trip, picnic, or beach excursion.

    6. Make Picture Frames contributor Mary Love suggests using pie pans as alternative picture frames or frames for displaying your child’s art. Simply paint the plate with craft paint, cut a circle from a photo, and glue it into place. Glue a magnet on the back to display the picture on your fridge.

    7. Reduce the Mess While Cooking writer Sayward Rebhal suggests using old pie pans as baskets for grilling veggies. To prevent your vegetables from falling into the coals, simply poke a few holes in aluminum pan, fill it with your veggies, and put the whole thing on the grill.

    An aluminum pan with small holes is also great for reducing messes while frying foods on the stove. If you’re dealing with a lot of oil spatter, simply place the pie pan over your food in the frying pan to protect yourself and your kitchen from hot cooking oil.

    8. Cookout Tools suggests using old aluminum pans to protect your hands when toasting food on a stick over a fire during an outdoor cookout.

    Simply punch two holes in opposite sides of a pan. Then slide the stick you’ll use for toasting your marshmallows or hot dogs through the holes. The aluminum will be at one end of the stick and you will spear your food on the other end. The aluminum creates a heat shield for your hand while you hold your food over the fire or coals.

    9. Garden Planter

    Although this isn’t a reuse idea for pie-sized pans, we thought we’d include it as you may also have some larger aluminum pans you’d like to reuse before you recycle them.

    The contributors at suggest using an old aluminum roasting or loaf pan as a planter for the garden. These larger pans can hold multiple seed pots when you’re starting your seedlings in the spring. They’ll hold water, and with their higher edges, the pans can keep your seedlings upright and stable.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Mar 16, 2021

    I use them for cooking stuffed apples on the grill, one to hold the apple and the other as a lid to trap the heat

    Here is a bunch of patterns for punched tin, beautiful and creative:

    Here's a surprising garden use:

    How to Get Rid of Grubs With an Aluminum Pie Tin

    You need:

    • Knife
    • Cucumber

    Grubs tend to come back year after year, so place your pie tins containing cucumber slices out early.

    Grubs are a problem in the garden because they feed voraciously on the roots of grass, flowers and vegetables. Grubs are the larval form of many insects, and you'll find them when you turn over the soil. They can damage plants and kill those that are stressed by disease. When you notice grubs in your garden, they need to be driven away as soon as possible, and a simple aluminum pie tin can help.

    1. Cut up between three and five thin slices of cucumber, using a sharp knife.
    2. Lay the cucumber slices flat in an aluminum pie tin.
    3. Set the pie tin in an area of the garden where you are having problems with grubs. The reaction between the pie tin and the cucumber creates a smell undetectable to humans that drives away grubs and some other insects.


  • You could make these flowers and then add a stick to stand them up as decor in pots or in your garden:

  • I've seen them hung on posts around a vegetable garden to chase away animals. They are also great for cooking vegetables on the grill.

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Mar 17, 2021

    Hello. I wonder if they could be fashion did you pinwheels for decorative use as well as a moving deterrent to discourage intrusion by unwanted critters.

  • Maura White Maura White on Mar 18, 2021

    You could always use them to hold small amounts of paint or use them with some kid crafts. Or you can use them to make chicken pot pie or another easy pie recipe!

  • I've seen people use them to make cement garden stepping stones. The ridged edges give the stones a pretty border.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Mar 21, 2021

    Hi there,

    You could pin them to a post and watch the wind take them. You could paint faces on them and pin to post and push into garden borders etc. You could also paint Flower heads on them.

  • Lindsay Aratari Lindsay Aratari on Mar 30, 2021

    You could put rocks in them or put water in them for birds to drink