Easiest Potato Growing Method Ever!

I've been building potato towers out of recycled materials for years. This method is a space saver and your potatoes can be pulled from the pile dirt free anytime when your stealing those new potatoes... yum!
Last years towers with gourmet purple potato's, neatly off to the side of the garden and giving me lot's of space for other garden goodies.
Green plastic fencing, bamboo stakes and well rotted compost
Current picture of my russet potato's. As potato's grow add more straw building the pile vertically. *** TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS EASY METHOD AND HOW TO GROW AND HARVEST THEM, VISIT THE LINK BELOW ***
Sow and Dipity
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2 of 54 comments
  • Shando Bethel Shando Bethel on May 27, 2015
    The potatoes are growing great in the plastic milk crates! I lined the crates with burlap cloth and added raised bed soil, mushroom compost, cow manure and peat moss. Potatoes were planted one month ago, all have sprouted to my amazement. Greenery standing a foot tall. The yield will be my only concern, since the will contained in the milk crate. Wish me luck!!!
  • Patty Patty on Sep 26, 2016
    This year I grew potatoes in big black Hefty bags for leaf and lawn. I doubled the bags, poked a few holes for drainage, folded the sides down to about 8". I then added a little soil and two potatoes then covered those with soil and watered. Each time the green leaves peeked above the soil (sometimes daily), I unfolded the bag a few inches, then covered with more soil. When it reached the top, I just watered as needed. When harvest came, each bag that started with 2 potatoes, now had at least a dozen potatoes in each bag! My neighbors are believers now!