Chalk Painted Fireplace Mantel

Giving your fireplace mantel a new look with paint!! Oh the power of paint!! I love that it's really that easy- I think picking the new colors can be more work that just jumping in and deciding to do it. I painted this back in September but I finally made the time to share with you how I did and what colors I used to bring together all the elements in my own home and design. You can see more here..
ASCP Country Grey, Old White, French LInen, with Dust of Ages and waxes.
Layering paint colors on top of your builder grade white mantel can give it brand new upscale look.
ASCP Country Grey, Old White, French LInen, with Dust of Ages and waxes.
ASCP Country Grey, Old White, French LInen, with Dust of Ages and waxes.
ASCP Country Grey, Old White, French LInen, with Dust of Ages and waxes.
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  • Beverly Beverly on Jul 28, 2017

    We first painted our oak mantle & surround black, then distressed it, but felt it was too hard, so now we primed it & painted it off white like our woodwork. Still not quite right......any suggestions based on how you layered your fireplace surround?

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  • Susan Rawlings Susan Rawlings on Jan 25, 2016
    Oh wow. Just saw this, but love it. It is beautiful.
  • Hat19678767 Hat19678767 on Feb 21, 2017
    I love your fire place! It looks so upscale and makes the space look larger. I want to use those colors to finish some furniture pieces to match my armoire was it difficult? How long did it take you? Thanks for the pin