Mad Hatter Lampshade Hats and Functional Lampshades

Tracy Jo
by Tracy Jo
3 Hours
With my glue gun and lampshades from Goodwill I put together a collection of hats and shades.
I will be adding some miniature pocket watches and trinkets the I have ordered on-line. It is perfectly fine without though.
I took apart one lampshade to get the ring to use for the brim. I cut wire hangers to use to attach the brim to the lampshade. You'll want strong wire for this and a hanger seemed like the logical choice.
After pinching the wire together, I covered the wire joints with duct tape to avoid anyone getting poked when handling it.
I cut a circle out of cardboard to cover the top and glued to the rim. I then covered the cardboard with some batting I had on hand.
Using stretch velvet from cut up Goodwill dresses I covered the brim first.I glued along the inside first and then stretched it around the wire brim and glued it on the top. I then draped the hat with the purple and tied elastic around it tightly. This helped me to glue the top piece and keep my folds nice and uniform. When I was done gluing I trimmed the excess and cut the elastic off. I took a leftover piece of fabric and glued it over where the two fabrics meet to clean up the look a little. It gets hidden under ribbon anyway, so don't worry about it.
I made hat pins using hanger wire and gluing old pieces of Goodwill jewelry. Add any ribbon and feathers you can find, and you've got yourself a conversation piece! To make this one wearable I took an old hat and cut off the brim and glued the head part inside this hat. Now it fits perfectly as a costume hat too.

This was made using a much smaller bedroom lamp shade.
I left the top off this one and can use it as a shade.
Some of my collection :-)
I did this one with paper mache and finished it with torn paper bags.
Paper Mache version
Paper mache completed
Paper mache version complete
My little Mad Hatter.
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  3 questions
  • Sam Bo Sam Bo on Aug 22, 2017

    First off these are so amazing I love what you've done and your creativity is just over the top. What do you do with these Mad Hatter Hats?

  • Christine Warbrick Christine Warbrick on Aug 31, 2018


    I am looking for six lampshades like this would you be interested in making them


  • Alona Alona on Feb 29, 2020

    My sister made 2 of these for Christmas. We used them as tree toppers. Have you tried used any other fabric that doesn't stretch? I have tons of fabric from my business.

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  • Sheryl Sheryl on Jul 17, 2020

    hi.. just wondering. I have never done paper mache'.. do I do it directly on to the lampshade, or over plastic? I am assuming on the shade, as that is the base its going to stick to? thankyou.. love this idea.

    • Tracy Jo Tracy Jo on Jul 19, 2020

      I believe that one was just paper mache strips over the bare metal base of the frame. The piece was done using newspaper. Then for the final I used brown paper bag material. You could go directly over the fabric on an old lampshade. That would work perfectly fine too.

  • Kathy alfke Kathy alfke on Mar 19, 2023

    Confession…… I have a large ziplock bag ( big one) full of velvet pieces, scarves, pants, etc . I keep wanting to do something with them. And now…….. you gave e the idea! ❤️😀😀. Velvet makes me happy!
