Shower Grout that Doesn't Stain or Need Sealed, Ever!

2 Hours
Dingy and moldy grout just stinks.
Plus it's embarassing when you have house guests.
This past weekend I installed epoxy shower grout in between our 2 x 2 inch shower floor tiles.
With a little help from the tecnhical support line of the company that makes the grout I was able to do this project in less than 2 hours (that includes prep, install, and cleanup).
And I was a little under the gun since it was 7 pm when I started, primarily because I put my daughers to bed at night :)
If you want grout that never needs sealed and does the best job at resisting stains & mold this is the way to go. Since I'm in the rental home business this was a test run to
1. see if it was hard to install
2. examine the durability of the product
Well I'm here to tell you that you can put your fear aside when it comes to installing this brand of epoxy grout (the brand is CEG LIte). It was easy.
What makes it so durable is the fact that it's practically impermeable to water. Sanded and un-sanded grout have pockets within their physical structure that can allow mildew and mold to grow. This isn't the case with epoxy.
The working time is 40 minutes and I think this is what freaks people out, especically if you have a large floor. Our shower floor was only 32 by 58 inches. I set a timer for 30 minutes so that I'd have a 10 minute warning and be able to stay within the epoxy's setting timeframe.
If you're installing new floor or wall tile I highly recommend looking into epoxy grout. In case you'd like more info, pics, and a video (yes I grew my NHL playoff beard early, GO PENS) visit my blog post at
Epoxy grout has a Part A and Part B.
Make sure to get all your supplies together before starting with epoxy grout.
CEG Lite is the epoxy grout I used and it can be found at Home Depot for about $24 per bucket.
This is the new epoxy grout, the floor drain doesn't have it's cover because the grout isn't cured yet.
Use both the soft side and buff side of the grout sponge to clean off the epoxy grout.
Drag a damp microfiber cloth across the tile surface to remove any haze
This is a picture of my discolored old grout. Yoda would be embarrassed!
Frequently asked questions
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  3 questions
  • Lori Lori on Jun 04, 2018

    I'm installing natural stone in my shower and am wondering if this product would be appropriate? The stones are sealed with a quality impregnating sealer. Also, wondering if the epoxy makes the grout look plastic-y - or does it look natural enough? And, are you still happy with your choice 5 years later? Thank you! Lori

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  • Sharon Gaul Sharon Gaul on Nov 26, 2018

    No matter what i use between the on the kitchen tiles ( not floor tiles) the grout always is a dirty looking!!!!! Can this be used??? It might be a different named product over here in England, thanxs

  • Samantha Samantha on Feb 24, 2020

    Did you remove the old grout first or just apply this over top?

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2 of 46 comments
  • CeramicTilePro LLC CeramicTilePro LLC on Aug 31, 2017

    Super Grout Additive® works really well for full shower floor grout installations and as a replacement of silicone at shower floor perimeters. Works way better to!

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  • Kupie Kupie on May 16, 2018

     Great. Tx
