Furniture from pallets

I need ideas for coffee tables and side tables.
  7 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Sep 17, 2015
    Hometalk has many pictures for you to look at for inspiration.Go to pallets.
  • Sukii Sukii on Sep 17, 2015
    My goodness - just go to Pinterest and type in pallet projects and you'll have more ideas than you can ever use!
    • Frances Brandreth Frances Brandreth on Sep 21, 2015
      @Sukii Hello you might well say my goodness, but for me who has been bed ridden for 22 yrs & tries to push herself every year to take up a new craft, it is slightly upsetting to receive an answer like yours. Itake 80mlg of morphine a day plus another 30 yes 30 tbts a day just to stay alive. I can´t watch UTube I have to have something written with pictures so I can refer back to, So I find that your answer which sounds as someone whose lost their patience, I would just like to say think about the other person asking the question before you jump in to answer it. Thank you
  • Maryanne Maryanne on Sep 17, 2015
    UTube has pictures and tutorials
    • Frances Brandreth Frances Brandreth on Sep 21, 2015
      @Follow your H Hi thank you very much for yr info I had a look & you are quite right they do have what I am looking for i.e. writen & pics to refer to. You have been very helpful.
  • Cynthia Lesh Cynthia Lesh on Sep 17, 2015
    I have always wanted to make a gaint glass structure and put it on wheeles. The top would overlap the glass square by about 4 ins. then I would fill this with plants . The glass would be 6mm thickness and the base that the glass sits on would be a palat on wheeles, so that I could move it around if needed. Maybe you could do this. Its an idea.
  • Frances Brandreth Frances Brandreth on Oct 29, 2015
    Thank you very much for your kind help. Regards
  • Phil Phil on Oct 29, 2015
    check out my page, I do all sorts of furniture
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