Please help me with a color for the front door!

by Lynette
The siding is green and the door has never been painted. I did prime the trim around door with white but I am having a hard time finding a color for the door and wondering if I should paint the trim the same as the door or try to match the beige soffit and fascia. I would like to add color but haven't found the right one.
  39 answers
  • Z Z on Sep 25, 2015
    I think it would be nice to pick up the color in the reddish rock/bark you have in the garden. Red and green are opposites, therefore complementary colors on the color wheel, so it's a good choice color wise, but I also like leaning a little more rust as in the rock/bark. I did a picture of both colors for you. I had to enlarge your very tiny photo in order to see any of the colors in your garden so it's a bit on the blurry side. If you can add a larger photo I'll be happy to try other colors for you. I would leave the trim painted light to highlight the door instead of painting it to match the door as you asked.
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  • Marcia Marcia on Sep 25, 2015
    Red is great but my preference would go towards a raspberry tone.
  • Krista Brown Lafave Krista Brown Lafave on Sep 25, 2015
    I say gray
  • Carolyn Kelso-Bell Carolyn Kelso-Bell on Sep 25, 2015
    I would go with a nice red burgundy..
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Sep 25, 2015
    I would not like red tones against green.It is hard to see what kind of green this truly is based on the picture. My advice would be get paint chips that look like your color and scroll with them against other colors. Also keep in mind the roof color.
  • Margele Frumusele Margele Frumusele on Sep 26, 2015
    regal blue, dark fuchsia tones or ivoire
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  • Joanie Joanie on Sep 26, 2015
    A stone color. Brown gray in tone.
  • Lindy Lindy on Sep 26, 2015
    I'd paint the fascia the same as the other trim in a creamy white, and the door a pale yellow, not a school bus yellow, but subtle. Second choice is to go with the match on the fascia/ soffit (beige? stone?) but that won't "pop", just blend in. You could hang colorful wreaths on the door to bring in your "pop" with the neutral background though or perhaps something to the right of the door on that large blank space. I find that getting rid of the road block to my finished product often solves the problem or stops over thinking it.
  • Renee Renee on Sep 26, 2015
    Is the house color gray or green?
    • See 1 previous
    • Renee Renee on Oct 02, 2015
      @Renee Hey Lynette, if you have a lowes near you, plz go & check out a color called barrel brown, its a rich color & I would do your trim work in a beige. I hope you find this helpful. I have ppl stop & ask me what color my house color is all the time. I have a green trim & beige trim as well. Go to a home for sale web site & pull up1512714 MLS and you can see it there. I hope you like it as much as I, and others do.
  • D fuhrman D fuhrman on Sep 26, 2015
    i think a burgundy shade would be nice with the green
  • Delanie Delanie on Sep 26, 2015
    If you want color, go bold! A mustard yellow or a deep orange would be gorgeous with your dark green siding! I have beige/tan brick on my house and I painted my front doors orange and I love it! Those colors really pop and look great from the street! No worries at Christmas, either. You could use green wreaths with red, if your door was yellow, and gold if your door was orange!
  • Gayle Gayle on Sep 26, 2015
    The door needs to be welcoming & stand out.....plum or deeper yellow. Add pots of opants to add life & color .
  • Joan Joan on Sep 26, 2015
    Orangey cinnamon, lacquer red, deep plum, or maybe a very dark midnight navy. Get some paint chips and tape them to the side of the house and LOOK.
  • Shelby Renee Pringle Shelby Renee Pringle on Sep 26, 2015
    Get a color wheel at the hardware store to help determine what colors compliment each other. I believe lavender and purple hues compliment green but others do also. The colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel are the ones considered complimetary to each other. It doesn't have to match everything else to look nice, especially if you go with a bold color. A little goes a long way.
  • Damian Damian on Sep 26, 2015
    WHITE! and the hand rails and Balustrading white as well, that will give it a clean look.
  • Tracy Atkin Tracy Atkin on Sep 26, 2015
    Yellow, orange, or (thinking outside of the box) metallic gold.
  • Jan Jan on Sep 26, 2015
    Dark Cranberry the only color that will pop
  • Lucymccowin Lucymccowin on Sep 26, 2015
    how about burnt orange,cream trim
  • Kathryn Peltier Kathryn Peltier on Sep 26, 2015
    This mossy shade of green actually works as a neutral, so most colors woudl work against it for the door. However, having said that, as Shelby Renee Pringle recommended, the color opposite on the color wheel will provide the best contrast and pop. In your case, a pretty deep coral would be nice or the lavender Shelby suggested. Another color that would work would be a periwinkle blue. A front door is the lead-in to the interior of your home, so if you have any of these colors inside, pick that for the front door.
  • Heather Bushem Heather Bushem on Sep 27, 2015
    Buttery yellow or reddish/cranberry
  • Charlene Hunt-Anderson Charlene Hunt-Anderson on Sep 27, 2015
    the same green only 3 -4 shades lighter
  • Bonnie Bonnie on Sep 27, 2015
    Turquoise looks fabulous with green! Or cobalt blue!
  • Kea Interiors Kea Interiors on Sep 27, 2015
    A maroon/burgundy door would look great. Add some burgundy or red and white/cream pillows on your bench to add extra character :-)
  • Lynette Lynette on Sep 28, 2015
    Thank you all for your awesome comments. I really wanted a soft yellow but now I am thinking a cranberry would look nice. I will let you know
  • Donna Gilbert Donna Gilbert on Sep 28, 2015
    I would paint the door cranberry/red and a buttercream for the trim.
  • Darren Darren on Sep 29, 2015
    Vivid Purple. :-)
  • Denise Boyce Denise Boyce on Oct 03, 2015
    Brick red with a terra cotta under tone or cashmere yellow
  • CK CK on Oct 05, 2015
    When I first saw the pic, it looked like dark gray siding on my monitor. There's a house near us that has dark gray siding, white trim and a black front door. It's stunning. have green siding. ;-) My suggestion is to pick a color that gets repeated in your flowers in spring/summer/fall and one that you totally love! The front door color is a nice way to have representation of your personality!
  • Style-Sack Style-Sack on Oct 08, 2015
    I have seen bright Yellow being used and it looks fab. Why not go 'bright? be daring LOL (Do a Google search on "Hampton Houses' and view pictures)
  • Marlene Haigh Marlene Haigh on Jan 17, 2016
    i agree a bright color to make your entrance pop! Tie it together with a couple of matching assessories on the porch.
  • Sue Ryan Sue Ryan on Aug 29, 2016
    I would paint the trim and door the same color. I would also paint the deck and railing. It would make more of a statement. New shutters would also help.
  • Marcia Potter Marcia Potter on Nov 15, 2016
    Love the idea of a soft yellow. You could add a large yellow pot and some forsythia in your front planting area, and may be a yellow mum on the deck. And why not paint your house numbers the same yellow. Sort of like this photo...
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  • Margie Margie on Dec 06, 2016

    Look at the colors in your rock border. Find one you love , match it to a paint color strip and go three shades darker. Paint the trim the same as your existing trim. Think nature since you went with Forest Green to begin with. Best wishes.

  • Shawna Bailey Shawna Bailey on Dec 07, 2016

    I love the idea of a red-brown.

  • Renee Renee on Dec 07, 2016

    If you have a Lowes near you, stop by and check out this paint color, its called Barrel Brown. Its a terra cotta, rich looking tone. Then choose a creamy beige! I did these colors on my house I recently sold but it amazed me how many ppl would stop and ask me my color names. Email me and I will send u a pic if your interested. Plz put in subject box, hometalk paint. Best of luck. R

  • Faye Willard Faye Willard on Dec 15, 2016

    Paint it Teal It would look very nice!

  • Vik Vik on Dec 17, 2016

    I've got the same green and painted my door an old barn red. Looks super.

  • Bbunny42 Bbunny42 on Dec 21, 2016

    Yellow or bright coral and, of course, add accessories and flowers to match. Good luck!

  • Eroque022810 Eroque022810 on Dec 23, 2016

    Because the green at least from photo appears to be almost evergreen,I would not do a color because it would look like a flower. If you do yellow it looks like a daffodil, you can't do red unless you want to be the Christmas house, navy would get lost and make door seem smaller than it is,orange would be like a tree. So that leaves turquoise which would be a disaster. Stick to a nice nueterol grey would be pretty but it would make house look cold. Stick to matching soffit if you don't plan on changing them soon.