Wood stain on carpet

by Lindsey
I was staining some wood shadow boxes and thought I had everything covered. Unfortunately, I managed to spill part of the can of clear stain on my carpeting. Does anyone have a solution for removing the dried stain? All I did so far was to get as much of it out using dry towels. I didn't put water or anything else on it. Thank goodness it was clear, but the carpet is a little stiff. It's a textured (very short shag) style of beige/brown/tan carpeting. Yes, I know. I should have done it outside.
  4 answers
  • Water or oil based? If water then you can try using a carpet cleaner - if oil I think you are stuck
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Sep 29, 2015
    Try using a litlle dab of rubbing alcohol blotting enough to loosen the stain. Follow with a touch of soap and water and rinse. Place paper towel over the area and put something heavy on top of the towel to help bring all the moisture to the top.
    • Lindsey Lindsey on Sep 30, 2015
      @Janet Pizaro Thanks, I'll try that. I don't think that would take the color out of the carpet. Fortunately, I did have Scotch Guard on the carpet. That's probably why it didn't soak in quickly, before I could get to it.
  • Mary Mary on Sep 30, 2015
    try Spot Shot it works on everything!!
    • Lindsey Lindsey on Sep 30, 2015
      @Mary Thanks. I'm going to try Janet's solution and, if it doesn't work, I'll see where I can find Spot Shot.
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Sep 30, 2015
    Let me know if this worked for you.