Moving entertainment center, repainting, and decor changes

by Lou
Our large entertainment center with full size speakers are the elephant in the room. One thought is to move the gear to another area in the living room. That will require rearranging the furniture. We also want to repaint all yellow walls and other suggested decor changes. We are empty nesters. Your advice please!
  14 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Sep 29, 2015
    Personally I would start by taking out some of the furniture in that room. Once you decide on which piece or pieces I would move the entertainment center next based on your comfort.The color of paint you choose should blend with the adjoining room since it seems to be open.
    • Lou Lou on Sep 29, 2015
      What pieces would you suggest we remove? We are seriously open to all ideas. Thanks.
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Sep 29, 2015
    Based on the size of the room I wold move the leather chair to another location so the room opens up a bit. Once that is complete, move the entertainment center. Then see if you are more comfortable.If not then you must decide what else you do not need in the room.
  • Lou Lou on Sep 29, 2015
    If helpful, here are photos of adjoining rooms.
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  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Sep 29, 2015
    Ok looked at your pictures. Lou to be honest there is just to much furniture all around.So as I suggested before start moving one room at a time until you feel a little more comfortable.
  • Lou Lou on Sep 29, 2015
    But what to remove is the question. That will take some careful thinking.
  • Z Z on Sep 29, 2015
    Lou, I Have a few questions before suggesting what you remove from the room. 1. How often do you have more than the two of you using this room? 2. Is there anyway you can place the TV over the fireplace, if it's not to high for either of you to comfortably watch there? 3. If there's often more than the two of you and you can't put it over the fireplace, could you place the TV in another room with more seating and use this as a sitting/reading room?
  • Lou Lou on Sep 29, 2015
    1. Not often. Maybe once every two months or so. 2. Wife does not want it there, so no. 3. No. Great questions Becky.
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    • Z Z on Sep 29, 2015
      @Lou, the cost is pretty high too, which I didn't realize until I looked it up when finding the video again for you. It sounds like a new company so the cost will more than likely come down as they grow in size. It's a lovely room you have, but appears when in the designing stages, watching TV was not the use in mind. I take it by your answer to my questions, that you don't want to move the TV to the room shown with the roll top desk where you have more wall space, but that rooms holds more potential.
  • Renata Renata on Sep 29, 2015
    Glad u paint new color. put TV on the wall above gas fireplace. Hang large speakers on each side of tv or get a sound bar, All ur devises can go in a tall slim cabinet next to ur fireplace. put a chair in each corner, Can't tell exactly how big ur room is but position ur couch with the back where the front of ur leather chair is now/ U would have a path to go up stairs. Remove those valances, ur casings are too beautiful to take away from. .., Ur pics on the sill can be arranged nicely on the wall. I usually do a trial an error when I do my rearranging. I just clicked on the dot dot dot on the previous suggestions and found u already decided u don't want that so forget everything that was Good luck
  • Lou Lou on Sep 29, 2015
    All good suggestions. Valances are coming down. Couch too large to move where suggested. When we buy ne furniture it will be smaller scale but must be comfy.
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    • Lou Lou on Sep 29, 2015
      Thanks Janet. The situation will most likely entail new furniture and replacing the speakers with a soundbar. By using a soundbar certain AV equipment can be removed. The e-center can then be moved further back, lessening its visual impact. While the TV should fit over the fireplace moving it there is not in the plans. I am very interested in seeing the mount Becky has stated would please my wife.
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Sep 29, 2015
    ok lou please keep me posted. I love to decorate and suggest ideas. I just want to mention I worked in a big box for many years until a very upsetting illness surfaced. So in other words I miss helping . Gardens ,Landscape, Decorating, Painting Etc. are truly a passion to me.
    • Lou Lou on Sep 29, 2015
      Very nice of you. Hope your health is now better. Will keep you updated.
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Sep 29, 2015
    sounds like a plan
  • Nsc1629669 Nsc1629669 on Sep 30, 2015
    If you have to keep the big entertainment center, you can move it to the corner on the right of the fireplace. Then move the couch basically where the tv is now and move the matching chair to face either fireplace or couch. If remove the recliner, table near fireplace on the right. Add side and coffee tables to bring it all together. Maybe a new large area rug too
  • Pat Pat on Sep 30, 2015
    nschaefer was typing at the same time I was.....and her idea is a lot like mine so....for what it is worrh.......First, I would not put the TV over the fireplace. Try putting the TV/unit on the window wall where the couch is and put the couch as a "divider" to the dining room. If possible, leave just one chair and take the other one out. Swivel the one you have left toward the TV. Definitely take out the valances and have long sheers or no curtains at all. A coffee table in front of the couch and a small table/lamp by the chair. Your floor lamp on the couch corner nearest the fireplace. A nice big plant in the corner near fireplace and entertainment center. After trying that arrangement, maybe you can even leave the other chair there if it was in the corner nearest the wall and entertainment center...won't be able to see TV but good for conversation. As for wall color, I like the yellow but you could try off white, light beige or taupe.
  • Sarah A. Victory Sarah A. Victory on Oct 02, 2015
    I suggest putting the TV over the mantel also and getting a sound bar. Those speakers take up a lot of room also but we had a bonus room upstairs for those. I thought it was fun down sizing. We Americans have way too much stuff. Enjoy your makeover!