What colour for my front door??

I live in the UK, in an old weaver's cottage which is attached to the one next door....like a terrace house. The two front doors are right next to each other, and share a common path to the lane. My neighbour has a lovely new duck egg blue wood door with a pretty stained glass panel in the upper half. I just moved in and my door is..UGLY! I am going to have the big rippled glass upper panel replaced, but the wood door will stay, as the cottage is wonky and the door has been made to fit. What colour will complement the duck egg?..otherwise, the cottages are exact mirror images of each other from the front.
  20 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Sep 29, 2015
    Wendy you need to attach photos .Nobody is going to be able to visualize what you are trying to explain.
  • Moxie Moxie on Sep 29, 2015
    Well with all being the same and the neighbor duck egg blue I think I would go white, black with white small scroll stencil or yellow..I can visualize duck egg blue : ) -- you can fake stained glass the the films to good luck and congrats on your new digs!
  • Elisa Elisa on Sep 29, 2015
    If the wave in the glass is due to age of glass (not an intentional wave pattern) I'd suggest keeping it, gives the door character.
  • Z Z on Sep 29, 2015
    It sounds like such a charming home Wendy. I would suggest a soft green or buttery yellow to go with the duck egg blue. Something like the colors shown below on either side of the what I think your neighbors door may look like. Just click on it to see the other colors.
    comment photo
  • Johnchip Johnchip on Sep 30, 2015
    Yellow for sure. Light, smokey, butterlike. You want it to be the same intensity of colour as the blue, no more bright, no less. Satin finish.
  • Vicky Weathers Vicky Weathers on Sep 30, 2015
    Hi! I am saying congrats! also and my first thought was a soft green, as well. Do not worry though, it is only paint and you can try a patch to see whether you like it or not. At stores in the US we now have small sample size paints. Look for those and good luck. Would love to see before and after pictures!
  • Jacalyn Jacalyn on Sep 30, 2015
    If your neighbor doesn't mind and you really like the color on her door, why not paint yours duck egg blue, too?
  • Wendy Tellson Armistead Wendy Tellson Armistead on Sep 30, 2015
    Hi Vicky, I had a comment about pictures earlier..but I don't think that my neighbour is crazy about having her front door on the internet..private person..but the green might be a good choice....I have also thought about some sort of purplish shade..like plum..that might be quite nice too. The idea of getting match pots is a good one...I will try some swatches! Thanks for your help!! Wendy
  • Wendy Tellson Armistead Wendy Tellson Armistead on Sep 30, 2015
    Hi Jaclyn, That is a possibility..it is so pretty..she doesn't want a photo on the internet, but thanks for the idea!! W
  • Lisa Lisa on Oct 01, 2015
    You could look at a paint palate at a paint store of duck egg blue and pick a color that is darker or lighter. Also the lighter green, yellow, grey or brownish taupes would work well.
  • Wendy Tellson Armistead Wendy Tellson Armistead on Oct 01, 2015
    I was looking on the web last n ight and the cottage is south facing..so..a feng shui posting came up..evidently red or orange are the most suitable colours for the door....hmmm...Red would go well..but not sure about a red door....and orange is not for me....thanks for your input!
  • Kathy Bitzan Kathy Bitzan on Oct 01, 2015
    any color you love, anything but white is my color of choice.
  • Wendy Tellson Armistead Wendy Tellson Armistead on Oct 01, 2015
    Good point, and I don't care for white front doors either! I have a piece of stained glass which I might have put into the door instead of the ugly ripple glass in it now..it has blue, green and red in the pattern, so one of those would look nice, perhaps. The feng shui website said that red is a good colour for a south facing door...hmmm..will have to think about that...maybe a sofeter, non tomator red would be good..thanks for the reply!
  • Wendy Tellson Armistead Wendy Tellson Armistead on Oct 13, 2015
    Hi Robin..this is perfect! What a lovely colour combination. Since I first posted, I also had a feng shui site pop up that tole me that since the cottage is south facing, i should go wth a red or warm colour..so the pink would be lovely. There is also a variant of that colour in the stained glass panel which I am having installed..i will take a picture when I have it done.I loved the pattern! Many thanks for your help! Wendy
    • Robin Robertson Robin Robertson on Oct 13, 2015
      @Wendy Tellson Armistead That's a great idea to take a colour from the stained glass you're going to use! I also thought a 'salmon' colour would be nice too... can't wait to see what you come up with! Oh, and take 'before & after' pics too... I love DIY makeovers and love to see what it looked like 'before' and then 'after'. I'm sure you do too - why else are we on Hometalk? haha Enjoy your day!
  • Wendy Tellson Armistead Wendy Tellson Armistead on Oct 13, 2015
    Hi Robin, Robin..I am excited about changing the colour..it is a very tired faded brown now..so a new colour will be lovely.I will take some pix. Wendy
    • Robin Robertson Robin Robertson on Oct 17, 2015
      @Wendy Tellson Armistead Sorry, Wendy, it doesn't appear that Hometalk sends a notice when someone replies on these 'question' sections. I didn't realise you had written back! Yes, please, I'd love to see a photo once you finish painting the door (don't forget the 'before & after' lol)... aren't I a pain? lol..
  • Wendy Tellson Armistead Wendy Tellson Armistead on Oct 17, 2015
    Hi Robin, I have been experimenting with dark pinks, reds, ruby, etc. The stained glass goes in this week, so it will be easier to judge when that happens....thanks for y our interest! W
    • Robin Robertson Robin Robertson on Oct 27, 2015
      @Wendy Tellson Armistead Hi Wendy, I wonder why we don't get notified when someone responds in this 'Question' section? I'm sorry I only checked this minute and saw your reply! It's now 10 days since you last wrote so maybe the new stained glass is in? lol... Any luck choosing your paint for the door? Can't wait to see it! Hope you're having some good weather. It's a gorgeous day here in the Hebrides (one of the very rare ones we've managed to have this year - a year of rain, rain and more rain! ugh!) Have a good day!
  • Wendy Tellson Armistead Wendy Tellson Armistead on Oct 27, 2015
    Hi Robin..no worries..the glass is in and I think that the ruby gloss will look very nice.... If I can, I ill take a picture for you! Wendy
    • Robin Robertson Robin Robertson on Oct 30, 2015
      @Wendy Tellson Armistead Wow, ruby glass - how posh! lol... I'd love to see a picture when you get a chance. I love 'before' & 'after' transformations so I hope you have a 'before' photo too lol Take care and Happy Halloween eve!
  • Wendy Tellson Armistead Wendy Tellson Armistead on Oct 30, 2015
    Hi Robin, Thanks for your message..the door is finished, but now has to be painted. The builders put the stained glass in and I am experimenting with paint colours..why don't they ever look the same on the wall or door as they do on the swatch? I will keep you poated,, Wendy
    • Robin Robertson Robin Robertson on Nov 03, 2015
      @Wendy Tellson Armistead LOL... I know - I suppose part of it has to do with the type of wood or if it's been painted or stained previously. I'm sure you'll do a fine job whatever colour you choose... don't worry so much - it's only paint and you can repaint it if it doesn't strike you as perfect! lol... Enjoy the process and take photos lol...
  • Pale green would be pretty!

  • Mogie Mogie on Sep 15, 2022

    Can you post photos so we can see what you working with?