Asked on Sep 29, 2015

I need some advice on options for changing my living room around

I love to hear some options on different ways I should change my living room around.
I have a fireplace with tv on top and glass door that goes out to my deck
  11 answers
  • Z Z on Sep 29, 2015
    Are you wanting to use the same furniture Rebecca? If so the only way I can think of is to switch the pieces around and then angle them to sort of make a triangle with the fireplace. It's hard to tell the space without a floor plan too.
    • Fab and Pretty Fab and Pretty on Sep 30, 2015
      @Z good suggestion.@Rebecca Haller-Fry maybe even switch the love seat couch depending on the room available. It does look at though there is a good amount of room to play with behind the couch. The arms could even possibly 'touch' creating a sectional feel, then put a taller table with a lamp or plant in that space created. I realize the time of day doesn't really show off your room colours. Repost once you're done!
  • I like Becky's suggestion about angling the furniture. I have also seen model homes in which both the sofa and the love seat are placed parallel to one another with either a coffee table or a large ottoman in the middle with trays so that you can set drinks or décor. This makes your sitting area intimate, yet allow plenty of space for walkways.
    • Z Z on Sep 29, 2015
      @Thank you Barbara. I like angled furniture. It surprisingly opens the room up. I've seen your suggestion done before too. It's very attractive and really great for conversation. It didn't dawn on me because I have neck issues. Not everyone has that problem though, so I'm glad you thought to suggest it.
  • Beverly Beverly on Sep 30, 2015
    Doesn't look like you have the room to angle the couch/loveseat. I might try switch the couch and loveseat. May give you the illusion of having more room.
  • MvM MvM on Sep 30, 2015
    The room needs a punch of color so I would add some bright throw pillows and accessories on the sofa table. The room can be defined by framing the French doors to the deck with some fun fabric...nothing fancy, just casually placed. The area behind the couch can be turned into a reading nook with some shelving, a nice comfortable chair and floor lamp. Looks like you could also use more light in the living room with some lamps.
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Sep 30, 2015
    Maybe reverse the couch and love seat and move the coffee table to accomodate both pieces.
  • 9530106 9530106 on Sep 30, 2015
    Perhaps move the couch and love seat out a bit, to open up the space, and place an end table between the two, creating an angle of sorts. Also,I think a sofa table behind the couch would be nice. It looks like you have room, and would help anchor the pieces.
  • Rebecca Haller-Fry Rebecca Haller-Fry on Sep 30, 2015
    Is this the triangle set you were thinking about?
    comment photo
    • See 3 previous
    • 9530106 9530106 on Oct 01, 2015
      @Rebecca Haller-Fry I was thinking of only moving the couch and love seat out a wee bit to open up the area, leaving them in the same position, but anchoring the area with an end table(between the couch and love seat) and possibly a sofa table.Hope you are having fun trying out all this "expert" advice!
  • Cheryl Cheryl on Sep 30, 2015
    Switch the sofa & loveseat. Put them closer together to format an L. Then put an end table in the space behind where arms touch. A nice lamp. Put coffee table in front of sofa. And push all a little closer to fireplace. It makes it nice & cozy for the winter ahead.
  • Buster Evans Buster Evans on Sep 30, 2015
    I dont know how far from me you are but one of my sisters would have all sorts of ideas and suggestions! I could loan her to you... lol... what I saw in the picture of the triangle set up was there is a spot next to the fireplace on the Right side... You could move the table by the stairs over there and bring the loveseat back to where that table is, then put the couch where the loveseat was in the first picture and use it as a room divider ... it would open up the whole room that way... OR.. slide the couch back some toward the stairs keep it in line with the right side molding of the window to the left of the door going out onto the deck allowing more room between the couch and coffee table, and the Fireplace for walking out to the deck and bring the loveseat back just a bit toward the room behind it yet slide it back toward the stairs with the couch also (with the arm of the loveseat about even with the Left door molding to leave plenty of walk space between it and the couch. A light colored curtain on each window on either side of the door with the left one tied back to the left and the right one tied back to the right would accent and frame that wall/door area.A step further would be curtains on the doors gathered together in the middle and wide at top and bottom, creating an hourglass effect... Mainly just play around with it and make it comfortable for you and your family.. if you dont like it or get tired of it you can always rearrange it again.
  • JulieArt JulieArt on Oct 01, 2015
    Triangle looks great. Any chance you could add a rug to anchor it all together?
  • Buster Evans Buster Evans on Oct 01, 2015
    You're welcome...