Cottage kitchen

by The1697928
I live in a cottage and there is wood everywhere including my cupboards, what can I do to brighten this up without painting out the cupboards. Walls and cathedral ceiling all wood. Any suggestions? See attached pictures.
  60 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Oct 02, 2015
    Honestly if you are choosing not to paint the only suggestion I have is to change the hardware on the cabinets to bushed nickel,Possibly spray paint the stools In a color,change out the curtain and accessorize with lighter colors.
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    • Emi Harr Emi Harr on Oct 02, 2015
      @Theloulou Yes, whitewashing would look good. It would brighten everything up without losing the look of wood. I had a dark gray brick fireplace up to the ceiling... I diluted latex paint, and brushed it on, I loved the look... it was now light grey bricks! Sorry, no pics.
  • Debra Debra on Oct 02, 2015
    Add more lights- around the room-under the cabinet strips-easy stick up ones available at hardware stores, floor lamp or table lamp-paint the chairs-recover the seats with bright pattern-add some scatter rugs with coordinating pattern-colorful pottery around the room-add a personal touch-black-beige and wood are a good foundation-add color or pattern to the mix-Happy Decorating!
  • Kim Kilmer Kim Kilmer on Oct 02, 2015
    Definitely add lights under cabinets and paint that furniture. Also, if your budget allows, change out the countertops to a light shade to help bounce the light around.
  • Debra Debra on Oct 02, 2015
    thought of something else-what about removing the doors on the upper cabinets all together and painting the inside of the cabinets? If you can't paint the insides either-then attach your choice of fabric to a square of cardboard and attach with Velcro coins to back of cabinet.. Search hometalk and pinterest-fabulous ideas abound-
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Oct 02, 2015
    Yes I do think the cabinets would look very nice in a white wash look especially against your countertop and appliances.However I still recommend refinishing the counter stools.
  • Cathy Murphy Cathy Murphy on Oct 02, 2015
    white washing is still painting....I think I would remove the doors and if you have to put something up look around for old cabinet doors that you can remove the middle out of or make frames and attach chicken wire or even light colored fabric to the back. Use the same print for stool covers and valance. Paint the stools a lighter color, too. What about some sort of prints/pictures on the solid cabinets over the bar stools. Quotes on light canvas or something like that? I like Primitive/Country/Flea Market decorating so I would hang light colored painted things on the space over the bar stools, like colanders, Mason jars attached to a piece of wood covered in burlap with stems of wild flowers in them, quotes on canvas., etc....but, that's my taste and may not be yours. Post pics after you make any changes. Love to see what you did.Not sure what's behind those doors, but we took down our door to the pantry/laundry and put up an old screened door to open up our space.
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  • Fab and Pretty Fab and Pretty on Oct 02, 2015
    When i look at your photo's I see lights that create a lot of shadows. Can you add more central lighting?
  • Kini Kini on Oct 02, 2015
    Contact paper! The come in different colors and patterns and are removable.
  • Z Z on Oct 02, 2015
    So much wood, even light colored wood such as yours, can be very overwhelming and tend to give any room a dark enclosed feeling. I, like others, feel lighting is one of the keys to making your home feel brighter. Not just any lighting, but I suggest adding full spectrum, often called daylight, bulbs to your existing fixtures in the living areas of your home. You won't want them in bedrooms as they have a tendency to keep one awake as sunlight would. That done, I'd recommend adding area rugs, throws, toss pillows, and other accessories in a light color that will reflect the light, giving each room a brighter appearance. If you can changed out the counter in the kitchen to something much lighter, preferably solid in color, that will help your kitchen feel brighter too. Maybe even paint it for now.
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Oct 02, 2015
    I dont agree on the contact paper I visualize that as a accident awaiting to happen As stated previously I do not think there is any reason for replacing the countertop.
  • Pat matthews Pat matthews on Oct 02, 2015
    The only answer is to paint at least a portion of the wood. This is too much of a good thing
  • Pat matthews Pat matthews on Oct 02, 2015
    The only answer is to paint at least a portion of the wood. This is too much of a good thing
  • Funnygirl Funnygirl on Oct 03, 2015
    greenery always breaks up a lot of wood nicely.If you have any space for several potted indoor plants would break it up nicely.For low light,peace lilies are great choices,easy to care for.I would hang a lot of bright colorful pictures anywhere you have space.The larger the better.Think gallery spaces.A large bright floor cloth made from canvas or vinyl would also help.Love the wood too,just a little to much.I think the plants and artwork will go a long way!Love those large clocks for large walls too.would add artificial greenery on top of cabinets.Some or it can be nice or a combination of greenery,and vases with dried grasses will give nice interest.I would also like a collection of different sized globes a nice choice to jazz up the top of the cabinets.
  • Jonnie Hammon Jonnie Hammon on Oct 03, 2015
    Paint, paint, and paint. Be original, be bold, make it match you and your likes. Kitchens should be bright, and light. You should want to be in them, to enjoy cooking, and more in them. When you begin to paint, do not forget the appliances. They make it even darker. I personally would choose a light turquoise for the the appliances, with white for the wood, except for every fifth, or sixth board. Those I would paint the color of the appliances, a complementary, or contrasting color. My youngest daughter would choose red for the appliances, with red on the wood stripes, but she would change the stripes into squares, my oldest daughter would go with blue, and my son would defeat the whole purpose, of lighting it up, by choosing black.😂
  • Tammy Robertson Tammy Robertson on Oct 03, 2015
    I agree, a light colored paint on the walls would be my choice since you don't want to paint your cupboards. I had a lot of wood in my kitchen and wanted it brighter also, so I did the unmentioned and painted my cupboards an off white. It made a HUGE difference
  • Debbie Debbie on Oct 03, 2015
    I have read of fabric being applied to walls with a liquid starch mixture. It has the look of wallpaper but can be removed easily when desired. Just wipe down walls after removing. The fabric can be reused on future projects. I am not sure how well this would work on paneled walls.
  • KatieJoe Koshinski KatieJoe Koshinski on Oct 03, 2015
    You could make a faux window with artificial lighting
  • KatieJoe Koshinski KatieJoe Koshinski on Oct 03, 2015
    To finish my previous post, using an old window paint the panes with a pretty outdoor scene. Then attach a small set of white lights to the side that will be facing the wall. The dress up the window just like you would a regular window the window dressings and enjoy.
  • Linda Mount Linda Mount on Oct 03, 2015
    Painting the ceiling white will r6eally open it up visually...then paint all the trim to match
  • Linda Mount Linda Mount on Oct 03, 2015
    Painting the ceiling white will r6eally open it up visually...then paint all the trim to match
  • SandiR816 SandiR816 on Oct 03, 2015
    Can you remove the cabinets over the bar? That would open the space. Also - is this a log home or is just the kitchen this rustic? If the whole house is like this you need to be careful so everything flows well. Also- look at your lighting. Go LED on everything. A pretty repurposed chandelier would look cool in that space as well
  • Ray Phillips Ray Phillips on Oct 03, 2015
    Different lighting will work wonders. I would never paint that beautiful wood.
  • Kincaid99 Kincaid99 on Oct 03, 2015
    Personally I like the rustic, but if you don't and have to live with it, that is another matter. Some well placed light (LED) light colored kitchen artwork, The cabinets over the bar should come out, the countertop could be lighter, everything in the kitchen is dark, bring in some light. Are you totally against whitewashing, I have done this and it is a great improvement
  • Pauliegirl1 Pauliegirl1 on Oct 03, 2015
    The doors that I see in the back ground, is that to your pantry? You could change those out for screen doors? Maybe paint the word "PANTRY" ON the screens, or a sign above it? If you look at flea markets or re-store, you can find them for $30.00 or less!! You could really decorate them up...with wood pieces, decorative, paint, and a whole new look!! I cant think of it now, but there is an online store to buy the decorative wood pieces....I will let you know when my brain wakes up!! ha!! I also agree with all the other suggestions!!
  • Susan Thompson Susan Thompson on Oct 03, 2015
    I love wood, but that much wood everywhere would make me batty. I have to have color. If you want to keep the wood grain showing, just do a color wash on the walls. Something light and bright to make it feel more open.Can't really do the ceiling, as it runs into the rest of the house, unless you want to do the whole area, then I'd at least white wash it. I think I'd lose the cabinets over the bar as well, to open it up to the living area. And I like the idea of changing out what is possibly a pantry door. Good luck!
  • Marj Marj on Oct 03, 2015
    Change up the light fixtures, curtains and if you want, the counters?
  • MaryEllen Brown MaryEllen Brown on Oct 03, 2015
    I have had a cabin like this. I loved the wood and did not want to paint it. Instead I made the area bright with true colors. White, Red, Yellow, Blue. Us bowls on counters hang you platter, put a tea kettle on stove. Change the color on you bar stool seats. Put a bright throw and pillows on your black couch. Bright curtain on the window- or no curtain and hang stain glass small stars, hearts or whatever you like make them clear like Crystal. Always have fresh flowers or a plant. Hope this helps. Have fun
  • Sara Sara on Oct 03, 2015
    I am looking at my house's twin! We added on to our knotty pine cottage twice and continued with the pine because we loved it. Our kitchen ended up in the middle of the house. We took a wall out to open up the area. I think if you take out the top cabinets it would help. (Have to get creative with the lost storage!) The lighting ideas are helpful for me, too!. We all have different tastes. If you love the wood, keep it! Don't paint it unless you are sure! When we were adding on there was a home remodeling taking place with all the exact wood (age and patina!) for sale at the price per foot for new--we passed on principal---would not have to stain, but it would've been a PUZZLE! 😃 I'll be checking on your action and for more ideas.! I changed my pulls to white later to brushed metal.
  • Janis Hill Janis Hill on Oct 03, 2015
    Add green. Lots of green. It brings life to a room. Spray paint your stools in an apple green then recover the seats in a lively print. They should just screw off. (see picture) Spray paint your knife block the same color. Remove the curtain over the sink. You really don't need one and by not having it there you will maximize the light coming in. If, for some reason, you just want a curtain there, buy one that is bright and happy. (see picture) On the side windows (in front of the table0 hang the curtains so they are off to the side and up high. (see picture) Buy some new coffee mugs in a bright green. Add some fun throw pillows to your sofa using various shades of green. Add a large green print rug right in the middle of the floor. Looks like a 5'X7' would be about right. If that is too big go with a runner. Add a couple of green plants to the window sill in front of the sink. And finally begin changing out your black for a lighter color as money permits. I would love to see the finished room!
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    • Z Z on Oct 05, 2015
      @Janis, now that I'm thinking about my fabrics and the awesome rug I bought to go in the room too, I'm finding it hard to wait to decorate the room. The rug is ivory and beige so it wouldn't last with two males using the room, so I'll have to learn to be patient again. I'd have bought more of the green fabric, but at the time I bought it, the shade I wanted was only available in out door fabric. I'd have loved the drapes to be all green but will be happy with a shower curtain.
  • Em Hooper Em Hooper on Oct 03, 2015
    Lots of good ideas already! My suggestions to play with: I'd hang a thrifted chandelier or 2. Put clear xmas mini lights around the upper edges of the walls/cabinets. Or rope lighting all around above the cabinets. Check out your DIY home store and work on the lighting, as now it is not bathing the room in light, but coming from many sources and "patchy." The dishwasher could have a changeable door. If so, buy a white door and change it. Buy a piece of countertop in a light color and set it on top of the toaster counter, if there's no way to temporarily replace the counter and backsplash. MaryEllen is on to something .....painted bar stools with colorful cushions would be good. And change the black on the dining set. Anything you can paint from dark to light, do it. Also, get a white trash container. And maybe a light color piece of carpeting. You have your work cut out for you, good luck.......
  • Peppi Peppi on Oct 03, 2015
    love the green idea. i would also add decoupage to the counters. you can get paper napkins from the dollar tree or the christmas tree shop. they have the most amazing napkins. cut out or use whole design and then remove all layers except the top one. from there mod podge to counter and cover with polycrylic once both coats are dry. good luck. decoupage is great on everything!
  • LD LD on Oct 03, 2015
    The lighting needs to be updated to give more overall lighting, by using Edison bulbs or Cree Natural light bulbs, which will give you more light and lighten up the space; and removing and relocating the cabinets over the bar area and install pendant lights, which will not only give more light to the space and open sight lines into the other room. Take the upper cabinets over bar area, add a kick plate, and add a counter top.
  • MaryEllen Brown MaryEllen Brown on Oct 03, 2015
    You will go great just do and use things you like. With the colors that make you happy.
  • Tris Smith Tris Smith on Oct 03, 2015
    I would add mirrors to reflect light and add pops of color with curtains recovered stools, placemats, accessories and plants. You could increase the lighting change out the hardware and add throw rugs. There are back splash tiles that look like pressed tin rhat will relect light.
  • Maria Grazia Littrell Maria Grazia Littrell on Oct 03, 2015
    put up some white trim. break up the wood look ...light colors
  • LaVerne Jutila LaVerne Jutila on Oct 03, 2015
    Where is your cabin I love it want to move in
  • Vel1629730 Vel1629730 on Oct 04, 2015
    Hi -- Your space would be stunning if you painted everything white...If you are renting, then start painting or replacing your furnishings with white farmhouse style or modern items. Change all window coverings to white. To lighten counter tops if you can't change the counters themselves, add light-colored wood cutting boards in the appropriate areas. As others recommended, add as much lighting as possible. If practical, add small table lamps to the counters. add large scale mirrors and light background artwork to the walls. Best of have great "bones" to work with!
  • JJ Storz JJ Storz on Oct 04, 2015
    Make better use of direct lighting... you'll note in the first pic it's either daytime or your camera had some pretty good flash. That wood is light enough. And gorgeous. Don't you dare paint that....
  • Debt Debt on Oct 04, 2015
    LED lights under cabinets. Crown molding on top of cabinets & LED lights. Scones up lights . Light fabrics. Easy breezy. I love the wood as is.
  • Gwen Gwen on Oct 04, 2015
    I could not read other replies except add LED lights. Yes! Battery kinds even last long. Karri at Thistlewood Farms blog used hobby paper from Hobby Lobby that looked like whitewashed wood. She used tape to hold it up as backing for a bookcase but you could add it above the bar and use light weight plastic strips painted a soft grey brown color in the paper as molding and glue to the paper. Command hooks do not ruin wood. At all. I've used that to hold up paper too. It could be repeated aove that double door area at the end of the kitchen and above cabinet space. I see you have a valance. It provides no privacy but it feels heavy. IKEA has thin cotton curtains for such a reasonable price that would be airy and lighten the expanse of wood. Spray paint the barstool so bright color white ( there's many shades of white to choose from!) and redo the cushions easily but with a light white and geometric line of a right color you like. Light blue? Light yellow? Red? It's just a geometric line OR cover with a grain sack or a faux grain sack. It's light but has that line of color. I'd make a coffee station. Set the Keurig on a white tray with white container for standing spoons, another for sugar, white napkins. Paint the mug holder white ( spray paint) and get white mugs. Get all white towels for the kitchen. That one looks sooo dark. I like the toaster. It is bright. But what is next to it?? Does it have to be out? On the bar, keep it simple. See wayyy up high, even higher than the refrigerator? Put nothing up there but some of the hobby paper that truly would look like you had whitewashed strategic areas. Hang it all sideways all places. Much more in than up and down. It is not pricey and Hobby a Lobby takes a coupon and you can also order online now too. See your dark half rug by the sink? I joined Wayfair for free and got a large rug for a reasonable price. Well under $100. I did buy a pad elsewhere. Ross? But if it were gray with a light design it wouldn't show dirt terribly but it would add color. I've even gotten indoor/outdoor rugs and spent very little. I used a very inexpensive rug pad. See your lovely leather couch? Throw a white throw and pillows that are light with a saying or a design but throwing the throw over the back corner of the couch lightens the room and pillows do bring personality to the room. I like my Pottery Barn ones but my daughter bought hers at HomeGoods. I see the dark valance on what seems to be the patio sliding doors. Remove it and get light airy cotton full length drapes you just pull aside on rings. If you can, hang as close to ceiling as possible. This gives a light look up higher. If you have anything on tables, any lamps, keep them visually lighter not heavy looking. If you have lamps you can paint, I've used chalk paint with great success plus spray paint has worked. I've found shades at Target or Lowes or Ross. Or clearance da time Pottery Barn!! A light colored basket with magazines or a few white logs in a n old wooden box looks light too by a fireplace. Hang a large clock with a large white face. Use a big white jar for white sprayed branches. Since its heading into fall and the loss of leaves. Use real white pumpkins for decor inside and out. No painting done but you'll be happy. My friend even laid a white large plastic piece on her counter and that cut the darkness. It was a type of cutting surface. Just an idea to brighten even the counters!!! Have fun!!!
  • Cheryle Fuller Cheryle Fuller on Oct 04, 2015
    You might paint the inside of the cabinets, and remove a few of the doors, maybe where the dishes are kept or one that does not get much use where you can display some nice things. Rope lights are fairly cheap, and you can use clips to secure them just inside the cabinet doors, outlining them.
  • Elaine Shoyren Morris Elaine Shoyren Morris on Oct 04, 2015
    I would remove the upper cabinets where the bar stool peninsula is, and put pretty pendant lights there. I agree that that wood should not be painted.
  • Pauliegirl1 Pauliegirl1 on Oct 04, 2015
    Do you have a pantry? You could still change those, just get a dark screen color, and be creative! And if you do have a pantry....change it too!!
  • D wright D wright on Oct 04, 2015
    In addition to some of the other suggestions (add led lights, replace doors with glass doors, put lights in some of the cabinets to highlight the contents, put in a bright floor or a bright kitchen rug. Hang some bright mugs, canisters, etc. Every color has a bright hue. Add a good center light or drop a good light on a rod if it is in a high ceiling.
  • Jgee Jgee on Oct 04, 2015
    Wood is lovely, plants, you need greens lady, real if light is right. bring in white wall decor, natural would be great. Play up the earthly look. Some fun decorating with small lights in plants might be fun!
  • Linda Linda on Oct 05, 2015
    Our large foyer was surrounded by similar expensive wood. It felt dated and gloomy to us. We finally decided to take a chance and painted our foyer in semi-white paint (yes, we painted over it). We loved it! Our foyer looks clean, spacious, elegant, and added a pop of silver with beige. Good luck in whatever you decide. :) Linda
  • Helene234 Helene234 on Oct 05, 2015
    Linda's right.....paint, paint, pain,t except for the white, use pure white and very good paint. The contrast between the wood and the white needs pure white, Then, think minimalist décor, no knick knacks no long hinges on the cupboard doors or simply remove these and have white on while shelving to store your all white dishes. This would give you cottage an updated look..
  • Carrie Krumrie Carrie Krumrie on Oct 05, 2015
    You can actually paint the walls and doors a light cream and it will look amazing....Caulk around the top of the bead board for a more finished look!! I helped my husband with a redo of his rental house in the Emory area in Atlanta!!!! Vintage look faucet really helped add the updated vintage look!!!
  • Mina McWhorter Mina McWhorter on Oct 06, 2015
    Plants maybe (if you have a green thumb) but definitely paint, paint, paint.
  • PainterNoni PainterNoni on Oct 06, 2015
    NO! Do NOT paint! I notice your furnishing are dark.........paint them a lighter color. Put up white shelves on walls.........then more white accents and greenery all over........even paint the toaster. If you must paint, paint only the doors and trim. You could then still have all that beautiful REAL wood. Personally, I would try to lighten up the stainless steel appliances......and maybe lighter counters. If you must have lighter cabinets.....trying bleaching and paint!
  • PainterNoni PainterNoni on Oct 06, 2015
    One more thing......either get rid of the curtains entirely, or put up crisp white ones with no valence..the valence cuts off the natural light. this is a cottage.....revel in it....don't make it look like some house in a subdivision.
  • Sarah Johnson Sarah Johnson on Oct 07, 2015
    Wow i need to think about this one, the wood is beautiful but it does need to be toned down just a bit and the light coming into the rooms is not right to much glare. A lot of people have had great ideas but painting all that wood diy is a lot to take on and i like the wood,maybe just pick a lite brown for the cabinets doors and a cream color for the trim and add pics, wreaths, plants. The windows simplier maybe a matchstick and valance and focus on brighten up the furniture and maybe. It does need flair but remember its still beautiful and one day at a time.
  • on Oct 08, 2015
    To brighten things up, you can resurface your fridge and dishwasher with white beadboard. You may also want to lighten up your countertop by resurfacing that in a lighter color as well (that's if it's not stone.) You'll find more ideas for brightening up your kitchen here:
  • Sharon Huneycutt Harris Sharon Huneycutt Harris on Oct 09, 2015
    I hate to see you paint all that beautiful wood. I rather like it. It's hard to find real wood cabinets today. We had a large lake house built in 1964 for awhile. It was wood panelling in every single room, including the kitchen. Beautiful tongue and groove oak panelling. But someone had tried to "lighten" it up when pickling was a fad. They had pickled every single room. My bedroom was pickled pink (yep, I said pickled pink, LOL). My husband's room was pickled beige. The kitchen, living, dining and entrance hall were pickled green. And, with the large windows, it had faded. They had varnished to seal it and the varnish had turned brown. With all those grooves, it couldn't be easily sanded so we had no choice but to paint over it all. I could kill the person who had pickled and varnished all that! It totally ruined that gorgeous panelling. Please, be sure you know what you are doing before you make any rash changes. Your panelling is beautiful and easy to dust and keep clean. I wouldn't change it.
  • Sharon Huneycutt Harris Sharon Huneycutt Harris on Oct 09, 2015
    As far as brightening, I like the blue countertops, could you re-do the floor with a matching blue ceramic tile? White appliances are not only practical (for not showing every smudge) but lighten a kitchen. Then use plenty of accessories in colors. An over head kitchen light would help too.
  • Kayo Frazier Kayo Frazier on Oct 09, 2015
    Here's my 2 cents...Since you don't want to lose the cottage feel, or some of the paneling I would pick 2-3 of your biggest walls & drywall them you can DIY it, or hire professionals to do it then paint those walls a light blue color. For the short wall on the back of your cabinets, and below the counter make sure you do the end caps for both of them. You can get 24" x 24" tin tiles that you can distress w/ white, & blue to match your counters. Change out the curtains for white sheers w/ maybe some embroidery or lace touches.
  • Marilyn McCormick Marilyn McCormick on Oct 09, 2015
    It appears that the table and chairs are dark brown wood (or painted?) and a dark brown leather chair in the corner of a photo? Add color such as green & white in--placemats, curtains, sofa pillows, bar stool seats etc but not all matching or exact same print or shade of green, and with a "bit" of the dark brown in one or two of the fabrics to tie it all together. Maybe a table runner on the brown table in colors mentioned and then a bright fruit bowl in a contrasting shade of burnt orange or even a white painted hurricane lamp. A lot can be done to brighten up the room without painting anything.
  • Anissa.osborne Anissa.osborne on Oct 10, 2015
    Peel and stick contact/vinyl paper. The good stuff, not cheap kind. Do an every other vertical board on cabinets, or take hardware off, cover whole door, replace hardware. Use a light colored contact paper.
  • Teresa C Teresa C on Oct 10, 2015
    How about white washing the wood so the grain still is showing and the room lightens up. I would do the ceiling and the cabinets.
  • Andrea Andrea on Jan 16, 2018

    adding lighting, changing the countertops and lighter furnishings would all help.