Asked on Oct 07, 2015

Looking to make candy dishes for xmas, got any ideas

by Kathy
Last year I crocheted around a fish bowl and made it into a snowman, any ideas for me this year. I want something homemade, thanks.
  10 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Oct 07, 2015
    Buy some mason jars and paint or modpoge them then put ribbons around and fill with candy peanuts etc.
  • Jan Shore Jan Shore on Oct 07, 2015
    Buy Terra cotta flower pots, turn upsidedown,top with a dollar store bowl. Paint the flower pot add a ribbon and colorful decoration.
  • Darlene  Bazzoli Darlene Bazzoli on Oct 07, 2015
    Saw a neat thing on Pinterest melting plastic beads
  • Z Z on Oct 07, 2015
    This is an idea I've been wanting to make for a long time, but have too many other things on my list. The first one uses oven bake clay and the second link is with air dry clay. I'm adding a video for the air dry clay idea too.
  • Cheryl Tarkington Cheryl Tarkington on Oct 08, 2015
    I made some neat bowls using rolled tubs of paper. It is very sturdy and you can use colorful magazine or catalogue pages to make the tubs. The instructions are on youtube and it is very inexpensive, Just look for paper tube how to and it's even fun.
  • Cheryl Tarkington Cheryl Tarkington on Oct 08, 2015
    I like the mason jar suggestion above.
  • Moxie Moxie on Oct 08, 2015
    What about Chinese food boxes with metal handels decorated like presents?
  • Carol Ann Sherman Carol Ann Sherman on Oct 11, 2015
    I like recycling 2 liter bottles by cutting off the bottom, touching it lightly with a hot iron to allow the edges to curl. Then you can paint, use markers and melted crayons- so many different things to liven up the exterior. You can make several using different bottles and cutting them at different heights, then attaching them together as a set in a decorative fashion.
  • Darla Brown Darla Brown on Nov 15, 2015
    I used some really pretty votive candle holders I found along with some pretty mismatched holiday tea plates..I glued the pretty clear candle holders to the bottom of the plates instant candy dishes I also did this with clear glass candle holders in various heights for candle holders ..added a touch of greenery and a candle...they can be midge lodged or left plain painted sanded and etched ..hard to explain and I don't have a blog to show steps but this gives you an idea....this year I am looking for pretty bowls and candle sticks or votives to use