5 Ingenious Ways to Re-Use NEWSPAPER

Reading the paper while I drink my coffee in the morning is one of my favorite ways to start the day. Yes, I still get the news through print medium instead of just through the internet like many in my age group and those who are younger.
Since we get the paper delivered daily, you can imagine how quickly it accumulates around our home.
The good news is that I'm always either recycling or re-using the paper in some form.

In fact, I shared some of my favorite ways of re-using our newspaper on a nationally syndicated talk show! My segment recently aired on October 5th!

Since my T.V. appearance featured some of the ways I re-use newspaper, I thought I'd share my Top 5 favorites here:
1) Wrapping Gifts: If you want to make newspaper wrap look extra pretty, simply add ribbon (or twine) and a cute tag to complete the look.
2) Lining Vegetable Drawer: By lining your vegetable drawer, you will be able to keep your drawer odor free as well as absorb any mess from rotten produce. Replacing the newspaper once a week is about as frequent as you will need. Just doing this simple trick can prolong the life of your produce by at least 3 - 5 days.
3) Cleaning Doors and Windows: Not only are you saving money from not having to use paper towels, the newspaper provides excellent streak-free and lint-free cleaning! Just ball the newspaper up and clean your glass doors and windows as you normally would with paper towels.

P.S. You can create an effective and chemical-free cleaning solution by combining 50% distilled white vinegar and 50% tap water. Add a few squeezes of lemon if you want to diffuse some of the vinegar scent.
4) Retaining Shape of Boots

To prevent boots from slouching or losing their original shape, stuffing them with newspaper after use is a great alternative to using boot shapers.

Tip: For easy access, leave a bag of balled up newspaper near your shoe storage area.
5) Disposable Table Mats: Nothing like going rustic when it comes to eating seafood. Seafood meals are messy. Laying newspaper down as table mats makes total sense. My parents taught me this trick very early in life!
For 5 MORE ingenious ways to re-use newspaper, please visit website below. Plus, you'll see a picture of me on my guest segment on TV. I still can't believe I was on camera!
Tee @ Beauteefulliving
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  • Heather Bayliss Heather Bayliss on Oct 12, 2015
    I like this post - its a reminder of how to use what we have available all around us to improvise and adapt! Thank you for sharing. :D
    • Tee @ Beauteefulliving Tee @ Beauteefulliving on Oct 12, 2015
      @Heather Bayliss Hi Heather! Thanks so much for commenting. Yes, I also think it's great to find ways to re-use whatever we have around us. :)