Asked on Oct 11, 2015

New bathroom light fixtures

by Shelley
I bought 2 new light fixtures for the bathroom. They go on each side of the mirror. What I didn't know until I took the old ones out, is someone cut a hole in the tile by the tub so the fixture would be flush with the wall. The new ones are smaller. So now I have a 1/2" space around the light. It's also uneven as you can see. I need a way to fill in the hole or cover it.
I was considering taking out the 2 rows of tile, but I'm afraid I would break tiles next to it that I want to keep. These tiles were installed probably in the 50's when the house was built so we have plaster walls. Not an easy patch.
The hole is about 5" in diameter. The light fixture is 4 1/2".
I did have it covered with a piece of wallpaper. Since it's the fixture right by the tub, it started curling with the humidity from the shower.
I need a more permanent fix. Any help would be appreciated.
  46 answers
  • What initially comes to mind is a small medallion painted to match the fixture. (Like the attached image). Another option is to search for a matching replacement base in a larger size. Finally, you could cut a circular piece of 1/8" plywood to the same size as the hole (make a template out of a card stock paper to get an exact match) Then, paint the plywood to match the fixture and mount beneath the fixture base. Probably will get the nicest look from the medallion.
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  • Shelley Shelley on Oct 11, 2015
    I looked at some medallions before. They're too big. If you look at the photo, on the bottom right side, the fixture is only 2" from the permanent towel bar. Thanks for other suggestions.
  • Z Z on Oct 11, 2015
    Have you thought about getting different fixtures that have a larger base? If not, then your best bet is to make your own medallion of sorts. A plastic/Melamine type lunch plate or saucer comes to mind. A wood plaque would also work but need to be sealed properly because of using in a bathroom. We made some from wood plaques for our Sunroom fixtures as with the new coffered ceiling our fixtures wouldn't fit. They have worked well. Sharing a picture below. We used a circle cutter, but one could drill a hole in the center and use a jigsaw instead. It's too bad you can't just buy the hole cover from a can light converter kit. That's really all you'd need.
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    • See 7 previous
    • Z Z on Oct 20, 2015
      @B. Enne, very true.
  • Z Z on Oct 11, 2015
    Decided to keep searching and came up with something else that might help if you can find the right size.
    • See 2 previous
    • Shelley Shelley on Oct 12, 2015
      @Z - Thanks for your help.
  • Linda Santo Linda Santo on Oct 11, 2015
    Don't worry about breaking the tiles. It's really pretty easy. Use a grout tool to remove the old grout and pull off the tiles carefully. Then you can "steal" (like I did) some matching tile from behind the vanity or toilet. Problem solved.
  • Jonnie Hammon Jonnie Hammon on Oct 12, 2015
    Cement board, like is used behind tiles in tub, and shower surrounds, can handle the moisture.
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Oct 12, 2015
    Have you thought about finding some accent tiles...those small a copper or bronze type look and fitting them around the hole. If they are too large, then find some coordinating tile, buy a few, break them up and make a mosiac to fill in around the light. Pick something in your color scheme. Those glass tiles the color of beach stones are soo pretty. In fact, look at flat sided marbles you can buy at the craft stores. They come in all colors and will be so pretty when the light shines on them. You can find them in clear and stay with a neutral color! Please post your solution...we are always interested in what solutions people use!
  • Janis Janis on Oct 12, 2015
    Similar idea as above but fill in the gap around the fixture with tile adhesive and cut to fit tiles around the fixture - curved on the inside, squared on the out side. Maybe a chrome colored tile or even glass would be pretty. It doesn't have to be big but keep it neutral.
  • Marie Alesi Caruana Marie Alesi Caruana on Oct 12, 2015
    We had the same problem but glued round wooden pieces around the fixture and painted them a complementary color.
  • Mary Swanson Mary Swanson on Oct 12, 2015
    They carry lamp canopy or bases at hardware stores, etc. A quick look at ebay showed 5" diameter bases
  • Wanda.ll Wanda.ll on Oct 12, 2015
    I would go with some kind of piece under too. Maybe glass plate, decorative brass/chrome thing like over hole for ceiling fan , any kind of decorative ceiling plate would work.Could do a theme something. What does the rest of bathroom look like. And what does the whole light look like together. Would help with you getting more ideas I think. If we had more photos.
  • Shelley Shelley on Oct 12, 2015
    Thank you. You wouldn't happen to have a photo?
    • Z Z on Oct 12, 2015
      @Shelley, who is this comment directed to? I did post a photo. You'd have to click on the "see previous" to the right at the top of the replies.
  • Shelley Shelley on Oct 12, 2015
    Thank you. I was just looking at that idea online.
  • Shelley Shelley on Oct 12, 2015
    Sorry. Didn't see it before.Thank you.
  • Shelley Shelley on Oct 12, 2015
    More photos. Thanks.
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  • Shelley Shelley on Oct 12, 2015
    Sorry, I'm not finding them on Ebay. What did you use as the search term?
  • Shari Roten Shari Roten on Oct 12, 2015
    you could possibly get a deco plate....I would not mess with the tile - as a pro tile setter....or....just get different light fixtures that have the proper size?
  • Sally-Charles Evans Sally-Charles Evans on Oct 12, 2015
    You might try some white silicone caulk around the edged. It is easy to work with and can be smoothed with a damp finger to even out any edges.
  • Jennifer Jennifer on Oct 12, 2015
    perhaps a decorative piece designed to mount behind a ceiling fixture, or fan. They are usually with the fan parts and accessories in Lowe's or Home Depot. Hopefully you can find a size that works for you.
  • LD LD on Oct 12, 2015
    I would take a piece of wood and cut it to cover the hole in the existing tile, and finish and install your new lights. Just make sure that what ever way you decide to finish this would that you properly seal the wood since this in a bathroom.
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    • Shelley Shelley on Oct 12, 2015
      @LD -Thank you. I'll consider it.
  • Z Z on Oct 12, 2015
    This could possibly work but I'm sure you'd have to add some more holes to it.
    • Shelley Shelley on Oct 12, 2015
      @Z - Thanks but I would have to cut it to fit the chrome fixture exactly. Not sure I'm that skilled.
  • LindaK LindaK on Oct 12, 2015
    How about some drywall mud filled in level to the tile, then paint to match the tile sealing it against moisture.
  • Muriel Muriel on Oct 12, 2015
    Look at the 'plaques' available Wooden, one piece, like trophy backings. If you found one you liked, paint or stain to your liking after you put hole in for light fixture.
  • Is it possible to use the piece from the old fixture that fits in the tile cut out?
  • EdiLeck EdiLeck on Oct 12, 2015
    Find some small glass mosaic tiles that compliment your decor to glue and grout in the space. Mirrored tiles would compliment the chrome. The little mosaic tiles are easily cut with a pair of nippers - just be careful with the tiny glass shards!
  • Irene Irene on Oct 12, 2015
    What about a stainless steel or chrome pie plate or charger face down under your light fixture and calk in place. Or, buy one decorative 8-12" tile, cut the correct size hole in it and cement/ grout the tile over your existing tiles to give a decorative border to your fixture. Or, fill the unwanted area with cement to level it out with your tile and top it with enough little tiles to circle the light fixture base for a circular frame.
  • Shelley Shelley on Oct 12, 2015
    Thanks. I don't want to buy anything that I have to cut into. Making it level with the tile brings it further out from the wall. The other fixture is flat against the wall. I think it would look strange.
  • Shelley Shelley on Oct 12, 2015
    Thanks for the cool idea.
  • Kincaid99 Kincaid99 on Oct 12, 2015
    Use a decorative chrome ring to cover the cut away tile, like they have around the stove burners.
  • Shelley Shelley on Oct 12, 2015
    That's gone. It was all one piece and a complete different type.
  • Shelley Shelley on Oct 12, 2015
    Thanks. Not wanting anything I have to cut a hole in.
  • Heartbeat Heartbeat on Oct 12, 2015
    Did you look in the lumber section Of your home store? I know they carry circular wooden molding and plastic or plaster. They're meant to Cover those type of empty spaces.
  • Katrina Warren Katrina Warren on Oct 12, 2015
    In the lighting section of your hardware store they should have medalions, they come in varying sizes & are normally mounted on the ceiling for a decorative touch around the lighting, but can be used on the wall as well.
    • Shelley Shelley on Oct 12, 2015
      @Katrina Warren Thanks. I've looked at those. The fixture is only 2" from the permanent towel bar. I haven't found any that small.
  • Terri Upchurch Terri Upchurch on Oct 12, 2015
    This might work cause it already has a hole. This can be found at home depot in plumbing supply and measures 5" across. DANCO Model # 89052 Internet # 100185777 Store SKU # 196906 One-Screw Overflow Plate in Chrome
  • Rose M Phares Rose M Phares on Oct 12, 2015
    Maybe some really small tiles to match the existing ones that will fill in the space and make it more of a focal point?
  • David Ogden David Ogden on Oct 12, 2015
    Try a little caulk and then paint it to match the color of the tile
    • Shelley Shelley on Oct 13, 2015
      @David Ogden That seems to be the easiest so far. Thanks.
  • Liliana Wells Liliana Wells on Oct 13, 2015
    Circle the fixtures with glass stones as a decorative feature.
  • Sally Culp Hallman Sally Culp Hallman on Oct 13, 2015
    how about a small plastic decorative ring like is used around a ceiling fixture-they make very big fancy ones but also have small ones that would add a decorative trim for a very low price-look in the lighting department at Lowes
  • Denise Boyce Denise Boyce on Oct 13, 2015
    I say buy new fixtures with bigger bases.
  • Jean Jean on Oct 14, 2015
    Go to the dollar store or thrift store. Find a plate bigger than the bare spot (ceramic tougher to drill but prettier, plastic easier to use but not as elegant) carefully drill through plate and using its upper (eating surface) to the wall, put it on prior to reattaching your fixture. Maybe. Might work.
  • Sandy Hartnett Sandy Hartnett on Oct 26, 2015
    Would gas range round metal burner covers work? They r chrome or aluminum!
  • Sandy Hartnett Sandy Hartnett on Oct 26, 2015
    I'm a mosaicist so I would match the tile, break it up and mosaic around the fixtures. Also can use different color if u can't find a match!
  • Shelley Shelley on Nov 01, 2015
    Thanks for all the help. Here's what I did.
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  • Sally Culp Hallman Sally Culp Hallman on Nov 02, 2015
    looks like a great solution!
  • Jennifer Jennifer on Nov 02, 2015
    great idea, looks very nice, and not cobbled up