Asked on Oct 16, 2015

Decorating terrace

by Adv2639737
Here are a few pics of my terrace. Please suggest how to decorate.
  12 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Oct 16, 2015
    To start I would recommend buying plant stands and arrange the pots according to the size of the plant for some focal interest. Then if you would like to add some color and have access to nurseries I would make some containers with flowers.
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    • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Oct 17, 2015
      @Adv.pushkarsapre sorry but I dont give my e-mail out. My other suggestion would be to purchase an outdoor carpet to add some additional color to the area. Try these ideas first then we will go from there.
  • Fab and Pretty Fab and Pretty on Oct 16, 2015
    You have a beautiful opportunity I would leave the distressed concrete and work with it! Great space. Do you need that many plants? Is there a chance you would consider less plants with more green and floral punch like geraniums, plants with large bright green and purple leaves. Also perhaps in that corner a large container with a small tree or trellis with a climbing plant, arrange other 'fuller' plants and pots coming from the corner. Maybe a couple of small potted flowers on the stairs As for containers watch for sales or 2nd hand and invest in clay and ceramic pots. To work with the worn concrete and iron stair watch for 'rustic', shabby chic or italian style outdoor furniture and add seat cushions and pillows! I've added pictures hope this helps, would love to see what you come up with!
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  • Kincaid99 Kincaid99 on Oct 16, 2015
    If you are allowed, paint the concrete a medium grey, put up some lattice against one wall to hang small pots from and some other accents, a small table with one or two chairs, small off white bench with pots of flowers and collectibles arranged around. Bench with pillows for seating, this is a wonderful area, with a blank slate, If you cannot buy more pots, spray paint the existing pots a light color maybe several different shades of the same color. would like to see the finished product, thanks for sharing.
  • What type of sunlight do you get on the terrace and how many hours. Always first think about your lighting so you can select the right plant for the right place.
  • Andeanna Farnes Andeanna Farnes on Oct 16, 2015
    I love the woman in the doorway's dresses colors. I would hose off then paint that tall wall the same as the dresses blue. Then paint the shorter parapet walls that dresses green. Leave the red pots as is and paint the black ones white or yellow. If you don't wanna buy patio furniture you can scavenge old furniture and paint it all creamy white to make it look like a set. Put that sweet red rug underneath the furniture. I do like Kincaid99's trellis idea for the blue wall.
    • See 2 previous
    • Adv2639737 Adv2639737 on Oct 26, 2015
      @Andeanna Farnes Thank U Andeanna , will surely try tht
  • Linda Johnson Linda Johnson on Oct 17, 2015
    You can buy planters that rest on the ledge of railings. Replant your plants in them. Then you have the plants off of the ground and plant some colorful ground cover around your plants. You can paint the walls. You can also build storage benches with backs and paint/stain those. (Make colorful cushions to put on top of the benches. There are several on Hometalk. Add a colorful rug, some hanging lights and knickknacks..
  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Oct 17, 2015
    Nice space. I'd freshen the paint on the walls. Your pots - too many and mostly the same size. I'd use fewer and get varying heights. If the light is not so good, I use a taller, artificial tropical to soften corners. Good idea about hanging planters over the balcony to save space, etc.. I'd get an indoor/outdoor carpet/mat, small table and a couple of comfy rattan chairs. There are also outdoor lights - table lamps, floor lamps that use batteries if no electrical outlet. You could carry your indoor colour scheme out to this area.
  • Julie Julie on Oct 18, 2015
    A couple questions this a rental? What are the dimension of the space? How much sun does this area get and from what direction? How do you want to use this space?
    • Adv2639737 Adv2639737 on Oct 18, 2015
      @Julie .this is our self owned. as far as sunlight is concerned it is bright by 12.00 and diminishes by 6.00 .infact we have full sunlight.
  • Suzette Trimmer Suzette Trimmer on Oct 19, 2015
    Looks like you have a South facing terrace/patio. Perfect for almost anything you want to grow, exception shade-loving plants but those are even possible hidden amongst the others. The cement wall is a huge distraction with the streaks. The first thing I would do is paint the walls and I would also paint other walls inside facing to your patio, however; would do so in different colors to brighten up and Jazz up. Try designs or the use of mirrors to visually expand the size of your terrace. Someone recommended wisely the use of plant stands. This is the perfect time to buy as they are at their cheapest end of season, If, however; you don't need that expense now use milk cartons just paint them to make them look classier. But the idea behind lifting them up is the main concern as they need more air flow being up higher and the sunlight as they do not benefit from being down on the ground. AS for the doorway that tall wall I would recommend you go up, Using any style of verticle gardening that fits your style. I truly recommend trying different things at low cost till you find what you like then "as you fake it " till you find the style you like then go for higher end products. Try painting your containers to spruce them up, and once you decide to fill containers, ( try filling bottom half way up, with styrofoam ) so they are lighter to lift with plants appropriate to your space. But the best advice I can give you is just wander around this site under gardening for over billions of creative ideas. Think Outside the box, be creative, use chimes, chairs rug, whatever you want in your garden of Eden. Best of luck to you, I can not wait to see your progression.
  • Susan Hartline Susan Hartline on Oct 22, 2015
    I'd brighten it up by cleaning those walls very well, then painting them. a pale blue or green would look nice. change out some of the planters for varying sizes, leave them the red for the medium size ones, and maybe paint larger ones white or yellow. Smaller pots I would paint black to go with the stair rails and steps. white patio furniture with red cushions would look nice. also a lattice up the large wall for climbing vines or flowers. possibly a small shade for those really hot afternoons that could be rolled up when not needed.
  • C Crow C Crow on Oct 25, 2015
    Nice terrace. Would love to see when you redo it!
  • Betty Miller Betty Miller on Oct 28, 2015
    First get rid of mold on walls and floor. Can use White vinegar and water or bleach. Then freshen up with paint. You don't have where you are at. depends on your climate what to plant or what you want to use it for. Idea above are great.