can anyone help me identify the plant/tree in these three pictures?

Karen M
by Karen M
it appeared in spring 2011 and has grown very quickly. It hasn't shown any indication of flowering or bearing fruits/berries. any ideas?
the trunk
close up of the leaves
mystery plant overview
  8 answers
  • Deborah C Deborah C on Dec 04, 2011
    Baccharis halimifolia it is a native and it will flower. You see lots of them along highways. They grow and spread like weeds.
  • Karen M Karen M on Dec 04, 2011
    thank you! what a quick reply! it just appeared out of nowhere and is the only one around my neighborhood. interesting!
  • Walter Reeves Walter Reeves on Dec 04, 2011
    I was interested to read in the latest Horticulture magazine that folks are attempting to breed more ornamental varieties. For now, the one you have will be pretty gangly unless you keep it pruned.
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Dec 05, 2011
    The foliage is very nice. Interesting that there are those trying to "ornamentalize" it.
  • Erica Glasener Erica Glasener on Dec 05, 2011
    I have long admired this plant and used the right way it can be very ornamental, with native grasses and along the highway in parts of the south you see it growing with Magnolia virginiana and Taxodium distichum, I love it. Here is a picture of it in flower.
    comment photo
  • Karen M Karen M on Dec 09, 2011
    Thank you to all the hometalkers who helped with this ID! I am happy to read that my tree will eventually flower...I'd decided before even knowing its genus, that i'd keep it if it flowered, so it looks like the "ranchero" has a new permanent resident. :)
  • April April on Dec 09, 2011
    Glad you found out what it was, Karen! Folks are pretty quick to help around here. :) Wow, it sure is beautiful when it blooms, Erica. Thanks for sharing. :)
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Dec 10, 2011
    There is a lot of it blooming in New Smyrna right now. I wonder if I'll end up with one in my back yard as well.