DIY Upcycled Coffee Table

Becky W
by Becky W
A while back I created my Vintage Wine Crate Coffee Table and it was a hit! But it all started with this small issue. One of the legs was a little loose on the old coffee table. When I finished up the Crate Coffee Table to replace it I of course couldn't throw the table away. I quickly informed hubby that I would fix the leg and upcycle the table....
A quick fix, just needed a few screws to attach the leg back to the coffee table.
Quickly followed by the worst job ever, SANDING. Luckily I knew the direction I was headed in with this table so I didn't have to completely sand the table down to bare wood. Just enough sanding for all the surface area to have a little grit. A little something for the paint to cling to.
I covered the table with a matte black paint. Once dry, I sanded all the edges and then wiped off with a damp towel.
I covered all the bare wood on the edges with Golden Oak stain
And finally painted on a glossy finish for some extra shine.
I wasn't a fan of the wicker in the middle so I covered the middle by wrapping some foam board with fabric and placing on top.
The glass top is the finishing touch!
Becky W
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  3 questions
  • Ecm2428453 Ecm2428453 on Nov 12, 2015
    I have a rectangle table very similar. It has a piece of glass over the wicker. Did yours have glass and did you eliminate it from the new look?
  • Angela Angela on Dec 09, 2016
    Is it tempered glass and where did u get it?
  • Honey Honey on Jul 05, 2019

    i have a oval shape table with round and curve edges then how could i give new touch?

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3 of 33 comments
  • Ecm2428453 Ecm2428453 on Nov 17, 2015
    Thanks....I am thinking about what to cover the wicker with for a new look.
    • Susan K Susan K on Jun 28, 2020

      I couldn’t find material I liked for my table so I took pictures of the coral I wanted and had Snapfish blow them up. I decoupaged them under the glass. You could use family photos. Have fun.

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  • Angel Angel on Jan 09, 2016
    Oh so cool!