Bed Spring Ornament Display

by Brenda
I thought an old bedspring would be the perfect primitive ornament display for an antique blown ornament I found at a tag sale. Just twist the top into a hook and add a sprig of greens around the base. So simple!
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  • Christy Roppel Christy Roppel on Jul 22, 2016
    Hello! I LOVE your blog! I’ve visited often but am now a subscriber. I’d like to ask a favor. May I use your picture of your rusty spring Christmas ornament holder in a collage of “things you can do with a rusty spring” for my Etsy page where I sell springs . I will give you credit for the pix/craft and a link to your page. I hope it will be a win-win. Thank You! Christine Roppel
  • Lilly Staten Lilly Staten on Aug 30, 2017

    The bed springs that I have a very rigid how do you pull them out and also they large rungs on both ends and taper small in center

  • Audrey lashuay Audrey lashuay on May 05, 2019

    How do you cut the coil. How hard is it and what do you cut them with

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  • Brenda Brenda on Feb 20, 2017
    Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I've done a couple of other projects with old bed springs... a primitive tree topper and prim candle holder... see photos attached!
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  • A A on Jul 06, 2017

    My daughter just got a new couch; her's was busted. She knows I love to re-purpose so she gave me 2 cushions with a nasty mass of springs (I had to rescue them from the material & separate them, of course). I ended up with two buckets full of springs and have been looking for uses. This will definitely be on my list. Thanks!

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    • A A on Jul 07, 2017
      Great idea!