Fireplace Redo

Deborah C
by Deborah C
I need to redo this fireplace. Only thing left in the house and still left on my punch list. A friend of mine botch up the job and for 2 years I have been looking at this and want to get someone in my house to either to redo the whole thing or fix it. I have brown masking tape on the marble where there are spaces b/c he didn't use a tile cutter. I also need to add a shelf. Where can I find a professional to correct this? P.S. The reason for the wait is because of financial means and just obtained a full time position in October with an awesome law firm. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Fireplace needs help.
  18 answers
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Dec 27, 2011
    Deborah there are many contractors in your area who are members of the Hometalk community and I would suggest you start your search with them. You can find them by using the search function at the top of the page and the dropdown menu for contractors. Good luck. And congratulations on the new job.
  • SawHorse Design Build SawHorse Design Build on Dec 27, 2011
    Are you looking for a new mantle and surround? There are several stone fabricators on hometalk that we can refer you to.
  • Deborah C Deborah C on Dec 27, 2011
    Yes SawHorse. Need this marble replace around the inner portion of fireplace as well as mantle. Please direct me on where I can find someone on HomeTalk. Greatly appreciate it.
  • Deborah C Deborah C on Dec 27, 2011
    Douglas was kind enough to give me help on this site. Thank you Doug. Appreciate it.
  • SawHorse Design Build SawHorse Design Build on Dec 27, 2011
    Here is one local stone fabricator that may be able to help you- You can also do a search to "tile" under the search button to find tile installers.
  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on Dec 27, 2011
    what about a wood mantel and cover to go over the fireplace and it could be distressed to make it look older..
  • Designing Home INc. Designing Home INc. on Dec 27, 2011
    Hi Debora, We can do all, Mantel and any kind of surrounding material as well as marble, Granite or nice looking tile or even stack stone. please call us at 404-287-5413
    comment photo
  • Deborah C Deborah C on Dec 27, 2011
    Will call you tomorrow for a quote. Thank you so much for responding to this post.
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Dec 28, 2011
    You're welcome, Deborah. We look forward to seeing some "after" pictures.
  • Liz W Liz W on Dec 29, 2011
    Hi Debora,I think you need a mantel with the columns built out and cabinets and shelving on either side to cover the whole wall which would make it more of a focal point and also look like a nice piece of furniture, which in turn will give storage and able to add some decorative pieces on the shelves. the tile can be replaced with other tile very easily. good luck! Liz
  • Jane S Jane S on Dec 31, 2011
    I vote for #9
  • Designing Home INc. Designing Home INc. on Mar 01, 2012
    Hi Deborah, What happened to your fire place?
  • Deborah C Deborah C on Apr 02, 2012
    Don't know what I really want. Money is not the reason for holding off, just want to make sure. I get so confused and unsure when I can't visualize something and then I will put something on hold b/c I don't see it. One of my defects to say the least. You got the job, I just got to figure out what I want.
  • Designing Home INc. Designing Home INc. on Apr 03, 2012
    Hi Mrs. Deborah, I didn't understand exactly what is holding you off, A- you don't know what do you want or B- you have some ideas but you can't really imagine how it will be looks like? Nobody have answer for you for option "A" but for option "B" I can be help with my wife, She is my partner in business and professional interior designer and decorator, so let me know if you need help. Thanks Kaveh
  • Terra Gazelle Terra Gazelle on Jan 20, 2015
    I do not know what kind of decor you have..but for mine I would use a nice big slab of beautiful wood, here they use cypress..and then put some gorgeous Corbels under it. <div><a href=''><img src='' border=0 width='320' height='214' /></a></div><div style='color:#444;'>
  • Terra Gazelle Terra Gazelle on Jan 20, 2015
    I do not know what kind of decor you have..but for mine I would use a nice big slab of beautiful wood, here they use cypress..and then put some gorgeous Corbels under it.
  • Jcraw Jcraw on Oct 24, 2016
    Just for the heck of it take ALL dimensions. Particularly total width and height and photos in your phone. Look up antique and salvage people in your area. You might be able to find an old surround, shallow enough not to take up space, but fun and flattering enough to work. Bought piece could cover part of tile work (which helps keep it fire-safe) but import charm. A few inexpensive tiles on floor to complete. Just a thought, rather than throwing tile money away since color works with walls. Google says you can paint the black surround with heatproof paint. That is a bigger elephant in the room than the boring tile
  • Agnes Chrzanowska Agnes Chrzanowska on Nov 30, 2021

    Are you looking for a new mantle and surround? There are several stone fabricators on hometalk that we can refer you to