Asked on Dec 12, 2015

Any help on how to make this

Tina Smith
by Tina Smith
It is made of wire and comes in 2 pieces to form a ball. I would like to make one at least 16 inches round. What type/gauge of wire and what to use as a form?
Thanks for any help!
  37 answers
  • Melody Melody on Dec 13, 2015
    It looks like strings of Christmas lights as a sphere; I would use a heavy gauge wire make as big a (starting) loop as I want the diameter make a few wraps for stability then start wrapping the lights on. Or use a flexible wire like chicken wire to make the sphere then add the lights, I don't see why it would HAVE to be in two pieces.
  • Tatjana Lijić Tatjana Lijić on Dec 13, 2015
    I like the idea of chicken wire,or some other kind with bigger squares ,so it's easier to wrap the lights around it. You can use a ball to create two spheres and than conect them in the end,it doesn't seem too complicated,good luck and happy holidays !
  • Katrina Warren Katrina Warren on Dec 13, 2015
    @Tina Smith Do you need it to open? You can get 100 ft. rolls of galvanized wire at Walmart fairly cheap that I think would work to form your orb. If it doesn't need to open, I would form 4 circles around something the size you are wanting, a trash can, paint can, flower pot whatever is the approximate size around you are looking for. Form hooks on the ends of your four circles to hook each one individually end to end to make 4 circles, then fit your circles inside each other to form your orb, using a thinner wire, (something flexible like floral wire) wire the top & bottom centers to hold your form in place. Then wrap with string lights... There's another wire you can find at hardware stores that would also work, but can't think of what it is called & can't find mine at the moment to tell you. :/ Anyway, it might be easier to work with as it isn't as stiff as the galvanized, but still heavy enough to hold the shape.... It is BLACK in color, & comes in rolls of 100ft. as well. Do NOT get aluminum wire to use, it's much too soft to hold a shape well & breaks easily...... If my directions don't make sense to you, try googling how to make a wire orb. Good Luck!
  • Vivian Tinder-Thomas Vivian Tinder-Thomas on Dec 13, 2015
    You can go to Repurpose Flower Baskets into a Glowing Outdoor Chandelier and make them from 2 wire hanging baskets you get both the same shape tie them together and weave lights in and out. And you can also look up How to make Christmas Light Balls these are made with chicken wire
  • Chr2267081 Chr2267081 on Dec 13, 2015
    Wire 2 hanging baskets together, spray silver paint all over it; then wind the lights in and around it :) I did this a couple of yeas ago but I can't find any photos. ( I also added some bits of holly here and there) Hope this helps...
  • Sharon Ackerman Sharon Ackerman on Dec 13, 2015
    I make mine with 2 large hanging baskets. I buy solar fairy lights (400) - the more lights, the better the effect. Attach the two halves with fishing line so it opens like a lid. Weave the half the lights through one half of the ball. It does take some time to do, but well worth it. Close the 'lid', secure and now weave the rest of the lights in the 2nd half of the ball. I love the BLUE fairy lights. Hope this helps. MERRY CHRISTMAS from Tamborine Mountain, Queensland Australia
  • Valerie Valerie on Dec 13, 2015
    I was going to suggest using two hanging baskets, but I see that others have already beaten me! It is the most simple solution, and should look great.
  • Carol B Carol B on Dec 13, 2015
    I would use an inflatable beach ball, wrap the wire around it, then puncture the ball, and pull it out from between the wires.
  • Teana F Teana F on Dec 13, 2015
    I agree with Sharon, looks like 2 hanging baskets that have the sheet of moss to hold the soil. Probably wired or ziptied together to make a ball.
  • Karen Holsopple Karen Holsopple on Dec 13, 2015
    I'm in the process of using grape vines and balloons. It'll take longer, but it's so much cheaper.
  • Joy Waldstein Joy Waldstein on Dec 13, 2015
    An exercise ball might be deflated to the size you like and provide a dense form to wrap with wire.
  • Phyllis Phyllis on Dec 13, 2015
    chicken wire painted green..
  • Nbs2064393 Nbs2064393 on Dec 13, 2015
    I made one with 2 wire hanging baskets . I tied them together with odd pieces of wire. I made one for Halloween too.
    • Katrina Warren Katrina Warren on Dec 13, 2015
      @Nbseeus I've done that before, & don't know why I didn't think to suggest that! A totally easy & simple solution! =D
  • Ann Ann on Dec 13, 2015
    I made a vine ball for my garden using large embroidery hoops for shape. I wired four together to make a sphere, spray painted them brown then wrapped vines until I got the look I wanted. Embroidery hoops at the thrift store are so inexpensive!
  • hermosa y se puede mejorar
  • DC DC on Dec 13, 2015
    My son did a class project several years ago. He had bought some wire covered w/ a green coating at Wal-Mart (I think, because that's the only store we have in our town:) I'm sure craft stores would carry it - if not WM. It is a pretty stiff wire - would hold up great.
  • Kristine Fiddelke Kristine Fiddelke on Dec 13, 2015
    I made three Balls of Light last year. You use chicken wire. the gage in the pic is the better one but I used a cheaper one and it worked. IF the wire is Two Ft wide you cut a 4FT length. Hook it in a cylinder form with the cut wires. Then you press it down with the cylinder on a hard surface standing upright. It becomes a Ball. Then you wrap your lights around it. Either solid or solid with one and white or multi. It is very easy. Oh and I got my Chicken wire at Lowes.
  • Emily Antonecchia Emily Antonecchia on Dec 16, 2015
    The wire baskets or hanging baskets wired together are the easiest.....and most durable
  • Laurie Powell Laurie Powell on Dec 18, 2015
    I make the lighted balls with the solo cups. I buy the 150 light sets with music for inside the house. You don't have to use that many lights, but I like a lot of lights.
    comment photo
    • See 4 previous
    • Leida R Leida R on Jan 03, 2016
      @Laurie Powell I sure bet it is fun to do them with other people. :)
  • Angela Shumate Angela Shumate on Dec 18, 2015
    Try using an exercise / yoga ball for your form and then you can inflate to whatever size you need to make it the dimensions you are looking to do, them simply deflate afterwards and pull out. It will hold and you get to keep the ball for another use later, maybe to work off the extra weight we all seem to put on around this time of year, lol. You can pick them up cheaply at thrift stores or even cheap buying them new from Walmart or other similar type of store. You also can buy one of those large kids play balls they keep in the kids section of Walmart. They look very similar to the workout ball listed earlier.
  • Barbara Ball Barbara Ball on Dec 18, 2015
    I went to the dollar store and bought two wire hanging baskets from the dollar store and zip tied them together. I then used the small green zip ties to put the lights on. Just kept adding the lights till I liked the look of it. Walmart has the hanging baskets also but they are a little bigger and cost a little more. I did one of each size. Good luck.
  • Zebbie Hardy Zebbie Hardy on Dec 18, 2015
    In this pick they used chicken wire
    • Zebbie Hardy Zebbie Hardy on Dec 21, 2015
      @Zebbie Hardy You could make so many more with chicken wire, I got a roll for $4 at HD and made 5 of these.
  • JANE JANE on Dec 18, 2015
  • Laurie Powell Laurie Powell on Dec 18, 2015
    Hi Judy Patterson, I used a soldering iron. You can buy them just about any place for under $10. The melting of the plastic cups is toxic!! I gathered some girlfriends & out in the garage with a heater & some coffee, we had a great time! You need to do these balls in a well ventilated area!! Just last week I found a faster way, but she drilled the holes & sometimes the cups do crack. She stapled hers together. My way takes a little bit longer but they hold together for years!! Three weeks ago I repaired my mom's ball because she dropped it. I just remelted the cups back together again! This is already getting long so you might want to check out Pinterest for full directions. Or I can write them out on here if you'd rather. Have fun! The clear lights look pretty too!
    • Hb Hb on Dec 20, 2015
      @Laurie Powell what cups do you keep referring to? I thought these were plant hanger pots that you just wired together ,
  • Alice Alice on Dec 19, 2015
    made from a 2x4' chicken wire piece. Molded into the ball shape and then just attached about 3 strings of 70-100 lights.
  • Linda Linda on Dec 19, 2015
    Hi Tina, I've just received an email from Hometalk today about this, type, DIY Lighted Christmas Balls, in the Hometalk search box, Tasha from Greensboro shows you how to make them :)
  • Eileen B. Eileen B. on Dec 20, 2015
    These would be kind of neat to string with solar lights and hang from a tree in the summerl
  • Laurie Powell Laurie Powell on Dec 20, 2015
    I was just showing another idea on a lighted sphere or ball. Look closely at my photo. I used 50 clear Solo cups.
  • Maria Serwacki Maria Serwacki on Dec 20, 2015
    Wire two metal hanging baskets together to make a sphere and add lights.
  • Nancee Nancee on Dec 20, 2015
    We made 50 of these this year to decorate the outside of our house for Christmas. Took chicken wire, a playground ball, floral wire and heavy duty tin snips. Wear gloves to protect your hands! Wrapped chicken wire around the ball using snips to cut where needed to be able to wrap. Floral wire to hold the ball shape. Of course, took ball out before securing the second side. Then wrapped each ball in one string of lights. They are beautiful and only cost about $30 for all 50. Took quite a bit of work but definitely worth it!
    • Gordon Betsill Gordon Betsill on Dec 25, 2015
      @Nancee Yes, for round balls outside with lights, chicken wire is the way to go, A few days ago I saw a beautiful photo with round lighted various size balls all made with chicken wite and lots of strings of lights.
  • Betty Betty on Dec 22, 2015
    Go to the web site for the TODAY SHOW which aired this morning (December 22, 2015) and you will see how easily and inexpensively these balls are made and how Greensboro, NC made them into a neighborhood tradition and food drive.
  • Laurie Powell Laurie Powell on Dec 22, 2015
    @Frankie-4000 This is on youtube You will have to copy & paste it in your browser. It shows how to make the ball by stapling it together. It is faster than using a soldering iron but not sure how good they hold up through the years. Good luck.
  • GWoodruff GWoodruff on Dec 23, 2015
    Chicken wire
  • Janice Stephenson Janice Stephenson on Dec 25, 2015
    It was very easy with two old garden baskets wired together. Then i used floral wire to twist the light on.
  • Cathy Cathy on Dec 26, 2015
    I made mine with two wire hanging baskets and small zip lock ties. I have mine laced with about 5 solar string lights. It lights up all night, and my daughter always closes her curtains cause she couldnt get to sleep, its that bright! really love to see it out my kitchen window, laundry door, back verandah, .........
  • Jean Jean on Dec 27, 2015
    Why not try 2 coco hanging basket planters and wire these together, taking the hanging chains off. Makes a perfect ball.