silver metal square backsplash

Jerri Jones
by Jerri Jones
its in my kitchen, I don't like it and don't want to remove it!! Any suggestions? Can I paint, stencil, or mosaic it??
  3 answers
  • A photo of the back splash can help a lot. Are these 4 inch square metal tiles? But yes on all three ideas you had.
  • Linda garber Linda garber on Mar 20, 2013
    Are they behind or installed up to the cabinet or vent? If you can post a photo I would be happy to post ideas as well as options. I am a interior designer and work for a general contractor. I love problems that make you think out of the box. Necessity is the mother of invention!
  • Jerri Jones Jerri Jones on Mar 20, 2013
    Linda heres the pics you asked for. thank you for any ideas!!!
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