rough walls with rements of old walllpaper under paint

by Kay
In a small bathroom and laundry rm. someone put cheap wallpaper over new drywall. I tried to remove it but I was taking off some drywall so I sanded what I could and painted over it. When I redecorate, what ideas do u have for these walls except replacing them. The walls are not smooth.
  4 answers
  • Kimberly Barney Kimberly Barney on Mar 27, 2013
    You do not have to replace the drywall. You can smooth the drywall out by placing a light schim of drywall mud over the entire wall and sanding it once dry. If you do not wish to cover the entire wall, you could texturize the entire wall (i.e. Italian plaster).
  • Kay Kay on Mar 27, 2013
    thank you so much!
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Mar 28, 2013
    We had damage where we took down large mirrors that had been put up with glue and wallpaper damage. I refused to float out the walls because I did not want all that sanding dust in my air ducts. Instead, we put up beadboard at the bottom and used texture paint on top...put up a chair rail with corner accents! LOVE IT! The texture paint is put up with a special roller and the edges touched up with a stiff brush. Finding skilled labor for small jobs is difficult. There is a post earlier today showing a white on bottom and navy on top that is STUNNING!
    comment photo
  • PNP Craftsmen PNP Craftsmen on Mar 31, 2013
    Skimming over wallpaper can cause two common issues, moisture reactivating the paste and the weight of the compound pulling down paper as it drys. Both can leave you with a mess. These things do not happen all the time, nevertheless there are simple things you can do to minimize the chance it happens to you. First If the wallpaper has a vinyl coating, peel that all off and then get off all the loose areas. Then, before applying the compound use an oil based primer or one of the "Drywall Repair" type waterbased primer such as Guardz to seal the surface. If there is paint on your wall already, I would prime it anyway as many latex based paints can let water through. For anyone who has not painted over their wallpaper yet, it is always advisable to get all the wallpaper and paste off, (see my other post about that)