Kitchen and living room combo

Cynthia stone
by Cynthia stone
I need some advice on how to add more storage to my living room/kitchen area. Its the first thing you see when you walk in to the house. The rooms are separated by a peninsula that also serves as my dining area.
  8 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Dec 30, 2015
    Without seeing the actual issue it is a little difficult to help you, however I found this that may give some ideas.
  • Connie Connie on Dec 30, 2015
    They have chairs that the seat flips up so that you can access some storage. Place mats, napkins, paper plates and extra flat ware fit well in this space. Or you could use a bench with the same concept. The living room is a good place for a blanket chest that could double as a coffee table, even a bench by the entrance to house shoes or extra stuff. like the one they have a pottery barn, but you could make the same thing for so much less. Whatever you decide to do, please post pictures. Thanks.
  • Marlene Marlene on Dec 30, 2015
    If you have a piece of furniture against a wall, put it caddy corner (on an angle) and you can put some things behind it so no one will see. Also, if you hang curtains (not see thru) hang them about 12 inches away from the wall so you can store things behind the curtains.
  • Marilyn McCormick Marilyn McCormick on Dec 30, 2015
    I put a small 5 drawer dresser in my kitchen, painted it white like my cupboards. It contains napkins, placemats, hot pads, boxes of assorted teas, bags of organic foods, dish towels, a whole drawer of utinsils of every kind beyond spoons or spatulas.On top sits my micro-wave, timer, pestal & morter. It has ben enormously helpful in having a place for all these things because my kitchen is small and cupboards are limited.
  • Maria chavez Maria chavez on Dec 30, 2015
    I have same problem, somebody ideas
  • Merri Jo Ounan Merri Jo Ounan on Dec 30, 2015
    It's difficult to give sound advice without pictures, but off the top of my head, I would suggest storage ottomans or benches to double as seating, using a trunk as coffee table; could the peninsula be rebuilt to include shelving? Easy fixes would be to affix deep box frames to the sides of the peninsula. Could store cookbooks here.
  • Carolyn V Carolyn V on Jan 04, 2016
    we have an older home with only a coat closet in the adjoining living room/dining room. we found at second hand store a tv armoire; it had four doors and put glass in two of them and lace curtains and redid shelving inside for storage; love it. Looks lie an expensive storage armoire
  • A bench with a seat that lifts for storage is always helpful.