Bathroom tile question

Beth O'Brien
by Beth O'Brien
We are rennovating our bathroom... it is fairly small (6X8). Standing in the doorway the sink and toliet are to the left and straight ahead is the tub. I am wondering if we should do the same tile on the walls of the shower as we do on the floor of the bath. Attached is the before photo... the tub is now white and not surrounded by tile. Thanks!
  7 answers
  • Sure you can - just take your time & get the layout correct & maybe add in a few decorative pieces Don't forget if you want it to last, use a product like Wedi or Schluter to waterproof the area where the tiles are going & NO Mastic
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  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Apr 02, 2013
    I have done this both ways...matching or something different. I'm wondering however about that really big window...wood trim around windows in a shower is hard to keep up. One trick to help in that area is to paint the backs of the trim brfore you install. These helps with moisture penetration.
  • BulkHomeBuyers BulkHomeBuyers on Apr 03, 2013
    As for the window trim. Use PVC trim. A bit bore expensive but 100% waterproof. IF it is not going to be white, prime with a shellac based primer and paint it any color you want.
  • Gail Salminen Gail Salminen on Apr 03, 2013
    @Beth O'Brien the window advice above is good. We once had a window in a shower with builder grade materials and it rotted in no time :P As for the tile, I am not an expert, but I seem to remember from a number of years ago when we were doing our foyer that the floor tile is thicker than the wall tile, but a lot of times they make the tile in both grades. You might also consider coordinating tiles, one for the walls the other for the floor, both complimenting each other. Thanks for posting.
  • Designs by BSB Designs by BSB on Apr 04, 2013
    Without question, for small spaces the rule of less is more! Add color or interest with small elements such as towels or artwork. If you want to change up the tile a little, maybe change the direction or pattern - but I would recommend the two tiles be really close in color.
  • Diana Deiley Diana Deiley on Dec 23, 2015
    White would keep the space looking clean and bright. Adding a simple pop of color (your favorite) will bring it all together. Wonderful job. p.s. Great advice on the pvc window material. Real expert advice is priceless.
  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Dec 24, 2015
    You said the tub is not surrounded by tile, but the pic shows it is???