Hula Hoop Chandelier

LeeAnn M
by LeeAnn M
This is my Hula Hoop Chandelier. The arbor on the back patio was blocking the house light from above and it always seemed dark. But, not anymore! Couldn't wait until it turned dark tonight so I could see how it looked! :) Just needs a little touch-up with the paint tomorrow! Items needed: Hula hoop, spray paint, 2 strands of icycle lights, electrical tape and some heavy fishing line. I bought the hula hoop for $1 and we had all the other supplies!
Spray paint the hula hoop to match the wires on your icycle lights, tape lights at every hanging icycle and hang with fishing line!
A Hula Hoop Chandelier brightens our patio!
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  3 questions
  • Lillie Burns Lillie Burns on Apr 26, 2017

    This is awesome! I want to try it. How did you mount the hula hoop? Did you use battery operated lights.

  • Dju17954773 Dju17954773 on May 01, 2017

    instructions to do this hula hoop C

  • Brenda Brenda on Jul 25, 2017

    what length was the string of lights You used? I've never seen the plug outlets that can be screwed into a lightbulb socket. What a cool concept.

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  • Jaden alcocer Jaden alcocer on Jan 26, 2019

    I tried this project, but instead of the hoola hoop I used a wired plant holder.

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  • Jeanett Jeanett on Jul 26, 2020

    I did a modified version of this idea and I love it. I wrapped a straight string of 100 bulb lights onto the hoop, covered it with rope and hung it with rope. Delighted with the results and it only cost 12.00 to make.

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