Asked on Apr 09, 2013

Furniture for 3 season porch ( in New England!)

No. 29 Design
by No. 29 Design
I have a three season porch off the back of my kitchen that I'm planning on making my spring project. I'd like to add some furniture but the kind that can survive a Boston winter. The porch is enclosed with louvered windows. I'm still trying to figure out how to coexist with those. We don't even go out there in the winter since it is not insulated. Can wicker withstand a cold winter and still look nice when spring and summer come back around? I'm looking at a sofa (no cushions) on Craiglist right now.
  21 answers
  • Jayme Jayme on Apr 09, 2013
    I think that as long as the weather can't actually get inside, then most any furniture would be fine. Are there windows or just screen?
  • Z Z on Apr 09, 2013
    Wicker should do fine as long as they don't get wet over winter. I'm talking real wicker, not all "all weather wicker" that can crack in extreme cold. I love the Jalousie windows. I would like to have them someday when we close in our sleeping porch.
  • No. 29 Design No. 29 Design on Apr 09, 2013
    @Jayme The windows are Jalousie windows (thank you @Z , I did not know that term!) They keep the water out but not the cold! The do tile open in unison to let in the breeze. Today was the first day we went out there to hang out!
  • Gail Salminen Gail Salminen on Apr 09, 2013
    @No. 29 Design wicker should do fine, but I had a friend once who had some in her family room and she said she had to wet it down every summer to keep it from drying out and splintering, so you may want to investigate that. I am certainly not an expert. We do have an all weather faux wicker which we do store outdoors in the winter. We cover it with a tarp. We have had it for about 8 or 9 years now. You may want to research outdoor furniture - cosy by easy maintenance. Some is more expensive than others. Take your time and go slowly. Perhaps getting a sitting are set up first then experience the seasons to see what you will be doing in the room in each season. Perhaps a games area or an eating area. Note when you gravitate to the room and for what purpose. If you want to add some ambiance you could put some covered lanterns - Homesense has some very economical pieces available. But then I am a real candle person. To this end you may also want to add some light/soft/gauzey curtains for a warmer atmosphere, again my taste but you need to decide what yours is. Maybe we should start a #tag for bringing the indoors out LOLDo keep us up dated with pics. Thanks for posting :)
  • No. 29 Design No. 29 Design on Apr 09, 2013
    Thanks for all the great advice. I'll keep you all updated on www.no29design! I'm going to check out the sofa tomorrow!
  • Z Z on Apr 09, 2013
    Good luck. I have wood furniture on our screened in porch. And though it's been a hard decision I'll be painting it all white with exterior paint this Spring. You might want to keep your eye open for something like that too. Those old Seventies wood pieces with loose cushions make great covered porch furniture when painted and the cushions recovered or replaced. Here's a photo showing part of my loveseat and the inspiration for redoing it.
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  • No. 29 Design No. 29 Design on Apr 10, 2013
    What a great idea! I love your sofa and coffee table! I'm going to head over to Craiglist now!
  • 2ms2 2ms2 on Apr 10, 2013
    If you can afford it (or if you can find good CL deals), teak and eucalyptus woods are both very pretty and very weather-resistant outdoor furniture materials.
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Apr 10, 2013
    Every bit of regular "indoor" furniture will work, it is not the cold that is the problem. "outdoor" furniture needs to be able to get rained on etc. Here in the mountains of Colroado I have a handful of clients who have "seasonal cabins" These units are shut down for the winter, pipes drained anti-freeze is added to traps and toilets etc. The cabin sits unheated all winter, all of the furniture is just regular couches chairs etc.
  • Z Z on Apr 10, 2013
    Glad you like the idea. I got the love seat, matching chair and the coffee table all for $25.00. I'm sure because of how out dated they look as is, but once painted as you can see by the inspiration they look very "porchy". Now if it just stays warm long enough to paint them!
  • No. 29 Design No. 29 Design on Apr 10, 2013
    OK, now I'm really jealous @Z . With some paint that will be gorgeous! I love how sturdy it looks but with nice shape to add some character.
  • Mary Insana Mary Insana on Apr 10, 2013
    I have a patio enclosure and we can't use it the winter either :( It gets VERY cold in there. There are sliding floor to ceiling doors on 3 walls. We have regular furniture out there all year round. A love seat, two comfy chairs a coffee table, end tables and lamps.We even leave our small flat screen TV out there but we cover it with a heavy blanket during the winter.
  • Z Z on Apr 10, 2013
    If you're patient you'll be able to find something as wonderful I'm sure. Remember even the ugliest wood framed furniture from the 70's will look totally different once painted and the cushions recovered or replaced. I was lucky last fall and found all new cushions on clearance at WM for just $10.00 each. If you're patient you can do the same. Here's photos with my new cushions. The floral pillows will be used to turn into lumbar pillows. I also bought extra to make new cushions for the wicker chairs I have that go around our dining table. I haven't decided if I'll shorten the back cushions yet. I'll wait and see what it looks like after I paint the furniture. I'm a seamstress so the sewing it no problem. Considering how much I saved on the cost of fabric and the outdoor padding it was more than worth it.
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  • No. 29 Design No. 29 Design on Apr 10, 2013
    It came out beautiful.
  • Z Z on Apr 10, 2013
    Thanks. I can't wait to get them painted.
  • Kelly S Kelly S on Apr 10, 2013
    @Z what a score!
  • Carolyn Smith Carolyn Smith on Sep 04, 2013
    I posted about enclosed porches a few days ago. Let me know if you liked any of those ideas! You have such a lovely space. I'm sure it will be amazing!
  • Kelly S Kelly S on Sep 05, 2013
    I have the wicker look resin chairs on my enclosed back deck and on the front porch. Our winters are milder than New England ones but the furniture has survived for over 5 years.
  • No. 29 Design No. 29 Design on Sep 05, 2013
    I went with wicker and some other yard sale finds. I even built a table myself. Thanks for all the great advice! Here is the link...
    • See 1 previous
    • No. 29 Design No. 29 Design on Sep 10, 2013
      @Z Thank you!
  • Mary strong Mary strong on Jul 07, 2014
    I too have a 3 season porch, I added a large electric fireplace to the primary wall. It gives off enough heat that the room warms quickly. I have a love seat with chair and area rug. 2 cabinets also hold games etc.
  • Bette Bette on Dec 30, 2014
    I live in Michigan upper peninsula with a porch probably 1/3 the size or less than this one. I added electric heat if I choose for the winter, but have a garden theme for mine. I actually do my veggies starts on the porch too. You start with your theme. All my finds are from garage sales, estate sales or ideas I have seen in magazines or now pinterest. The most I spent was $30 for two bamboo chairs and under $100 for all including lamps, rugs, trunk for table (free, also holds potting materials) and an old upper cabinet from the local university that I use for a bench and recycle center.