Asked on Jan 16, 2016

Ideas for old scrabble game

Kelly H
by Kelly H
Does anyone have any ideas what I can do with an old Scrabble game, besides throwing it away? I would like some how to use the board and all.
  16 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Jan 16, 2016
    This looks like a fun project.
  • MN Mom MN Mom on Jan 16, 2016
    I've seen scrabble boards personalized and framed. Laying the board flat and glueing the tiles to form names of landmarks in a community, family members names, etc. they turn out very nicely! You can also use the tile holder as a base and spell out other seasonal words like heart for Valentines Day, lucky for St Pats Day, freedom on July 4 etc.
  • Patsy Tooley Patsy Tooley on Jan 17, 2016
    I took the tiles and made cute not cards-plain white note -with Love U spelled out on front with the tiles,Also thank U-friend of mind makes ear rings AND NECKLACE WITH THEM. Just a single inital (tile) on each ear ring and necklace-darling
  • Deb Deb on Jan 17, 2016
    I went to Pinterest and typed in scrabble tile projects. Found 37 excellent versions of possibilities under Donna Gregory. Go look and then have fun!
  • Heather Heather on Jan 17, 2016
    Donate it to a school.
  • Sandra Allen Sandra Allen on Jan 17, 2016
    Or a senior center? All good ideas btw!
  • Linda H Linda H on Jan 17, 2016
    I saw a post where someone took a piece of wood and one of the scrabble tile holders and made a cookbook stand.
  • Lynn Miner Flynn Lynn Miner Flynn on Jan 17, 2016
    The best gift I ever received. My daughter used hot glue to attach tiles to the board for a personalized game. I love it.
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  • Shelby Shelby on Jan 17, 2016
    I used the letters to make words on my stamped greeting cards
  • G G on Jan 17, 2016
    I did the same thing as Lynn, I put together a frame with scrabble tiles for each of my Mom's grand kids plus the one great grand kid. I also had my husband drill a hole in a few tiles to put on my key chain.
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    • G G on Jan 18, 2016
      Here's another project I did with my dogs. Bella is my current pet, the other from 30 years ago. I have his name spelled out but I'm not sure how I will integrate because I like the "our dogs" piece.
      comment photo
  • G G on Jan 17, 2016
    I am looking for a use for the board, I haven't done anything with it yet.
  • Ranger Ranger on Jan 18, 2016
    The wooden ones are quite rare and, perhaps, valuable. You could maybe attach them all the the scrabble board in some way and frame that. Or, do the same but magnetise the board and scrabble pieces, making new message daily to family, friends and visitors.
  • Ltt834476 Ltt834476 on Jan 20, 2016
    These are rely popular in scrapbooking. I'm always looking for people selling these. Very big! Don't throw it away. If you can't use it, I'll buy it from you. Lol
  • John Grissom John Grissom on Feb 08, 2017

    I agree with Lttamayo, and ranger, the Wooden scrabble board is quite rare and precious as many of the interior designers like me looking for such things to decorate home instead of throwing it away as a waste. I remember one of my friends was a crazy game player who use to Acheter Playstation network 50 euros from the website ( and use to throw out old controllers as a waste material, But then I suggested him not to throw it out, as we can make use of it as a part of home decoration. According to me you should also start making use of such valuable things for decorating your house.

  • Susan Bechamp Susan Bechamp on Feb 16, 2017

    My daughter gave her Scrabble and several other game boards a couple coats of clear poly.

    She used them to hide the ugly tile in her apartment kitchen. (Rental agreement- she couldn't do anything permanent with the backsplash).

    If it is a valuable board, as others have mentioned, place it on a coffee table with clear glass or acrylic on top to protect it.

    I once covered a damaged dresser top by gluing a jig saw puzzle to the top and used glass over it. You could do the same with a game board if it fits.

    (BTW, a deck of cards that is damaged slightly or is missing a few cards can come in handy as a drawer liner. It's an unexpected surprise in the guest room side table).