Cabinet doors

by Diane
I am in the process of gutting my kitchen and all new cabinets are being installed. Any suggestions on what to do with the old cabinet doors? Only thing I can come up with is adding handles and making serving trays.
  6 answers
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Apr 13, 2013
    lots of people will save the old cabinets to install in a basement or garage for workshop storage etc...If the old bases are destroyed by the demo this obviously will not work...can they be salvaged? if not, you could build some basic "boxes" and reuse the doors that way. I built a storage cabinet for my finishing supplies in my shop with some basic ply...the size was based on some high end cherry doors I picked up for free, when a cabinet display from a store was remodeled.
  • Diane Diane on Apr 13, 2013
    Part of the lower cabinets will be reused in my basement washer/dryer area to fold and for detergent storage. The rest are not reusable.
  • Upper cabinets make wonderful storage as KMS suggested in garage. They do not stick out too far and can hold a ton of paints, and all sorts of stuff you really should throw out but do not want to.
  • Gail Salminen Gail Salminen on Apr 14, 2013
    @Diane there are posts on many resurfacing - some have used them to make shelves in other rooms, some to make raised garden beds - using other scraps of wood to connect them. Garage storeage is a great idea as well as stated above. We have one in our basement storeage area as well. If you have an area where you non-perishable food stock in the basement or where ever they can be used there as well - I am all for one in use and one on hand to avoid unplanned grocery store trips. Good luck with your project and do share your ideas with pics. Thanks for posting ;)
  • 161389 161389 on Apr 19, 2013
    I too am going to be gutting our kitchen, but our house is so old that our cabinets are built in & they are water damaged so theres no saving any of them. But I can save the drawers and doors so I've been giving this a lot of thought of what to do with them and this is what I've came up with so far. Coat rack with family name printed above cute hooks or door knobs, Cute chalk board to jot things down on. Paint and add a cute saying to hang on wall or if smaller to put on plate stand on counter, A pin board, Paint a cute little saying on one to hang outside on fence or with the fourth of july coming up paint an American flag on one to hang up outside or inside. Cut out the middle and take scraps to make box on back and put chicken wire and fill in with catus. I plan on doing this with my drawers. Make planter boxes out of some and paint. As I said I've been giving this a lot of thought too. Hope this helps.
  • Madison McGahan Madison McGahan on May 16, 2016
    Here is a suggestion
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