Has anyone painted their kitchen cabinets with homemade chalk paint?

Nancy Robertson
by Nancy Robertson
What recipe did you use? How are they holding up? Did you wax or poly seal?
  15 answers
  • Julie Julie on Feb 01, 2016
    Nancy I've painted a lot of furniture in the past using homemade chalk paint (2 tblsp. Plaster Paris to 3 tblsp water added to 1 cup paint..not and I really mean not to latex based paint!!!) The surface holds up OK to normal use. I would highly recommend milk based paint. The high mineral content gives a stronger bond to the surface making it more durable. I personally prefer general Finishes brand milk paint. I just recently repainted mine. Using the general Finishes line. I need to add that the milk paint isn't cheap.. $30 a quart but it goes a long way!! 1/2qt. To do the bottom cabinets
    • Nancy Robertson Nancy Robertson on Feb 01, 2016
      @Julie Thanks for replying. So you mix the plaster of paris and water to the milk paint? I've been reading reviews about GF Milk paint. Some said the white took 5 coats to cover! However they didn't add the ingredients to make it a chalk paint. The reviews said the darker colors only took 2 coats. What color did you paint your cabinets? I'm very interested in your experience. Nancy
  • Hope Williams Hope Williams on Feb 01, 2016
    Hi Nancy. There are a lot of folks who use homemade chalk paint. As with any product, prep is key. I use Websters Chalk Paint Powder. You add it to any flat, latex paint. Any I always, exclusively use polyacrylic! I never use wax, I personally think it bites in high humidity locations. It never dries to a point that it can be buffed properly. But I prefer the Websters and Benjamin More paints. Good luck to you and please share your finished kitchen with us.
    • See 1 previous
    • Hope Williams Hope Williams on Feb 01, 2016
      Sherwin williams is an awesome paint for Websters too!
  • Being some who has chalk painted her cabinets, I would not do it again. Since you work for Sherman Williams I would prep the cabinets by deglossing, use their best primer, and paint them with semi gloss paint- taking your time with light coats and a great brush. Then you do not have to seal them with poly which is another step. My cabinets look pretty good but I have painted cabinets with semi gloss and the finish is so much smoother and more professional, in my opinion.
  • Dorina Szczepanski Dorina Szczepanski on Feb 01, 2016
    I recently painted my kitchen cabinets with amy howard chalk paint from Ace hardware. They have a good selection of colors and can custom color them as well. Our cabinets were 23 year old builder installed oak. The finish was terrible and they had absorbed grease in some spots. I scrubbed them with a vinegar baking soda solution and let them dry. 2 coats of chalk paint the a coat of poly. (This evens the finish) another coat of chalk paint and we did 3 more coats of poly sanding lightly in between. The finish is gorgeous. If anything gets splashed on them you only need to wipe with a damp cloth even if the stains have dried. It may sound like a lot of steps but realize drying time for the chalk paint before recording is only a half hour and for the poly is 2 hours. Latex takes much longer to record and can take weeks to fully cure. We love our results.
  • Carla Carla on Feb 01, 2016
    I painted mine 2 years ago with Heirloom Traditions Chalk Type Paint and sealed with Best top coat by Heirloom Traditions. They look as good today as they did the day that I finished them. We are messy in our kitchen and the clean up very well. They have not chipped or pealed. My cabinets are laminate. Feel free to find me on Facebook Salty Dog Gallery & Gifts and you can see the pictures
  • Dee Dee on Feb 01, 2016
    I painted a base cabinet with homemade chalk paint. I used the grout recipe as I have it on hand. 1 C. paint, 2T unsanded grout, 1T water. You can play with this recipe to find a consistency you like. Then I waxed and buffed. It's still holding up great-NO REGRETS.
  • CK CK on Feb 01, 2016
    I painted mine in our former house. Cleaned with TSP, didn't sand them. Used Zinsser Bullseye 1-2-3 in latex primer. Painted two coats of semi-gloss high quality Sherwin Williams wall paint. Didn't use a sealer. They were wearing exceptionally well while we lived there. We went to the house after the new owners have been there about 4 years and they still looked great. Chalk paint hadn't really hit the scene in our area when I painted.
  • CJ CJ on Feb 01, 2016
    I used liquid sander and Behr gloss (2 coats). They look great and clean like a breeze.
  • Kathy Jenson Kathy Jenson on Feb 01, 2016
    I used Amitha Verma Chalk Finish Paint. They have many colors and this paint requires absolutely no prepping. It's at little pricey at $39.99/quart, but worth every penny. Looks fabulous. I put a wax finish on top of that, but it is not a necessary step.
  • Tonja Klima Horn Tonja Klima Horn on Feb 01, 2016
    I just painted mine with Annie Sloan Chalk paint and used their wax. Love them. I used the dark wax but the nice thing is if they get too dark you can use the light to take some of the dark off. Good luck!
  • Nancy Robertson Nancy Robertson on Feb 01, 2016
    Thanks to everyone who shared their experiences! It was extremely helpful! I'll post pictures when the cabinets are done!
  • Pjakin61 Pjakin61 on Feb 01, 2016
    just have to say...I love your kitchen.......
  • Julie Franklin Julie Franklin on Jul 16, 2016
    We are in the process of redoing our kitchen cabinets and we are using a semi gloss paint with plaster of Paris mixed in and we used the liquid sander .We also used the wax for the finish and have been impressed with the results so far.
  • Karen Karen on Jul 16, 2016
    I used Annie Sloan Chalk Paint for our kitchen, master and guest baths, and basement kitchenette, cost approx $200
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