Stain is still tacky after 24 hours

Lana Perry
by Lana Perry
Why is my stain still "tacky" after 24 hours?
  4 answers
  • oil based or water based? How humid is the area, what's the temps? properly mixed? how old is the can / exposed to freezing? The ranges given on a can are for set environmental factors - it can take less time or longer to cure. My guess is you have an oil based product which can take 72 hours to cure
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Feb 01, 2016
    Temperature and humidity are an important factor prior to staining. If they were not ideal at the time of your project the stain will take longer to dry.
  • Brenda Smolnik Brenda Smolnik on Feb 01, 2016
    I agree with two previous answers.
  • Lana Perry Lana Perry on Feb 05, 2016
    Was working in a cool garage at the time. And it was raining outside at the time. But brought the item inside and after about 3 days it is finally completely dry.