Sweet potato vines

Hello everyone! My question is, have any of you grown any leaves out of these roots and if so how? Or should I just get rid of them? Thanks.
  14 answers
  • Carol Roddy Carol Roddy on Feb 02, 2016
    I haven't done this personally, but I just read something recently on sweet potato vines. I believe you grow them similarly to regular potatoes. For instance, wherever you see an "eye" you would get a root, so, that large root inthe front would probably give you more than one plant if you cut it in sections. I think I'd try some in soil and some in a jar of water. Again, this is just from memory but...I think one or the other should work for you. Good luck!!
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Feb 02, 2016
    There is a process for growing these to much to type so I have found this for you and I would try it as I for one use all the varieties in my container plantings. www.gardeniingknowhow.com/.../sweet-potato/grow-sweet-potato-plant.htm
  • Sonnya Sonnya on Feb 02, 2016
    All I did was drop them in the bottom of an 6" - 8" deep planter, covered with dirt, kept watered not soaking, and in a couple of weeks leaves started growing.
    • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Feb 02, 2016
      @Sonnya Temperatures are very different in florida.I must say a lot easier than colder climates.
  • Bethar Bethar on Feb 02, 2016
    Very easy to grow......take Sonya's advice. "If you plant them they will grow".
  • Sonnya Sonnya on Feb 02, 2016
    Keep inside until temps get friendlier. Start now and when it warms up move outdoors. You'll have a jump on beautiful vines.
  • David Ogden David Ogden on Feb 02, 2016
    Hi I grow them done in Florida there very easy to grow just cut them up and plant about 4 inches deep. They will grow like weeds. when the vine grows they send shoots down into the earth and grow And you will get sweet potato from that. Make sure you plant after frost.
  • Deltamom Deltamom on Feb 02, 2016
    yes, they will grow in the spring. Let the roots dry and keep them dry until,safe to plant outside. The roots can be cut into 2-3 pieces with a clean knife. Let the fresh cut hardened off for a couple of days before planting. I Have done this a few times and it works.
  • Barbara C Barbara C on Feb 03, 2016
    You can also put the rooted sections in a glass of water.Place the bottom half in the water,put near bright light,will sprout right away.
  • Paula Paula on Feb 03, 2016
    Just know these will spread like
  • Paula Paula on Feb 03, 2016
    I just keep in mind these grow fast and spread everywhere. So don't plant them in a place they will cover other plants. Have fun!
  • Donna Rosenlof Donna Rosenlof on Feb 03, 2016
    These are beautiful plants and as others have said, spread very quickly. You will have to thin the tubers at least once every two years or they will choke everything else out. If you choose sweet potatoes (yams) from the grocery store to plant you will harvest edible sweet potatoes when you dig the tubers. Because these are so invasive I have a 50 gallon plastic drum I cut in half from top to bottom and set in the ground, then punched holes in the very bottom to allow for drainage. I filled these two planters with good potting soil. I plant the sweet potatoes in this to contain the tubers and to make it easier to harvest and thin the plants. The vines quickly cover the small amount of exposed planter so it can't be seen. The vines can be cut and placed in water and they will root out in about three days. These plants are very drought tolerant. Since I live in Arizona with no hard freezes to damage the tubers, I leave them in the ground year around. They can be harvested when the first frost kills the vines.
  • Catalina Martinez Catalina Martinez on Feb 03, 2016
    Thank you every one I hope this works
    comment photo
  • Margaret LaRose Margaret LaRose on Feb 05, 2016
    I plant mine in large pots.. They make beautiful colorful displays. I combine the dark ones with the lime green ones and the contrast is beautiful.
  • Bobbie Bobbie on Feb 06, 2016
    If you take the vine growth on the sweet potato/yam & pinch them off. Then put the ones you pinch off & let them start growing roots in water, then you can plant them in big pot or in the ground. These will start growing a vine with purple flowers & after a few months you can dig up the new sweet potato/yam to eat. Look how to on Youtube for directions. Enjoy