Last night the daffadil bunny came to give me a present. A box filled with already full grown, blooming daffadils.

Terri J
by Terri J
They are in containers right now, b/c they came from our garden show. It is freezing here, and I wanted to know sicne they are already in bllom, should I just keep them indoors in some light and transplant into the ground after they die, or transplant now and let them deal with this wacky weather?
  6 answers
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Mar 05, 2012
    I would keep them inside...and enjoy their colors. We do this with our paper whites...they never see the outdoors.
  • Terri J Terri J on Mar 05, 2012
    Thanks for responing to my question, and I will keep them indoors. You had to send the snow my way though, didn't you? Started snowing about 1.5 hours ago, and is coming down blizzard style. Uuggghhh!
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Mar 06, 2012
    They were probably forced into bloom indoors so wouldn't deal well with the shock of being transplanted outside right now. Enjoy the blooms inside and then move them outside when things warm up a little. Make sure you keep the foliage on until it naturally dies and starts to yellow.
  • Terri J Terri J on Mar 06, 2012
    @ Doug - I cut off the blooms this morning so that I could put them in a vase and enjoy them, plus the aroma from them makes the living room smell so nice. Their was a total of about 6 pos with probalbly 6 bulbs in each, so once the rest bloom, and tthey all die, I will move them outside. I was just laughing about it b/c the same bunny has now given me around 60 daffadil bulbs. Wish I could get the bunny to give me some hyacinth for once though (lol(.
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Mar 06, 2012
    The key to any "animal behavior" is training. Sounds like this "bunny" could use some "schooling". As far as the snow goes...I can say that spring like weather will be on its way next...I spent a couple of hours yesterday digging back the driveway drift a was warm enough where I did not need gloves...I'm about half way through the beast. I need to clear this so the firewood guy can bring us another cord. The forecast today for the lower (Boulder) elevations is 66. At least the wind has died back and the snow clouds on the divide has gone.
    comment photo
  • Terri J Terri J on Mar 06, 2012
    Glad to hear that you are getting warmer weather Kevin, and you are right. I need to retrain the bunny - lol.