
Looking to redo our one- floor 1978 house. Of course that will take time and money and we are in our 60's. I want to begin with a romantic bedroom. Currently we have a bubble ceiling but I want to put something else up there without removing that ceiling. I would appreciate any suggestions.
  15 answers
  • I assume your talking about a popcorn ceiling Mary? If so the only thing you can do for this is to scrape it down or install a new ceiling over it. 1/4 inch sheetrock will do this and look fine as long as the current ceiling is flat. If not you will need to fir out the ceiling to make it flat then cover with new drywall. If the ceiling has been painted over on the popcorn you will find several posts by doing a search at the top of the page on Popcorn ceiling removal. Many great folks here have posted ideas on how to remove this dated look.
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on May 11, 2013
    Popcorn ceiling was used because when they could not build houses fast enough, this was quicker than the many coats of compound and the sanding required to make smooth ceilings. Then they started charging about $500 a room for smooth ceilings. You really only have 2 choices -- pay someone to come in and take it down and float out the ceiling (be prepared to pay extra if the take down causes problems) or be patient and do it yourself. I have had friends that zipped right through this and others where the problems created were awful. If you live in a subdivision, it would be wise to inquire of your neighbors if anyone has taken theirs down...and talk with them. Good luck! Were I in my 60s, I would have someone come in and take down my crown molding and float out new sheetrock. Or, learn to live with it.
  • MARY T MARY T on May 11, 2013
    Thank you Woodbridge and Jeanette. Oh boy! Lol!$
  • MARY T MARY T on May 11, 2013
    KMS: Thank you for the article. A lot of good info.
  • Mary Insana Mary Insana on May 11, 2013
    This is a fairly easy fix but it will still cost a little. Measure the ceiling length and width. Go to a fabric store like Joann and buy tulle(very lightweight netting like they use for dresses) and buy enough to go end to end on your ceiling adding a little for minimal swaging. I attached a couple pictures of different configuration pictures so you can see what I mean. If you get a coupon from Joann Fabric Store a single cut of fabric will be 40% off so if you buy say 25 yards at once that will be one cut and you will get 40% of that total.
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  • Cyndi Moore Tippett Cyndi Moore Tippett on May 12, 2013
    My suggestion would be to take the popcorn off the ceiling. My son and I just finished scraping off all the popcorn in our 2400 sqf house. I found out, quite by accident, that if you put 1 part vinegar to 4 parts water in a sprayer and spray the ceiling the popcorn comes off easier.Just be sure not the soak the ceiling. Then you are ready to lightly sand and paint. I agree with Woodbridge, if the popcorn ceiling has been painted, that is a whole different story. The process is not hard but it is time consuming and messy. Hey, 60's isn't old.... go for it you might surprise yourself.
  • MARY T MARY T on May 12, 2013
    Thank you, Cyndi! I remember seeing someone spraying the ceiling with that solution. And you did all that work? Mercy! I also saw a program where they did a drop ceiling, which looked nice but didn't want to go that route.
  • MARY T MARY T on May 12, 2013
    Mary T.: I am using my phone and do not see your attachment. I need to view it from my computer. Thanks again. :-)
  • Sia@South 47th Sia@South 47th on May 16, 2013
    Our cottage was built in 1956 and for some reason had popcorn ceilings. So we removed them, or I should say hubs Kurt did and he's 62. It was easy as heck (the 'corn' wasn't painted) Here is the link: http://south47th.blogspot.com/2013/04/better-late-than-never.html. Let us all know what you do! xo
  • MARY T MARY T on May 16, 2013
    Thank you, S. Working with disabilities and four dogs, so it will be an ongoing project for a while. But we are looking forward to getting thing done. :-)
  • MARY T MARY T on May 16, 2013
    S: That link is funny!
  • Sia@South 47th Sia@South 47th on May 17, 2013
    @MARY T LOL Thank you! Well we are just 2 old farts trying to live through this reno! Hang in there, it all works out in the wash! xo
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on May 18, 2013
    I think a lot of us are just "hanging in there"...hee, hee. We are early 70s and the last time we painted a room, it took over an hour to trim out nest to the ceiling of a small dinng room! With tri-focals and having to hold on to hubby's shoulder for balance (lean back to see is scary). Decided then, no more painting for us. We cheated on painting the ceiling in the den...TIP: We used flat ceiling paint with primer (expensive) and put it on the white crown molding too! That way, we did not have to bother with 2 different paints and colors of white to trim out! OK, OK, so I cheated! Anyone that much of a purist can come and paint it right! HA! We can't tell the difference!
  • Sia@South 47th Sia@South 47th on May 18, 2013
    @Jeanette S Hahahahaa I hear ya! While we didn't so call 'cheat' with the painting of the main rooms? We for DARN sure are doing so, today in fact, in the add on, for the floor! I'll tell ya, if we had to prime, then wait, then prime, then wait, then FINALLY apply the concrete stain? We'd be dead! LOL! And you know what? You're right! Anyone that is THAT much of a Purist, can surely be welcomed into our whole house reno ANYTIME.....to work of course! hahahahaha. You look amazing btw! Never ever would have guessed you were in your 70's. Then again, the 70's are the new 50's! Times have surely changed haven't they? Have a wonderful weekend! xo