Need tips and inexpensive ideas for western decor.

Sandy Lovvorn
by Sandy Lovvorn
We own cattle (a bunch) and live on a farm that has been in the family for many years. My husband IS the cowboy most try to be. He wants all western in our living room and kitchen....I want to mix farm/western. Any neat ideas out there. I am in the process of painting my living room. My kitchen has cabinets made of old wood. I really like them. Had them made. We are about to restain my counter tops and add family brands to them. I need ideas for living room. Don't want southwestern or the stuff you see sold in western stores. I have ropes, lanterns, his old wore out cowboy hats I had to beg him to quit wearing. I have 8 grandchildren, so it has to be livable and practicle.
We were in the process of doing an add on. That is why you see the plastic. We added a big den/play room. I am changing out light fixtures. Want to make some out of white enamel pots I have. Anyone done this?
my kitchen cabinets
  33 answers
  • Kimberly Barney Kimberly Barney on May 14, 2013
    First of all, I cannot tell for sure what your countertops are made of. I am hoping that they are wood as I have seen cattle brands used on wood countertops and it looked really cool. If not wood, you may look into printing off the brands, placing them on the countertop and sealing the countertop with apoxy. I have seen the ropes used to cover storage boxes, make baskets, make wreaths, cover old cans and decorate lamps. There needs to be a cow skull in there somewhere to be truly western country especially since you own cattle. The lanterns can be used in groupings which is very nice. I have seen them in every color imaginable and some have been filled with decorative items rather than lighting. The old cowboy hats can be placed on a hat rack. You can also decorate with pictures of the grandchildren decopauged on wood or mettal or placed in expensive wood frames of various sizes. I would look for a new light fixture for the kitchen ceiling. You can make a backsplash using plexiglass where you can cover copies of the brands, pictures of the grandchildren, art from the grandchildren or pictures of life on the farm. I would definitely suggest that you have a display of wooden rolling pins somewhere in that country kitchen.
  • Pat S Pat S on May 14, 2013
    I hope this link works. I'm not sure about your pots but this looked like an idea...
  • Annie Annie on May 15, 2013
    I would stain the counter to match the wood cabinets. I would pick a brownish red color to paint the walls. Make sure to paint the celling as well but in a cream or tan color. If you wanted to get really ambitious you can purchase white tissue paper. Crumple it up to give nice texture. then flatten out and apply to the wall with a school glue and water mixture. Then with a really light coat stain go over the wall. Making sure to wipe off all extra stain! Make this in a color way lighter than the cabinets. I can not tell the exact size of the kitchen but it would be really fun if you could add a small island in there. I have seen some really cool pieces of furniture done out of wood pallets. I would do this in the cream or tan color of the ceiling. Add a couple of backed rod iron stools in there for the grandkids. Cover the seats with a nice looking leather. Find a couple of pots to match with your new light you plan on making. I would then plant say hens and chicks in there. Also I would have the children dress up in country clothes and take pictures. Print these off in black and white. Find cheep frames to fit and then cover the frame with the rope. I would probably put some well used horse shoes on the wall as well. With the lanterns I think it would be fun to make them into a working light. I would find an old 4X4 post. I would drill 3 wholes evenly spaced in it and run lighting down through that and into the lanterns making them working lights. I have seen this done with wine bottles and it looks great. I agree with Kimberly about putting the hat on a hat rack. for the living room I would take the bran and put it on a large piece of wood and then put some more pictures of the family around it in the black and white. On the couch I would cover the existing pillows with covers made out of canvas drop cloths with the bran on them as well. It might be nice to have floor pillows for the children in the same style. A cow skin run might add a lot of nice texture and contrast to the room. My grandfather use to have old metal plates and cups that were blue with white speckles. Something like that would be nice to help add a little dash of color. You could even plant some small succulents in them or use them for the children to keep crayons and other craft supplies in. If you don't have a mud room by the front door I would hang a wood pallet flat on the wall and paint it with the crackle white paint. Then on the slats I would make hooks out of old spoons. Making them S shaped or using standard S hooks. Hook these over the horizontal slats. This will then give you a very large coat and hat hook that would support a large family :-)
  • Annie Annie on May 15, 2013
    I would also use denim material around the living room. We have a denim and leather couch that had held up really well and the blue gives a nice color. Also when it wears after a lot of use it looks great.
  • Sia@South 47th Sia@South 47th on May 15, 2013
    LOVE those cabs!! I lived with a Cowboy for 10 years and our whole house was Western in flavor. It doesn't have to look like a theme park to be chic, so no worries! 1st - Decide on a color or 2 for your walls. Take a look in the closet and what you both wear a lot of, that's a good jumping off start. Then pick an accent color up from a fav blanket, pillow, piece of pottery etc. 2nd - Boots. I made a really cool Boot Lamp and a Barbed wire wreath with an old boot in the middle that I could change out with whatever was growing (I dried the flowers first). 3rd - Beams on the ceiling. You could use some reclaimed barnwood and stain them the same color as your counter-top to tie things together visually. 4th- If you have any of that FAB wood on your cabs left, make some frames in different sizes to hang on the wall. 5th - Sofa. You can't go wrong with leather, it takes a beating and looks great with a Pendleton thrown over it, plus they last forever. 6th - Chairs. He's a Cowboy, so he's gotta have a Recliner! Go leather, it just looks better and better with age. It can match the Sofa, but would be nice in a complimentary hue as well. 7th - Coffee Table. A DIY fro reclaimed barnwood would be fab, functional and user friendly. OR a DIY Pallet one with those iron wheels, super easy to do and oh so cool! 8th - End Table - How about a feed store round wooden bucket that you wrap with metal and put a glass top on? 9th - You'll think I'm crazy, but I had a Manzanita Tree that I used for a hall tree, it looked fab and he still has it there. 10 - Check out auctions and try to get your hands on an old iron safe, small or large they make wonderful statement pieces. Also ck for old gold pans, I turned them into pendant lights and they were funky cool! 11 - Feedsacks for pillows. The feedstore has them and they'll give them to you for free sometimes. If not they charge a very nominal fee. Run them through the wash a few times, stuff em', sew the open end and your done! The big one's make great floor pillows for the grand-kids too. While your at the feedstore, ck out the galvanized items. The 'feeders' make great firewood containers and the raw ropes can be wound around an old tire for a cool indoor 'planter', just cut plywood for the bottom, nail it into the tire ( I do it after I cover it with rope because I like to see the naiheads) find a pot that fits inside the tire below the rim and plant with whatever indoor plants you like. 12 - Don't forget to Name your Ranch and make a wooden sign (with your 'brand' to hang. 13 - Old handsaws and farm implements hung on a wall looks fab. 14 - Sliding Barn Doors are all the rage right now and you can DIY it! 15 - A Half Door somewhere will add to the ambiance, plus they're handy, you can keep the bottom closed and the top open! Hope that gets ya going with some ideas? Can't wait to see some of your projects!!
  • Sia@South 47th Sia@South 47th on May 15, 2013
    Oh and in the downstairs bathroom I randomly tore, then crumped up a BUNCH of brown paper bags, mod-podged them on the lower half of the wall *like wainscoting*, waited 'till they were dry, then rubbed a med brown shoe polish wax over them. To separate them from the painted wall I used cheap plywood covered in my feedstore rope. While I'm no longer there, he is and so is that brown paper bag wainscot. 13 years and still going strong. It looks like leather by the way ;)
  • Lisa Mueller Lisa Mueller on May 15, 2013
    Stop by Pinterest and enter "Western decor". Lots of good ideas.
  • Rosemary N Rosemary N on May 15, 2013
    I love your cabinets! Here are a couple of ideas: barbed-wire wreath; horse shoes made into towel holders (does your husband know how to weld, or know anybody who does?); lariat wreath, perhaps w/straw flowers on it; spiffed up old implements for decor (I have a friend who has some old dairy barn equipment serving as potted plant holder - dynamite looking!); old pitchforks or other tools as wall decor (I have an antique pitchfork that looks really cool); spinning wheel (you can purchase these unfinished, finish them & put 'em together yourself. They look great and aren't too costly); antique sewing machine;just about anything well used, well worn, will work. Best of luck to you, and please send a photo of the finished've got me really intrigued!
  • Sandy Lovvorn Sandy Lovvorn on May 15, 2013
    Ladies, I LOVE your ideas! You all are awesome for jumping in there and helping me. As a matter of fact, I plan to sand and redo my counter tops this weekend. Yes, they are wood and we use the epoxy on them. I will brand them first. You have helped because I knew they needed to be darker to match cabinets but didn't know how much darker. I have very little kitchen wall space left but need to paint and love the color idea. I have so many of the things ya'll have mentioned to use that I have collected through the years. Now, I have ideas on how to use them to decorate with. I can't wait to get started and show pics to all of you. Yes, my husband welds very well. He has made me a hat rack from horse shoes and the bottom is a plow disc. He also made me towel holders for the bathroom. He is very handy like that when he can find the time. I am so excited to get going full force. My son and his three children are living with me now. He gets married in September to a wonderful young lady. He is a paramedic/fireman in Dallas and she is a trauma nurse. Sadly, the mother of his children left him about 3 years ago but he demanded joint custody of his sweet children. The divorce called for them to sell their beautiful new home which sold in December and they have been with me since. I help with children when he is at the station. Saying all of that to say,it is pretty hectic with 7 people living in the house (I still have a 17 year old at home that will be a Sr. next year). Would not change a thing but it makes doing what I need to do a little slower but I am going to get there and can't wait to share it all with you. Once again, thanks for the wonderful ideas!!!!
  • Sandy Lovvorn Sandy Lovvorn on May 15, 2013
    LOVE the light Pat I will be doing that!
  • Denise S. Denise S. on May 15, 2013
    I love the REAL WEST too... So many things are available to use... take a look in the barn and the fields...I think red and maybe blue bandanas (about 14" square) made into pillows would look good tossed around on the couch. Simple to sew them. They are already edged and perfectly sized. Buy a pre made pillow form (cheap..) maybe 12" at Jo Anns Fabric or wherever. slip them in.. tie edges with cotton faux leather..Love all the barbed wire ideas.. just keep high so kids won't get hurt. If you have some really thick gloves you could bend the wire to say something.. maybe on a piece of wood... Oh heck.. I will just come over and help you~!! So where are you.. aha! Have fun.. make it real it will be great!!! Twiggs
  • Sandy Lovvorn Sandy Lovvorn on May 15, 2013
    Come on Denise!!!! I would love it! I live in Wills Point Texas. Ever heard of that??? It is about 60 miles east of Dallas. Near Canton, TX home of world's largest flea market!! Love the bandana ideas too!!! Can't wait to get started with all of these neat ideas.
  • Cassi Rasmussen Cassi Rasmussen on May 15, 2013
    I would check out Etsy and search Western Decor
  • Kris Lee Kris Lee on May 15, 2013
    I would paint my kitchen red to make those fabulous cabinets pop! Then go with all the ideas previously given. They are wonderful. One other thing I would take that brass ceiling light down and repaint it w/the bronze oiled spray paint. Then it would be perfect with all the western decor. We have friends that are rodeo cowboys, and they have their whole Log house done up in western decor. I love their wagon wheel coffee table. It has glass on the top of the wheel and displays their trophy buckles. You could do something similar and display other items, like old brands, or implements. They also have some great metal bar stools that have rodeo event cut outs on the backs. Good luck and send pix when finished.
  • Sandy Lovvorn Sandy Lovvorn on May 16, 2013
    Thanks Kris. Great ideas. Can't wait to show pics. You ladies are awesome.
  • Leslie D Leslie D on May 16, 2013
    You're so lucky @Sandy Lovvorn ! My husband and I went to the Canton Flea Market...what a great place! Our hips hurt from all the walking, but I wish I was close enough to go every month! I did a quick google search for "modern western decor" and then hit "images", and it came up with a lot of different looks. You want to stay away from making it too kitschy...perhaps not a literal theme, but more of an overall look. A cow rug, some burlap curtains, and a couple of pieces of rustic decor could go a long way.
  • Sandy Lovvorn Sandy Lovvorn on May 16, 2013
    Yes Leslie, I enjoy living close by Canton First Monday Trade Days. It takes us about 20 min to get there. Don't get there as much as I would like but do try to go often. I too have looked at searches but I don't want the fake western look. I want the neat ( style look. I have already made burlap curtains for living room and also had some old popcorn burlap sacks I made curtains out of for window over kitchen sink. I have been gathering a few things here and there. Mostly from around our farm. I have been waiting on the finishing of our add on (big den/playroom, mud room/master bath) to begin painting and decorating. Happy to say that all is finished and I am anxious to get started. I can't wait to show pictures of the "slow" progress. Hopefully, I will have some pics of the counter tops next week. Hope to work on that this weekend. I work a full time job as an Administrative Assistant so weekends (when grands aren't there) is when I have time to work. But hey, it will be done. I must enjoy those grands while they are young! Thank you so much for the input!
  • Pat S Pat S on May 16, 2013 Hope this link works, it's a drum as a ceiling fixture and would work for your pots!
  • Sandy Lovvorn Sandy Lovvorn on May 16, 2013
    Thanks Pat!!! You ladies are awesome.
  • Angela McGlasson Angela McGlasson on Jan 30, 2014
    Your cabinets are amazing.
  • Sandy Lovvorn Sandy Lovvorn on Feb 01, 2014
    thank you Angela. I need to take pics of my counter tops that we strained barn red. They look great. Still so much to do but getting here. I work full time and have 8 precious grands that I love spending time with. Also have a SR in HS who plays basketball. Love my family.
  • Angela McGlasson Angela McGlasson on Feb 02, 2014
    Wow I can't wait to see the counters. I'm in the process of redoing my kitchen and bathroom. I get so inspired by everyone's beautiful homes.
  • Kim Dagenais Kim Dagenais on Feb 02, 2014
    Hi Sandy Love the rustic look of your cupboards. What colour are you painting the walls? I think a little red accents here and there would look good, and maybe on accent wall in red. It would go really good with your grey cupboards. I saw this inexpensive project on Hometalk I think a week or so ago that I want to do and I think it would also look good in your kitchen to give it that western feel. Check out the link below. I think a couple Texas Stars of different sizes would look great as well on a wall or two. I found another link on this site where you can make your own stars from cardboard, paint and a rusting solution from Michaels. The DIY project looks pretty easy and inexpensive. The link for that is below. Anyway I hope these links are helpful. I would love to see your finished kitchen, so I hope you post a couple pics when you are done.
  • Kim Dagenais Kim Dagenais on Feb 02, 2014
    Hi Sandy I also noticed your kitchen light fixture. Are you going to be changing that for something else more western?
  • Juju, the Anti-Gardener Juju, the Anti-Gardener on Feb 02, 2014
    How about some faux taxidermy? I purchased a deer head for my den painted it turquoise. Ordered a huge canvas of a steer with the turquoise colors. Had a faux pony hide pillow that I cut and made two pillows out of it. I also used silver, gray and rust with the turquoise. And of course, some wrought iron-looking wall sconces.
  • Janice Laprise Janice Laprise on Feb 02, 2014
    How about a pair of swinging saloon doors to go between your kitchen and family room. Bolo ties as tiebacks on the curtains, and some succulents for plants. and some moonshine type jugs for displays, and some canning jars for cannisters. I do love your cabinets as well, can't wait to see pics of your finished room.
  • Lisa B. Lisa B. on Dec 24, 2014
    Have seen light fixtures made from old enamel collanders. I think some punched tin panels, framed or as a back splash accent would go well with your cabinets. You could simply age them or give them a DIY rusty treatment.
  • Dacia Bolton-Bates Dacia Bolton-Bates on Dec 24, 2014
    I'm married to a cowboy also. We have a lot of western and Native American artwork in our home. Wrought Iron, Wicker baskets, Crocks, hair on hide rugs and furniture, nail head trim, paisley, etc. We love King Ranch furniture and accessories. We have copied much of their look. (I'm changing from website to a blog) Here are a few rooms of ours for you to look at:
  • Dacia Bolton-Bates Dacia Bolton-Bates on Dec 24, 2014
    I just figured out how to add photos for you. Here are a few so you don't have to click on the links above.
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  • Grangerite Grangerite on Dec 24, 2014
    Add more of kitchen. All walls am Nd windows, I keep losing my comment, go,to,thrift stores and you will find tons to help decorate your kitchen, iron, crockery and mason jars would look great in there. Red and white assessor ides. What color is that counter. Get on line and look at cowboy fabric and that will give you tons of ideas. Frame fabric for pictures. On back splash post cowboy sayings. Need color to blend in the counter top color. Not so sure about red. Cream and dark blue maybe.
  • 1673412 1673412 on May 27, 2015
    If you have cattle, I would try to repurpose and hides you may have acquired from them. They are beautiful as floor coverings of course, but can be used to upholster accent furniture and cover a lampshade. I think also creating a wall display with your husband's old cowboy hats and family photos in rustic wooden frames would be a beautiful and artistic way to tell your family's story!
  • Kini Kini on Sep 24, 2015
    These are some of the things in my living room. Plus I have denim slip cover sofa and love seat with cowhide pillows.
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  • Penniejo Penniejo on Jun 30, 2016
    I come here to find ideas so don't have anything to offer but just wanted to say I love your kitchen cabinets and good luck with your design. Love the cattle/cowhide comments we use one in our entry and one on the wall... Cute tractor pic :-} we have a Kubota