my garden

Ann W
by Ann W
one day I deciided I wanted a pond and like the crazy old lady that I am I did and it was July in south FL !!
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  • Ann W Ann W on Sep 24, 2012
    yes it is just off shore of PSL----
    comment photo
  • Karen Karen on Mar 06, 2016
    I'm late to this party, but as a "neighbor," I say congrats and then some. I, too, want at least a small pond and similar casual landscaping -- in part, to eliminate so much lawn to mow (actually, to pay someone else to mow!). And even though I have a small, screened patio attached to the house, I'd still like either a small amount of wood decking or pavers coming out from the patio. Again, eliminate so much lawn. Ironic, the first place I've lived in decades that has a well and in-ground sprinkler system, and I'd rather plant trees, a veggie garden, have a pond, etc.!