Easter Egg Planters for Wheatgrass (in Pretty Pastels)

If you ever wanted to make your own Easter egg planters from real eggshells and maybe grow your own wheatgrass, now it's the perfect time to do that! With Easter just around the corner, you'll have plenty of time to gather all the supplies and bring a little bit of colorful spring ... indoors! :)
They make the most adorable planters for wheatgrass, flowers or other small plants and can be easily integrated into your chic Easter decor, tablescapes, Easter vignettes, place name holders and many more.
You can use brown or white eggs and with the back of a spoon gently tap the upper side of one egg until you have a small hole that will allow you to empty the interior of the egg in a bowl. Use your fingers to gently peel small pieces of the eggshell and gradually remove about 1/3 from the top. Do the same to empty the interior of all the eggs.

Use plenty of liquid dish soap and warm water to gently wash the interior of each eggshell, using your fingers and let them dry on a paper towel.
You can pain them with acrylic paint, chalkpaint or milk paint in your favorite colors. I used acrylic paint and just added dabs of darker colors over the white paint to create some beautiful soft pastels.
Let the paint dry before using them. I didn't use anything else other than paint, but you can use a sealer for protection, if you want.
Then I did a ''magic trick'' and created individual bases for all eggshells, so each one can stand on its own. You can click here to go to Dreams Factory (my blog) and find more details about this step.
You can involve your kids in the whole process of creating the Easter egg planters, I'm sure they will love making them and even planting some wheatgrass (or any other plants).
If you want to grown your own wheatgrass, I have another post on my blog with a detailed step by step tutorial just for that - ( (click here to go to Dreams Factory and see how to grow some )

Have fun!

P.S. If you decide to try this project, save a few of the painted eggshells, there's another cool project for Easter coming real soon!
Diana | Dreams Factory
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  3 questions
  • Beth Beth on Mar 20, 2016
    might be a silly ??? but do they have to be hard boiled ?
  • Mil4814284 Mil4814284 on Mar 20, 2016
    Do you have to paint them or can you just color them like you do for easter? Thanks, Dianne
  • Ann Cosner Ann Cosner on Mar 21, 2016
    where can I get wheat grass seeds?
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  • Kim Kim on Jun 14, 2017

    These are so pretty! I used to make a funny-face version of these with my students and girl scouts, with alfalfa sprouts and a cotton-ball instead of dirt. The pic I am attaching is from the internet, but you get the idea.

    comment photo
  • Jan24732958 Jan24732958 on Oct 14, 2018

    I plan to try this, but I think I will hot glue a button to the bottom for stability. I have a small plant "nursery" on my window sill over the sink. I can put them there. Everything I put there grows well. Janice
