How to Keep Nibblers From Your Garden!

1 Material
If your plants have started to peek above the surface, it's time to protect them from would-be grazers.
Tell Bambi the salad bar is closed with a sprinkling of some strong smelling soap!
We've been using using Irish Spring as a deterrent the for past few years with great success.

I can't guarantee it will work for everyone (or every species...we primarily have deer and rabbits), but I can say that when we've had hostas and DIDN'T use the soap we went to bed with beautiful foliage, and woke up to lonely leaf stems.

Head to the supermarket and buy a 12-pack of soap.
We have a lot of yard, a lot of deer, and a few nice neighbors to share with, so I usually purchase three big packs and make extra.
Take out your food processor and using the shredder attachment....
...shred some 'Spring.

Then, spread some 'Spring around your garden!
The strong scent wards off critters and has protected our plants. Refresh with a new sprinkling every two to three weeks or after a heavy rain.
One 12-pack loosely fills my processor bowl three times.

How far it goes depends on the size of your garden and how liberally you spread it. We apply it as shown above, then just add a little more on occasion to freshen the scent.
(FYI: You might want to break out the vinegar to aid in cleaning up your food processor. No one wants soapy tasting cranberry-orange relish at Thanksgiving!)


I called a local cooperative extension to clarify.

The helpful person noted that she also uses soap to protect her own plants with success...but thought that "excessive" use over a period of 10 years might have some effect. She did not think it was harmful to the plants.


WOW! Ya'll have some variety of wildlife :) I'm sorry that some of your questions were beyond my experience. I didn't answer at first hoping that someone with additional experience or info might jump in (and thank you to those who did) sorry if anyone thought I was ignoring them. All I can say is we've been thrilled with this remedy where we've used it...and by many of the supportive comments, so have a lot of you. Happy Gardening!
EmDirr @
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3 of 315 questions
  • Rita Linn Rita Linn on Jun 11, 2020

    What about squirrels?

  • Jane Jane on Aug 11, 2020

    Doesn't the soap eventually dissolve and build up in the soil? I know a little detergent in a spray bottle can discourage insects, but wouldn't that much soap eventually get into the soil and kill the plants?

  • Aca79634596 Aca79634596 on Mar 07, 2024

    Does it work with your own dog? I have a 1+ yr old dog that has dug up my whole backyard. Where I used to have a nice lush lawn I have nothing but dirt n rocks. He toppled my potted plants, ceramic pots broken, my plastic pots chewed up n destroyed. Any suggestions besides get rid of the dog 😁

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  • Katheleen Katheleen on Sep 25, 2022

    I've done this for years now. It worked well but I have to "change up" with mouthballs for a few weeks than back to soap agin. They seem to get very who cares if I just use the soap. Now what do I do for all the chipmunk s? They'er destroying my bags of pellets we heat our home with. And something loves to munch on my Irish Spring! In the a.m. the one half bar I set out is always knawed on. For pet sacks give me a brack!!!

  • Kdt104903911 Kdt104903911 3 days ago

    A great, easy tip for deer.

    I've tried many ways, including the Irish Spring, which worked great. I didn't shave it however. I cut the soap in 8 pieces and placed them in a piece of old nylon and hung it on a tree, doing this around the perimeter of the property.

    BUT, my newest and easiest idea is to buy the cheapest, smelliest cologne and spray it on trees around the perimeter. Deers (and other critters) hate the smell (as they do the soap). After a huge rain, I repeat the process.

    Hope this helps someone.
