Leaving my puppy at home while on vacation

by Stephanie
I have a 9 mo old dachshund and l've had her since she was 6 weeks old and have never left her alone except for a few hrs. We also have an older small dog and 2 cats which will be fine. We have a teenager from across the street who will be checking on her a few times a day for me but l'm still feeling like our puppy will be very sad with me gone that l'm afraid to go away lol Help !!!
this is Bristol my Baby !
  23 answers
  • KT KT on Mar 22, 2016
    I think a puppy this age needs more than someone visiting a few times a day. Perhaps you can find a cageless kennel where she'll have the company of other doggies - the other bonus of boarding her is that she will get used to it and it won't bind you to the house as much.
  • MSKMGR MSKMGR on Mar 22, 2016
    Cageless Kennels are a great idea. There are also a lot of people who will board your puppy in their home - usually, they have their own pets so your puppy would have a companion. OR look for a professional pet sitter in your area. Go to: http://www.petsitters.org/ and type in your zip code. You can work with a pet sitter to schedule visits that work around your puppies current schedule. A professional will know what to do if there is an emergency and will care for your pets like they are his/her own.
  • Kathy Kathy on Mar 22, 2016
    I agree with the previous 2 answers. Dogs can't stay kenneled up with only a few visits a day. A cat can tolerate being alone for several days and do fine as long as they get food, water and cleaned litter box. I would find a friend or family member that could stay at your home or a good cageless kennel. Or someone who dog sits in their own home. Of course, get good references and visit the kennel or dog sitter and be sure you understand how they care for dogs and to see if your dog is comfortable in those environments and with those people.
  • Shari Shari on Mar 22, 2016
    You are obviously super attached to this puppy but to think she is going to miss you more than the older dog is not true. Most all pets, regardless of age (and especially dogs), miss us when we are not with them, even if we're just out running errands for a couple hours. I know when my husband and I had dogs, our pet sitters reported our dogs would mope around while we were gone and I see it in my daughter's dog when I pet-sit for her in my home. My *grand-dog* doesn't eat well, she mopes, she's restless and keeps going to the door every few minutes, and when she goes outside, she keeps looking for my daughter. After several days, she usually settles in okay but those first few days are rough on her. Since cats are more independent, they will probably be okay with the teenage drop-in sitter, but trust me, BOTH dogs are going to be affected by your absence, no matter what arrangements you make for them. Does that mean you shouldn't leave them? No, go and have a good time! As long as they are well-cared for and have plenty of human interaction/stimulation while you are away, they'll be fine.
    • Stephanie Stephanie on Mar 22, 2016
      @Shari Aw thank you after reading the other comments i was ready to call off the trip lol. I was thinking of also leaving a radio on for her and having our neighbor cutting it off at night. We have lots of windows and tall benches for them to look out. My husband told me we are only going to be 5 hrs away and if i fill the need to come home he will bring me back. I hope it works were supposed to also go to the beach in May for a week. We shall see lol thank you so much for your advise
  • Dee Dee on Mar 22, 2016
    If it was me i would take the dogs to the vet for boarding and have the teen come in to care for cats. Then your trip can be stress free
  • Sandy Sandy on Mar 22, 2016
    I had a friend with a dog, who took mine home at night, and brought her home during the day. She was used to being alone in daytime anyway. That way the kitties felt secure and she didnt feel abandoned.
  • Tawny Lee miller Tawny Lee miller on Mar 22, 2016
    Aww I have a Dachshund too they are such sweet little dogs! I know exactly how you feel i feel anxious every time I leave her home alone. Lately I've been leaving her with my parents when we are going out of town or something and she gets along real well with their dog. :) I feel a little better knowing she has someone to keep her company :)
    comment photo
  • Meemoo Meemoo on Mar 22, 2016
    I board my puppies and kitties. I have family nearby who are also willing to house sit and be here for my fur babies.i would not leave them home alone with visits.
  • CK CK on Mar 22, 2016
    I LOVE dogs :-) We have 3 of them. OK..as much as we'd all like to think dogs and puppies will miss us terribly when we're gone (and they do of course) we probably miss them more than they us. And did you know, dogs will sleep up to 20 hours a day unless they're out working or doing something with their masters? If the neighbor is going to be checking on the pets while you're gone, I'm sure Bristol will get plenty of play time and attention then. If your little doxi is well house- trained (I know how difficult they can be...we have a half-doxie) things should go alright. To be on the safe side, if you have a place to contain Bristol (if necessary) that would be good. Dogs are truly man's best friend and because of that, they're made to adapt to our schedules quite well. I've got a vacation coming up too and am wondering about dog care since our usual bordering situation is unavailable..... We do love our furry family members, don't we :-)
  • Pam Lewandowski Pam Lewandowski on Mar 22, 2016
    Awwww. We dog sit for 5 of our neighbors. We love the fur babies and leave the tv on for them during the day. We alternate lights and such. My daughter (21 now) worked at a pet resort for several years. It is like dropping of your 2 legged babies to day care. Such an emotional decision. I trust that the neighbor you have coming over will do a great job. Stay strong Momma. <3
  • Stephanie Stephanie on Mar 22, 2016
    aw thank you she is my baby girl and is my shadow all day until my husband comes home, if we didnt have the 2 cats and an older small dog i know i wouldnt leave her at all. Im going to try it plus ill be calling everyday to check on her lol. And my husband said if I feel uneasy he will bring me back home, i just hope i will be able to relax and have some fun. Thank you so much for your comment.
  • Sue Sue on Mar 22, 2016
    We found a senior ( who is very young at heart) and she stays at our house while we are gone. It is good for our little dog and it gives the lady who stays a few extra dollars! It's a win win situation.
  • Anne Alexander Anne Alexander on Mar 22, 2016
    I would not let anyone house/doggie sit, unless they were a very trusted adult... it sounds like you should give some thoughts as to the possibilities that could happen if things go wrong...what if your front door gets left open, and one of your pets gets out. What if something should happen to your home, fire, broken pipe, etc. what would happen if one of your pets had an medical emergency...these are just a few things to think about. And yes, I am a dog person, and I won't even let a relative take care of my dogs... I think it is really important to think about pets like they are your children in the sense that you love them and want to protect them....would you leave your kids home alone...?
  • Mary M. Prinzavalli Mary M. Prinzavalli on Mar 23, 2016
    I have heard that is you wear a old tee shirt or old blouse a couple days that you can leave it in the dog bed so she will smell your scent and should comfort her. They say it really works ,so go on your vacation and have fun.
  • Leslie D Leslie D on Mar 23, 2016
    Check out dogvacay.com if you don't have someone you can actually leave the dog with. I would never leave mine home alone for more than a working day. Dogs can get very stressed and exhibit behavior not typical...like chewing through and eating stuffing from pillows, sofa, etc. There are reviews on the site and the cost is less than boarding (which I would never do to my baby). $25-$40/night. We found a retired couple in our neighborhood who keeps only small breed dogs. Their home is set up for dog sitting, with a secure yard (they are not allowed outside without supervision), the dogs are never left alone, and they send us photos and videos throughout our time away. Our dog loves going there and I know he's getting proper attention...probably more than we provide since he has 24/7 companionship.
  • Cindy Curtis Cindy Curtis on Mar 23, 2016
    I would never leave my fur babies behind because first of all they are not dogs they are my kids, and nobody will ever take as good of care of them as yourself. and it does affect them they will always think when you leave your not coming back for awhile. There are to many pet friendly places to leave your fur baby behind.
  • Diane Diane on Mar 23, 2016
    We have taken our pup to stay with friends, to a small kennel, and to a large "spa". Each time she became ill from the stress of such a big change. Now we have a neighbor (I'm sure your teenage neighbor is living with an adult to call for help if necessary) or a dog walker (both of whom our pup loves) come to the house 4-5x's each day . No more problems. She's in her own home, with the tv on during the day, and sleeps with my tee shirt at night in her own bed, in our bedroom. You've read the various opinions posted here. Only YOU know your pup, so only YOU can make the RIGHT decision! Good luck!
  • Ptpatti Ptpatti on Mar 23, 2016
    Hubby and I left our two Westies home while we took our dream 3 week vacation for our 45th wedding anniversary. Two ladies who live next door came to our house three times a day. The unique part was that they stayed and watched their tv shows at our house with our dogs cuddled beside them. I left all kinds of chips and pop for them so they would feel like making themselves comfortable. I never called home, but we texted often. I told them ahead of time I already felt bad leaving my fur babies so to text me with all the enjoyable things they were doing with our dogs. Our dogs were absolutely fine when we arrived home. Although, I thought they should have acted more excited to see us. Your puppy will have lots of companionship and will enjoy the teen's attention. Texting with the teen can be a good way to communicate.
  • Kathleen Kathleen on Mar 23, 2016
    There is a site called Rover.com, they are licensed and insured. They have people in your area to provide excellent care for your babies. Even in your home re theirs.
  • MickeyCD MickeyCD on Mar 23, 2016
    Leave a old sweatshirt or item of clothing that smells like you for them to cuddle with - & have the neighbor spend a bit of time with them, so they won't develop stress problems. They will still love you when you come back.
  • Lavonda Lavonda on Mar 23, 2016
    I've had great success using Rover.com!
  • Cornelia Schott Cornelia Schott on Mar 23, 2016
    What about a nest cam, you can watch Bristol while you are on vacation. She sure is cute!
  • Jen R. Jen R. on Mar 24, 2016
    We used to leave our dogs at home when we went on vacation. My father-in-law lived across the street so he would come over and take care of them and watch tv for a bit. Now that we live elsewhere, we board them at the vet. We call it camp and they love going there. One of our dogs has some health issues so we figure the vet is the best place for them. If you feel your pups prefer home, then go for it. As long as they have someone to spend some time with, they'll be fine. :)