White Flowers in October?

Walter Reeves
by Walter Reeves
Sharon R. asks me: "My son and fiancee are planning an Oct. 21st wedding. Their budget is limited due to the economy. I thought I might help by growing some of the flowers and asking a talented friend to arrange them. Can you suggest some plants, primarily with white blossoms, that will be in bloom at that time of year? We are just into the mountains in Pickens county."
Can you think of anything that would help her? I can't.
there are white snapdragons...but can she grow these at that time?
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  • White Iceberg or Carpet roses. Pansies, Begonia, Angelonia, Mexican Zinnias, Mini petunias, the Wave petunia, mums. Nurseries tweak bloom times often. Many annuals are still in bloom here. Echinecea 'white swan'. And native ox-eye dasies should be in the middle of a new flush of blooms.. Hit them all with a bloom booster every two weeks. Amend beds well. If already amended, plant with a handful of Mushroom compost in each hole and some Osmecote or Dynamite slow release fert. If you have some afternoon shade, white green leaf begonias, impatiens, dusty miller and fern make a nice statement. We can get a frost in September, but unlikely and just cover up the plants.
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  • Kerri M Kerri M on Apr 16, 2012
    white sasanqua camellias, like 'white doves' variety may be blooming in october, depending on the weather, and pansy flowers are sweet and edible, would be great on the wedding cake...you might also think about forcing some bulbs to bloom at the right time, like white daffodils and hyacinths, or even paperwhites (easy process)...even petunias will take a good bit of cool weather, or begonias as long as they are under a porch... you really have lots of options since you have time to make it happen