Asked on Apr 06, 2016

What style of house is this?

by Pfhuntley
It is a 1.5 story house. I think it was built in the 50's or 60's. I want to remodel it a bit to make it more user-friendly, but on a budget and need to know what are my best options. Thank you!
My house. What is the 'Style" of it?
  64 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Apr 06, 2016
    What does the inside look like? From the outside it appears to be a small cape.
  • Pfhuntley Pfhuntley on Apr 06, 2016
    The upstairs has same 1960's carpet over wood floors, no heat vents and a wide open space. What should I do in this house to open it up? Also, the 2nd downstairs bedroom, has a "closet" that is really an opening to the upstairs steps. What would you do to start with this house? Thank you!
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  • Jemma Dee Jemma Dee on Apr 06, 2016
    Tudor style cottage
  • Mary Ann Davey Harby Mary Ann Davey Harby on Apr 06, 2016
    I believe it is a cape cod
  • Heather McKinney Heather McKinney on Apr 06, 2016
    I've always known them to be Cape Cod but I may be wrong.
  • Trudy Trudy on Apr 06, 2016
    Paint that front door a fun color!
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    • Pfhuntley Pfhuntley on Apr 07, 2016
      @Liz Oh cool! I will watch that tonight and see, thank you! Also, I wondered about the same color thing. Good tips! Thank you!
  • MN Mom MN Mom on Apr 06, 2016
    I would say this is a Tudor Cottage. Cape Cods typically have multiple dormers on the second story. I wouldn't consider this style Cape Cod.
    • Ola Jordan Ola Jordan on Feb 11, 2017

      My home is Cape Cod. Style is distinguished by dormers and full porch. I was thinking Craftman Cottage or Tudor Cottage. Not Cape Cod. Cute.

  • During the era that this house was built, many homes were designed in a "minimalistic traditional" style to save on expenses. To give the house some extra "my house is better than your house" attitude, (wink) they threw in some tudor cottage architectural elements - such as the arched door with the decorative brick surround and the front facing, bold, chimney. You will find that a lot of real estate agents refer to these as Cape Cod cottage (because of the 1 and 1/2 stories coupled with the year built) and also as a Tudor cottage (because of the elements stated previously). Both are technically true as far as what defines the style, but not entirely accurate. (I know, that's not really an answer). If you want to take it in one direction or the other to have more of an authentic and consistent style, it is leaning most closely to a Tudor Cottage and would be reasonably easy to embellish upon that style, as far as the exterior goes. Check out some Tudor cottages on and see what you like.
  • Colleen Colleen on Apr 06, 2016
    Paint will be your least expensive option for updating on a budget and would be a great place to start, beginning with the kitchen cupboards, paneling, trim, and the brick fireplace. Paint the front door a bright red, just for fun :) Would be pretty on that house.
    • Pfhuntley Pfhuntley on Apr 06, 2016
      @Colleen I was thinking on Hale Navy Blue on the outside and the Front door with white on the trim. I really want to make the kitchen better/bigger...I need a dishwasher!
  • Trudy Trudy on Apr 07, 2016
    Good morning, I think a classic house like that will look great with a fresh coat of white paint. I like the idea of a dark blue, but I am not sure how dark Hale Navy is. You want to be sure that it looks blue from a distance, buy a sample and paint some on before committing. I am going to disagree about the retaining wall. That would be an awful lot of dark blue and would take the attention away fro the house. I think a natural gray, maybe even faux painted rocks, so that it blends in more. PS I hope you are going to leave the brick unpainted, I like the contrast and character it gives the house.
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    • Pfhuntley Pfhuntley on Apr 07, 2016
      @Trudy this is hale navy.
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  • Andrew van den Heever Andrew van den Heever on Apr 07, 2016
    I think this is such a beautiful little house and wouldn't change it, maybe a new coat of paint if needed. I would focus more on the garden you would be amazed what difference the garden can make to a house.
  • Andrew van den Heever Andrew van den Heever on Apr 07, 2016
    I see that everyone is talking about painting the house blue, please don't! I'm not sure ware this house is, looks like the US? here in South Africa there are a lot of Blue, Black and green houses. I personally don't like! However keep us posted I'm curious to see the progress on your little project.
    • Pfhuntley Pfhuntley on Apr 07, 2016
      @Andrew van den Heever Thank you! It is in Minnesota USA. I will show you the blue. Not many here at all, but I love the look. I welcome all opinions, thank you!
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  • TJ TJ on Apr 07, 2016
  • Scott Scott on Apr 07, 2016
    Shutters and WINDOW BOXES! Those windows just scream for a sweet window box. Precious home! I love it!
  • Margaret Margaret on Apr 07, 2016
    I agree white paint and shutters and flower boxes. Think cottage. I lived in a house like that when I was a newly wed in the early 60. That house might be older maybe 40s?
  • Pgl Pgl on Apr 07, 2016
    I believe if you look up Sears house kits [ made about 80 years ago you will find the style] I was always told this is a modified Cape Cod . I have seen this style along the lower part of the Delaware River in PA. It could also be considered a modified ranch. Check Your local Library or e-mail the library in Doylestown PA with a picture, they should be able to help you as these are fairly common in Morrisville.
  • Nan Nan on Apr 07, 2016
    Love the flower box idea. If you choose to do that, then also place some beautiful pots, bursting with color, on the brick retaining walls. SIMPLE shutters with a great color sounds like a plus! Good luck with your choices.
  • Eaa1125516 Eaa1125516 on Apr 07, 2016
    After looking it up ,I would say American Craftsman.
  • Jane Harriss Naus Jane Harriss Naus on Apr 07, 2016
    I would call this a classic 50's bungalow... I think you should paint (or stain) your retaining wall & your sidewalk a sidewalk grey (the same as a sidewalk - that way it doesn't stand out). I love Hale Navy & the door would be wonderful! Make sure to paint the window above your door & your storm door the same Hale Navy. I can't tell from the picture, but is that brick trim around your door or just painted red? If it's painted, paint it as the trim color (white) - not the navy. I would paint your window trim white & the siding a Light Khaki Tan (maybe the same as your carpet downstairs?). The white piece over the brick chimney needs to be painted the same "color" as the chimney (so it doesn't stand out) - you may need to try a couple of colors before finding the right one for this. Plant shrubs (low growing) around the house. Upstairs I would remove the carpet & live with wood floors as they are until you can refinish them (we did this in our house & after living with them for 5 years we have finally started the refinishing process). It will cut down on allergens & give you a picture of what you are working with. I suggest you paint all your interior trim the same color - white or off-white, but all the same, even the stained trim. I know, that's a big change, but when you paint all your trim the same it brings a cohesiveness to your home. You could use the same color as your exterior trim (which brings your color palette from outside to the inside). As for layout/design of rooms - I suggest you go purchase a program like Better Homes & Gardens Home Designer. You can pretty quickly layout your rooms, layout your furniture & actually see what it will look like - plus you can put colors on the walls, etc... makes it easier to "see" what options you can do. As for the stairs in the bedroom closet - you will be able to see what options you have when you layout your walls in the designer software. You may have an option to actually turn the stairs around & open them up to a den or dining area or move them completely to another area, but without seeing the layout it is hard to make any suggestions about this. My neighbor actually lives in a house that has a bedroom closet stair, and they have plans to flip the stairs around which will open the stairs up to the entrance in their home (she says that's the 5 yr plan). Work with a contractor on that one! Don't be afraid to call in contractors to get their opinions, their guidance, their ideas - they are a wealth of info & will gladly help out - plus they will give you pricing guidelines for you to work toward the things you can't or don't want to do yourselves! I noticed that you have some later-date paneling (looks like the 60's or 70's) which may have been added to cover cracks in plaster (we had that, too). We also had 2 different colors of paneling & 2 different styles! Ick! Rather then pulling it & replacing plaster/drywall we decided to paint the paneling the same light taupe we used in the hallway - the nasty stained (sunlight changed the color in places) paneling just went from a dark room to a light filled neutral space we could add all the color to we wanted to! Have fun with your new house & remember that paint is cheap! You have beautiful corner lot that will be the highlight of your neighborhood! Sorry this was sooo long!
    • Pfhuntley Pfhuntley on Apr 07, 2016
      @Thank You Jane Harriss Naus What a wonderful response! Thank you so much!!! It is red brick around the door and it needs to be repaired as does the front step brick. Good suggestion on the software, I used to have some for my older computer, but does not work on the newer ones. Love your suggestions, thank you!!!
  • Shari Veater Shari Veater on Apr 07, 2016
    Cape Cod...paint the cement retaining wall and add flowers....maybe a pop of color with the front door...ENJOY!
  • Emily Emily on Apr 07, 2016
    It is easy to determine the age of your house by checking at your county court house. When you say "remodel" do you mean just the outside? I would first determine the age/source of the house and then proceed, IMHO, honoring the original design.
    • Pfhuntley Pfhuntley on Apr 07, 2016
      @Emily I want to remodel the inside only. I will update on the outside, with color and such, but keep it original. The inside does not have a shower and the bathroom is tiny 6x6. The closet in my room, needs to have a new door so I can actually use the full closet instead of just able to reach only 24" of it as the door is small. I am thinking a sliding door. I want to open up the steps for upstairs, cuz now, they are in a closet in the 2nd bedroom, which is not really a bedroom because of it. Also, it is weird to have steps in a closet, so hidden, people say...YOU have an upstairs? Hmmm, where are your stairs? lol I would like to make it more open and make the kitchen more user friendly and include a dishwasher too.
  • Barbara Barbara on Apr 07, 2016
    I'd say it's a modified post-war Cape Cod. Are you working indoors for the remodel or outdoors? I love the window box idea with colorful flowers, but I'd be tempted to flank the windows with narrow shutters. I'd leave the retaining wall as is, with a fresh coat of paint to match existing. Overflowing potted plants/flowers on the brickwork on each side of the steps. Leave the white exterior, makes the home look larger. Darker colors will visually diminish the size and make the house appear much smaller. I wouldn't touch the architecture of the house at all, its got great curb appeal just the way it is. Really neat looking home!
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    • Pfhuntley Pfhuntley on Apr 14, 2016
      @Barbara Thank you for the tip on HD, I will use that service too! Thank you again and good luck on your remodel projects. I am excited to get started.
  • Sheryl Sheryl on Apr 07, 2016
    Cape Cod. Do all cute with lots of pops of color! My husband and I owned a home very similar to this one. I miss it. Whatever you do keep the charm. It's adorable. Hanging planters, shutters, shrubs and maybe even a wooden white picket fence would do wonders for it. Good Luck and have fun with it!
  • Tammy Sea Tammy Sea on Apr 07, 2016
    It's a bungalow. It would look beautiful with window boxes and a door color that pops.
  • Sheryl Sheryl on Apr 07, 2016
    I owned a home similar to it and miss it very much. Love the charm. Whatever you do keep the charm.
  • Bonny McDaniel Bonny McDaniel on Apr 07, 2016
    I agree that the style is a modified Cape Cod but there are other elements to this cute house. The only thing I would do to the house is give it a little more personality with, as someone said, some narrow shutters on the small windows to the left of the door and the right of the chimney and, also, the end windows. The front door could stand a little color as well as the storm door...nothing too outstanding like red...but a sage green or butter yellow might look nice (same color for the shutters). I agree on the retaining wall...paint grey or very light tan and then plant greens and flowers that will spill over the side like trailing petunias, bacopa, ivy, etc. I think the yard could stand one or two small deciduous trees (so they lose the leaves in the winter and they don't block your winter sun). Perhaps one at the end or out by the retaining wall and one to the left of the house. Also, the foundation plantings should be extended around the right and left ends of the house...try to bring them out a little ways on the ends and it will, visually, increase the footprint of the house...some flowers in the blank place to the right of the fireplace and then another boxwood or greenery and some more flowers at the end part of the house. And those brick walls bordering the steps just scream: potted plants/flowers on each landing! All of these things can be done gradually and on a minimum budget. Go to yard sales and get plants and pots, watch sales at the end of the season and buy bare root trees in the winter. You can do it...go for it!
  • Bonny McDaniel Bonny McDaniel on Apr 07, 2016
    I just checked my "A Field Guide to American Houses" by Virginia and Lee McMaster and those elements of your house that are different than Cape Cod are the rounded doorway and the steep pitch of the roof and those fall under what is known as Eclectic Tudor. Many of those were stone and they seldom included the half-timber look of the true Tudor. They were popular in the 1920s and 1930s so it does look like the designer of this adorable house just 'married' the looks of several styles as they usually do in more modern times. Sometimes they produce an awful, dated look but, like yours, it is a very nice design and ageless.
    • Pfhuntley Pfhuntley on Apr 07, 2016
      @Thank You Bonny McDaniel WONDERFUL tips! I so appreciate them. It is so fun to learn what others would like in my house. I love people's opinions!!! Thank you much!
  • Cheryl Bowkett Cheryl Bowkett on Apr 07, 2016
    This is likely WWII Era as there are no eaves to speak of. This was a common practice during wartime to conserve materials.
  • Vic C. Vic C. on Apr 07, 2016
    In my opinion, it doesn't matter what style of this house was, if you prefer to retain it's original outlook of this house, please do. What you are asking is to remodel it into more user-friendly home, more open space with limited budget, right? In terms of user-friendly, I would say you should eliminate all the old carpets, replace them with either bamboo flooring or carpet tiles. For more flooring guides, please refer to Wayfair- Flooring Options and Materials Guide Next, if you do not need a bath tub, get rid of it, just make it a walk-in shower room with glass panel. There's a lot of options to choose from, e.g: Wayfair - Shower & Bathtubs enclosures To create more open space, if you have bigger budget, you should eliminate/ hack some hallway walls/ walkway walls leading to the living hall or dining room. That would open-up the space and direct more natural lights in. If you can't do that, maybe you could remodel the window to full-size frame (ceiling to floor height). That would create a sense of openness and connecting the indoor and outdoor space. To block unwanted lights and for privacy, apply roller shades on the windows, e.g: HomeDepot: Lights Filtering Shades Last, but not least, if you have extra budget in the future, look into remodeling your kitchen cabinets. You could do "refacing your current cabinets" or "renew the cabinet doors", that would cut down your cost, for sure. There are many kitchen design ideas from HomeDepot: Kitchen Design Ideas Cheers, Vic C. p/s: You mentioned about the closet under the staircase, I would suggest that you open up the space, put up a nice wall cabinet with working space, or a day-bed for a nap, or just put a cozy arm-chair with a coffee table for reading. There are lots of ideas online how you could fully-utilized that space to your preference! e.g: Houzz: Under the stairs
  • Marilyn Marilyn on Apr 07, 2016
    It looks somewhat like an English Style Cottage, which was a popular architectural style from the 1920s to the 1940s.
  • Joy Ciccketti Augevich Joy Ciccketti Augevich on Apr 07, 2016
    They call them English Cottages. Yes, it's a Cape also.
  • Ann Ann on Apr 07, 2016
    I would think it would be called a bungalow.
  • Sherri Sherri on Apr 07, 2016
    I like the blue with white trim that you're considering, I say go for it! I do think you need to do something to cover the foundation so it will look a bit more finished but this could be as simple as adding some landscaping. The first thing I'd do on the inside is rip out all carpet and restore the wood floors below. I'd also get rid of the wood paneling in the living room to lighten the room and bring it into this century. That will immediately open the space up and make it more light and airy. Without knowing how large your dining area is, or the size of your family and how you will use the dining room, it's hard to say what to do to increase your kitchen efficiency. I'm wondering if you could remove the short counter and the wall it attaches to between your kitchen & dining room and then do a wrap around counter or an island to replace them. The idea would be to steal space from the dining room to enlarge your kitchen. However your dining room windows might also need to be moved to make it look right and that would start being a much larger project. Alternately if you want to go another way, you could use the entire dining area to create a huge kitchen with island, breakfast nook, kitchen office and pantry.
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    • Pfhuntley Pfhuntley on Apr 07, 2016
      @Sherri I hate the idea of a formal dining as it is such a waste of space! Love eat-in kitchens! I am excited to get started and I will update on here as I do stuff. Thank you, I think my daughter is excited too! THANK YOU!!!
  • Cj Sisco Cj Sisco on Apr 07, 2016
    Tudor, in my opinion. But somebody decided to go against the design of architecture.
  • Lynn Lynn on Apr 07, 2016
    Looks like a 1920s to 30s craftsman bungalow. It s definitely NOT as late as 1950s.
  • Trudy Trudy on Apr 07, 2016
    That is a beautiful color for the door.
  • Karen Karen on Apr 07, 2016
    This looks to be a 1930-40's tudor style. Really cute, Try to keep the basic style in tact, but it's okay to put your own spin on things.
  • G G on Apr 07, 2016
    It's not a Tudor, it's a Cape or dormered Cape
  • Linda Linda on Apr 07, 2016
    Yes, it's definitely a "Cape Cod" style, or "Cape".
  • Barbara C Barbara C on Apr 07, 2016
    Not a Craftsman,either.
    • MN Mom MN Mom on Apr 07, 2016
      I agree...I'm a Craftsman junkie and this is not one of them
  • Shele long Shele long on Apr 07, 2016
    looks like a cottage style summer home
  • Emily Emily on Apr 08, 2016
    Oh, that makes sense! Can you post pictures of the inside of your house. It would be easier to advise that way.
    • Pfhuntley Pfhuntley on Apr 08, 2016
      @Emily There are pix of the inside on the top message. Thank you!
  • Vik Vik on Apr 08, 2016
    It's a cape cod. It hasn't been ruined yet. Don't do anything you don't have to do. Would love to see inside.
  • Tanya Tanya on Apr 08, 2016
    Cape Cod. Very pretty.
  • Vik Vik on Apr 08, 2016
    Just saw 'em. That house can be so stinking cute! What state is it in?
  • Teri Teri on Apr 08, 2016
    Get rid of the wood paneling and any laminate flooring. Tear out the carpet if there is hard wood underneath. Kitchen cabinets a need to go ..don't think those are original anyway . Check out old house forums for pictures of cape cod interiors. Keep the original tub...very nice. Don't go over modern though.
    • Pfhuntley Pfhuntley on Apr 08, 2016
      @Thank You Teri I will look for cabinets and interiors and such for my house. I definitely want to keep the charm.
  • Vik Vik on Apr 08, 2016
    Just curious. Are you gonna live in it, flip it for resale, or rent it?
    • Pfhuntley Pfhuntley on Apr 08, 2016
      @Vik I am in it now, but it is going to be for my daughter to rent from me and she will probably buy it from me later.
  • ReneJackson ReneJackson on Apr 08, 2016
    Try to keep it as original as possible. You may need to tear down the pony wall in the kitchen. Probably not original anyway. There would have been some kind of wall up. Looks as if someone already demoed a wall to kitchen. Under the rugs should be original flooring. You might want to re glaze the tub.
  • Vik Vik on Apr 08, 2016
    Well that's just great. Hope u both love what u do to it. Thanx for sharing.
  • Paula Brock Paula Brock on Apr 09, 2016
    Cape Cod cottage, I think.
  • Margaret Margaret on Apr 09, 2016
    I have been thinking about your house. The wall around the yard bothers me because it doesnt fit in. So I thought of this as a solution. Paint it to match the chimney brick. I have done this and it is simple. Pick several colors out of the brick first coat paint the wall to a grotting color like gray or dark brown. Get a couple rectangular sponges for the brick painting. Glob a mix of your colors on the sponge squeeze lightly so the colors blend then stamp it on in a brick pattern. Keep your sponge fairly dry and wash it or replace it often. If you use concrete paint I dont think you need to seal it
    • Pfhuntley Pfhuntley on Apr 09, 2016
      @Margaret Oh Margaret, I LOVE THAT IDEA!!! I thought the same thing, that is just does not fit in. That would help camouflage some of the flaws too. Keep those ideas a flowin' I love them!!! Thank you!!!
  • Emily Emily on Apr 10, 2016
    You have a very nice, solid looking house. I would recommend painting the paneling in the living room and if hard wood floors are beneath, removing the carpeting. Sounds like either you or your daughter will be living in it, so why not use an extra bedroom as a closet?
    • Pfhuntley Pfhuntley on Apr 10, 2016
      @Emily Thank you! The 2nd bedroom is the access to the Steps to go to the 2nd floor. It is so odd. You have to walk into the bedroom to get to the closet, which is not really a closet, it is the opening to the steps for upstairs. I am thinking on maybe taking out the wall to make an open staircase and expanding the bathroom and or make a laundry in there. Not sure yet.
  • Emily Emily on Apr 10, 2016
    Actually that is the situation we had in a house we moved into in the late 1940's . . . I mean my parents. The bedroom in the front of the house had sort of a nice big closet, also on the front, that is where the attic steps were. Sounds like your plan may be the best solution.
  • Vince Vince on Apr 11, 2016
    Looks like you've received a bunch of great suggestions. I own in Fairhope, Alabama and we've helped home owners get their yards under control and looking great. You might consider getting a local professional lawn care company or a landscaper to set things right, then it is a small enough lawn that it wouldn't take too much time to keep it up yourself.
  • Lin Lin on Apr 13, 2016
    We call this era and size house a "bungalow" style home in our area. My son had one and updated it with paint and window coverings and updates in kitchen. Use of lighter colors, will make it appear more spacious, also large mirror in living area. It will look so wonderful, be creative and enjoy your space.
  • Polly Zieper Polly Zieper on Apr 20, 2016
    This is a Cape, sometimes called a Capecod
  • Debbie Debbie on Feb 09, 2017

    House has New England look to it... clapboard siding... I think it is called a Cape , short for Cape Cod.

  • Liv Liv on Jun 11, 2018

    Cape Cod

  • 17335038 17335038 on Aug 08, 2018

    Although this style of house is often (erroneously) called a bungalow , it is not a bungalow from an architectural standpoint. The Hale Navy house in the picture above, is a true Craftsman Bungalow, popular in the 1920's and 30's in the United States.

    The original design of this house was immediately post WW II. The flat, unadorned triangular shape and lack of overhang to the sides is classic Wartime 1 ½ story architecture. The upper rooms have slanted ceilings instead of full height walls, to save lumber due to wartime rationing.

    The interior arched doorways are also a classic post-war characteristic seen in domestic architecture. The style and width of the trim however on the interior windows is characteristic of an earlier (pre wartime) period, which leads me to conclude that the home was built by someone who was familiar with this former style rather than by a builder as part of track r.o.t.m track housing.

    The red brick trim on the front door and the brick fireplace are an upgrade to the original house design. The pictures posted show some updates that have been

    done over the years: double stainless steel sink, cabinet doors, and wall panel board.

  • Fiddledd224 Fiddledd224 on Mar 04, 2019

    It looks like a modified Cape Cod. Start your renovations on the mechanical stuff (heating, plumbing, roof, windows and air conditioning). Use the remaining funds for the "pretty" stuff, like painting and floor coverings. Take inventory of what needs to be done and rank them in order of need and how much $$$ you have for repairs. You don't have to do all of it at once.

  • Carolyn Arps Carolyn Arps on Nov 21, 2019

    Not enough room to build on to little of a yard.

  • Michael Michael on Jan 12, 2022

    I would to with windows double insulated same for the front door. Go with an unique older stylish hand rail down both sides of those stepsicon

  • I guess it fits all the styles that have been listed. It looks to me like a traditional bungalow or cottage style home. It's darling either way and had the potential to be a a real show stopper with its original charm.

  • I would call it a cottage style house. I love the curved archways!