How to care for Hydrangeas in particular the PeeWee

by Ktr5593255
Do you cut them back in Fall or Spring what do you add to the oli?
  6 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Apr 13, 2016
    Hydrangeas should not be pruned until you see the new growth emerging.You will be able to distinguish the dead wood from the live growth.Only prune the dead wood as you will cut off the potential flowers.
  • MN Mom MN Mom on Apr 13, 2016
    From www.homenursery. com Most hydrangeas really don't need pruning so it's best to just let them do their thing. If there are weak or winter-damaged branches it is ok to prune those areas. Sometimes pruning will encourage more flowers on older plants or if the hydrangea was planted in the incorrect area reducing its size might be necessary. If any pruning is to be done the timing is important. Oakleaf hydrangeas bloom on old wood (meaning last year's branches) and set their flower buds in late summer or early fall. Pruning too late in the season can eliminate flowers for the following year. Make sure any pruning is done right after flowering is finished. Double check that you have a Pee Wee oak leaf hydrangea . These bloom on old wood so if you prune or eliminate the old wood after blooms this year you might not have blooms next season.
  • Rose S Rose S on Apr 14, 2016
    Mine are Mopheads, and I only trim off the dried up blossoms in winter. Mine seem to bloom on old growth.
  • Joyce Hochsprung Joyce Hochsprung on Apr 14, 2016
    Paniculata hydrangeas bloom on new wood so prune late winter or early spring. Usually light shaping and removing the dried flower heads are all that is needed.
  • MN Mom MN Mom on Apr 14, 2016
    PeeWee variety I believe are oak leaf variety of hydrangeas. Oak leaf bloom on old wood.
  • Ktr5593255 Ktr5593255 on Apr 15, 2016
    l be trying to make some terra cotta outdoor pieces. What is the best glu se fr these projects?