City folk gone Country. Help!

Danelle T
by Danelle T
First, we have a drainage issue with the front yard. Second, we have a mound septic system in the back and it's a sight for sore eyes. Third, behind the mound is a forest of about 3-4 acres ending with a ravine and a creek. I cannot get to the creek without being stuck with stray branches, bending and zig-zagging. How would I go about clearing a path? Fourth, There's a bar/food place across from us, also not a great sight but we like it there. Just don't want to look at it.
Any thoughts or suggestions?
Back yard with Septic and Mound
Front Drive View
Partial front view with standing water
  10 answers
  • Michele L Michele L on Apr 19, 2012
    For the mound septic issue, I would plant some shallow root system flowering ground cover. It will spread across without going deep into the septic.
  • Danelle T Danelle T on Apr 20, 2012
    I considered that although I think the deer may eat it. The mound itself is not the issue. It's the pipes sticking out of it. Thank you, Michele L. I think I might give it a try tho.
    • Lesley Owens Lesley Owens on Apr 06, 2017

      HI Danelle! Go to your local flower nursery and ask which flowers are the ones the deer DON'T like... or google it. Trust me, there's some stuff the deer won't get near!

  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Apr 21, 2012
    How bad a problem are deer in your area, Danelle? If you don't have a fence, that is probably going to be the defining factor in your plant choices. You could plant some ornamental grasses to cover up the pipes in the septic area as deer usually pay no attention to those. If you want to establish a screen along the road, pines and spruces would be your best deer-resistant choices.
  • Danelle T Danelle T on May 17, 2012
    We have 3 deer that come thru almost on a daily basis. Whatever I put in has to be deer resistant. I will look into spruces, I'm not much for pine trees. Thank you for the input.
    • Ginger the farm gal Ginger the farm gal on Mar 13, 2017

      Don't think deer will eat daffodils, that would give you spring color...but don't plant them if you plan on fencing in for livestock, goats, or pets. I'd go with chickens, even if you don't want a least you'd have eggs. A rolling chicken coop will make it green and lush as well as keep it from growing up. Any evergreen is good for screening, but stay away from spreaders.

  • Michele L Michele L on May 27, 2012
    I saw a cute idea to build a windmill over pipes with access door in rear with some small plantings at base
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Jan 08, 2015
    Country living requires a lot of work because you not only have a house to keep up, the land has to have attention too! Your first priority is to work on that drainage problem. The best place to start is to talk to some of the people who live in the area...they know the land. Learn what you are dealing with...i.e....rainwater or natural springs? Don't jump right into the first suggestion. It will be an ongoing process! Then move back some distance from the road...say 20 feet...and delineate your property with some pretty trees that do not require work except raking, and it does not leave you exposed to the public but tells people not to cross that boundary line. The septic tank is in back so have fun with it. Make rock gardens...add playful things...pathways using crushed rock. I clipped a post where a woman made flowers out of bending pipe and machinery. I have attached a couple of photos of fun things.
    comment photo
  • Beatrice Tangeman Beatrice Tangeman on May 04, 2015
    French drain perhaps, allowing water to drain beneath the ground.
  • Deanna Nassar Deanna Nassar on Sep 28, 2016
    Can't help much with the yard, other than plant bushes, flowers, trees. Try some Dogwood along the bar side and maybe a few bushes like lilac, Rose of Sharon will add some color. Go through catalogs to see what you like. Maybe an apple tree away from general view to cut down on "freebie pickers". In back you may be able to put a small garden area of tomato, melons. Get a pair of heavy grade limb lopers and a pruning saw to help create a path to the creek.
  • Ginger the farm gal Ginger the farm gal on Mar 13, 2017

    Sounds like you need a machete or a good weed eater like an Echo, or Kawasaki for the grown up area. An adventurous four wheeler may be willing to make you a path also

  • C C on Mar 22, 2017

    I would look into a DR Trimmer and then proceed. Deer love apple trees and any other fruit. I planted 22 fir trees (global arbors) along my back property and they tore the burlap covers off and ate every one the first winter. Next I tried Holly thinking that they wouldn't like the sharp pointed leaves. WRONG, they killed those too. Costa? Ate it to the ground BUT they stayed away from the Iris, Ajuga, Pine, Mock Orange, Dog Wood, Lilac, Forsythia & Lillys. Good luck and enjoy your little peace of heaven and take your time with your yard. I loved mine for over 20 years and then sold and moved back to suburbia.