A Little Glitz & Glam For This Boring White KitchenAid Mixer

4 Materials
Yes People, I painted my KitchenAid Mixer! I've been wanting to do it for sometime and when Plutonium Paint came my way I knew it was the PERFECT paint for my project. It's not your typical spray paint. It's like the Macy's of all spray paints. Top of the line, head honcho...The Big Dog!
First you need to clean the years of cookie dough, smeared mash potatoes and dried up lemon meringue off your mixer. I used a product called TSP (check your local Home Depot or Lowes) to clean all my pieces of furniture so why not on the mixer? It's gets ANYTHING off!
I then took off all the surface parts.
Yes I used a butter knife instead of a flat head screwdriver. Dont tell me you dont do that! LOL
I went over the existing finish with sand paper to give the paint something to grip onto. Prep is the key to any good rehab!
I then taped off the parts I didn't want painted with my trusty Frog Tape.
I decided to prime my mixer as I REALLY wanted the paint adhere well. I used a oil based primer. Plutonium is seriously the best spray paint on the market. It leaves a beautiful finish and goes a long way!
I used their "Aloha" (teal) & the gold is called "First Place Metallic". I then sealed with their new Clear Gloss.
Just look at that finish!
Baby butt smooth!
I'm going to let it set for a few weeks to really let the layers of primer, paint and top coat cure. The mixing will just have to be done the old fashioned way!

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Stephanie  Coon/Rehab to Fab
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3 of 22 questions
  • Ramona Ramona on Feb 04, 2021

    How did you recreate the writing? And how did you paint the back without getting paint in the motor?

  • ToTo ToTo on Jul 03, 2021

    My Kitchenaid mixer has a textured finish. Do you think I can paint it ? I know it will still have the texture finish but I would to have a different color. Mine is a dark gray and I am just tired of it! Do you have any information about sending it to Kitchenaid for them to paint. Thank for the great post!

  • ToTo ToTo on Nov 11, 2021

    I have a “textured “ gray Kitchenaid mixer. Do you think it would look good painted or just bite the bullet and leave it like it came ?

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  • Rustoleum oil based enamal also works good on appliances! I just painted my oven and microwave which were stainless stain. They are now dark grey and match my new black stainless fridge much better!

  • Tara Austin Tara Austin on Jun 22, 2022

    Spray painted appliances change the entire feel. I just love it. Spray painted our fridge years ago with regular old Rustoleum and it still looks and feels amazing. I didn’t even have to seal coat it.

    comment photo
    • Kim Kim on Sep 02, 2023

      Oh my! That is GORGEOUS!! That’s the prettiest refrigerator I have EVER SEEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!! My two favorite colors!! GREAT JOB❣️🖤❤️
