Google Eyes Bowl Tutorial

Petro Neagu
by Petro Neagu
This Google Eyes bowl is a cheap and easy craft to do for an with the kids for fun memories. Great decor piece for kids room or a gift idea!
I added a bit of sparkle because I’m girly like that and also to cover the Mod Podge spots that otherwise wouldn’t look as great. It was designed to look nerdy but I think it’s super cute and totally appropriate for my room, err I mean Ellie’s room. And I love the noise it makes when I grab the bowl, too cute!
You will need:

-Google eyes in various colors (similar here)

-Mod Podge

-sponge brush

-aluminium foil

-bowl with rim

-glitter shakers

-Spray adhesive

-sharp scissors

Cover the bowl in aluminium foil, add Mod Podge i a few layers then glue the google eyes and add glitter and you're done!
Petro Neagu
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