What would you do with this front door?

by 117135
We just painted the trim black on the house. I am not liking all that black at the front door? I was thinking to paint the trim white and the door black or adding some white to the black trim to break it up and paint the door red? What suggestions do you have?
UPDATE: Here is the final outcome of the door!
  84 answers
  • R.V.R. Farris R.V.R. Farris on Jun 08, 2013
    A couple of suggestions, paint the door black, the trim around the door and sidelight windows a darker shade from the color family of the siding. Or, possibly a darker color from the color family for the door, and a lighter shade for the trim work around the door and windows. That door is a stunner! But, I do agree with you, I believe the black around the doors and windows is a little overpowering. And, the color combinations of Taupe colors with black and white is very pleasing to the eye, my eyes anyway. Hope I didn't confuse you and have fun. I repainted a house several years ago and the garage door looked like a crazy quilt from all of the color combinations before I made a decision. Gotta love the sample cans now available!
  • Carolyn Wiegand Carolyn Wiegand on Jun 09, 2013
    just paint it the same color as the house
  • Jessica C Jessica C on Jun 10, 2013
    I think the house needs more color. I would go for a red front door.
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Jun 10, 2013
    Brown and cranberry is beautiful. I would repaint shutters and door in that color.
  • 117135 117135 on Jun 10, 2013
    Jeanette S., the shutters were just painted black from a country blue.
  • Laurie S Laurie S on Jun 10, 2013
    The color for the trim around the door and windows would look good about the same shade as the roof color...to blend a little better. Then I would paint the door a deep red (almost burgundy). I agree with Jeanette S above - Brown, Cranberry, and Beige would look nice together. I would also add a couple of potted plants/shrubs/topiaries on either side of the door to take away the chopped up look from the short windows.
  • Trent-Tonya Sharp Trent-Tonya Sharp on Jun 10, 2013
    i would paint it red what a beautiful place
  • Nicky Blakeney Nicky Blakeney on Jun 10, 2013
    Paint the wood around the side windows the same as the door leaving just the narrow trim at the out side edges black and do the same with the transit above the door. Then add some blue to the shutters.
  • 117135 117135 on Jun 10, 2013
    @Laurie T. Thanks for the color suggestions! I usually do planters on both sides of the door, but have not this year since the house was being painted and the entire front yard and walk way will be tore up this week! I will work on the gardening and landscape next year!
  • DeAnna Whisenant-Arnold DeAnna Whisenant-Arnold on Jun 10, 2013
    Red would be beautiful
  • Beverly Beachy-Gales Beverly Beachy-Gales on Jun 11, 2013
    paint all the black around the door white like window frames, or if you don't like white go with a cream but you need to stay light to get door to pop, I would go with solider blue old village color and a shade darker vintage blue for door, add planters on both sides of door so side windows don't appear so small and lost. you could even paint the concrete and draw ones eye to the door.
  • Heidi Jeffries Heidi Jeffries on Jun 11, 2013
    I would paint the door a deep red white on all the trim work around and on top the door and do fine detailing in black. OR do the door in bright white and fine detail the black with white.
  • Pam Massey Pam Massey on Jun 11, 2013
    My answer would be to paint same color as house or return it to the church.
  • Roanna K Roanna K on Jun 11, 2013
    I don't like the sidelights but I guess removing them is not an option. I'd paint the trim lighter as the black is making them get sucked into the house.
  • Tracey Kaufman Tracey Kaufman on Jun 11, 2013
    Paint the door black and the black trim white, change the door hardware to pewter, lose the numbers and light above door, add lantern style lights to each side, brick step up entry, large black urns on each side of the door with fabulous plants, they would set right below the side windows and give it a more finished, pulled together look!
  • Wendy Wilber Wendy Wilber on Jun 11, 2013
    I would change the side windows, make them the same length as the door and take the half circle away from the top, change ther door completely, the windows are hideous! Looks like the house is evil andgoing to pounce on you with those door wings! Not very inviting!
  • Linda T Linda T on Jun 11, 2013
    Darker sage for the trim and a pale sage for the door. I would also add bright color flowers out in front with purple and fuchsia to make it pop!
  • Deborah Pfeiffer Deborah Pfeiffer on Jun 11, 2013
    first i would add a pannel on both sides of the door under the small windows all the way down to make them look the same size as the door add the trim and then paint it a shade darker than the color of the house. Then paint the door a nice bright white..
  • I Play Outside The Box I Play Outside The Box on Jun 11, 2013
    Shame on you Wendy!
  • Jeanne Lemley Jeanne Lemley on Jun 11, 2013
    i do not like the door at all !
  • LeAnn Shultz LeAnn Shultz on Jun 11, 2013
    The colors need to be either in the same color family as the siding or go with its opposing color. The black is very stark against the siding but if that is the color you want to keep them the door should be painted in dark yellows, like a mustard or ocher. If yellows aren't your favorite then I'd go with darker red/brown like a mahogany red or brick.
  • Melia Wellborn Melia Wellborn on Jun 11, 2013
    It is a beautiful door and sidelites but the color does clash with the color of the house. A better color would be a deep plum trimmed in white if you want it to stand out if not stick with the shutter color.
  • Nance Freeman Nance Freeman on Jun 11, 2013
    I would put up shutters the same length as the door.
  • Gloria S. Navarro Gloria S. Navarro on Jun 11, 2013
    Too much going on with the glass decoration, it all looks too busy! The brown around the door and wings has to go, even white would look better(without the glass décor)
  • Norma Webster Norma Webster on Jun 11, 2013
    i think it look nice if u do the trim around the windows white like the house.Then white round the door frame white leave rest black and door paint color of house.
  • Melissa W Melissa W on Jun 11, 2013
    Looks like something from the sound track Stair Way to Heaven. This is plain awful. Get rid of the whole door.. replace it with another door that has side lights that go all the way down with the door. Add a small lift under the thresh and Get rid of the overhead window light and lamp. Oh.. and the flag pole bracket too.. get a lawn pole. Just do it all over. This is embarrassing.
  • Diana S Diana S on Jun 11, 2013
    White! Blue, Green, Red! Any color but black....
  • Carol McNamara Carol McNamara on Jun 11, 2013
    The black is way too much, If you can't or do not want to get rid of the door, try some stone work below the sidelites and over the door in a curve or the whole porch gable. Loose the shutters. Paint the door the same color as the siding
  • Melissa W Melissa W on Jun 11, 2013
    Add a porch too it too. On big door with side lights.. all in white. And a porch and railings for a Grand Entrance. This really bothers me. I keep looking at it. Make it go away.
  • Sonia D Sonia D on Jun 11, 2013
    Paint it all white except the trim around the two windows on sides. Remove the numbers of the house. Go get a very large light( chandaleir) that will hang out past the door, from above. that will make a statement more than a red door. (Red doors are out) Get the black metal railing, corner post on the fancy side, go on top around stoop and down on steps. A fancy black plaqe(wood or metal) placed in flower bed to the left on a shepards hook to display useing the same house numbers reading from the left. place two small topias on sides of door
  • Merry D Merry D on Jun 11, 2013
    Those poor windows are swallowed by that black paint. Perhaps paint the raised trim along the windows in the house color, and paint the door black with the inside trim painted the same way as the windows?
  • Reno Girl Reno Girl on Jun 11, 2013
    Making your side windows the same length as your door would really bring a more welcoming feel. Paint out trim around the side windows white and do the same with the door frame. Keep the rest black to blend with your shutters. Paint your door a darker shade than your roof to make it look like a wooden door. Just a thought, the one window above is white, paint it black as it would blend with your shutters and not seem like it is floating alone.
  • Polly Boje Polly Boje on Jun 11, 2013
    New, hardwood door, stained medium oak...simple, design, but good quality. Full-length side lights. Extend the roof line over the front door, the full size of the concrete pad. Add simple, round, pillars, one on each side of the concrete pad. A front entry and door make or break curb appeal. And lots of lush landscaping!
  • Tamara Tamara on Jun 11, 2013
    First thing I'd do is put a step there. Maybe some red bricks with planters on either side. Then I'd strip the door, and if the wood is gorgeous, I'd stain it. If it is metal or ugly wood, I'd paint it white, paint the sidelights white and paint the trim a dark taupe to match the house. If I could paint the house, I'd paint it a buttery yellow, door and sidelights and door white with a Federal Blue on the trim. I would also add very simple planters or urns (again, very simple) to each side of the front door, with plants and perhaps some tall grass or topiary to provide some height and camouflage the lack of length in the sidelights. It would make the door the focal point. Not as the eyesore it is now but in a softer, more pleasing manner.
  • 117135 117135 on Jun 11, 2013
    @Wendy Wilber- ouch! I asked for a color opinion not an entire entry change. I am sorry you do not like my hideous windows, thanks for your opinions!
  • Tamara Tamara on Jun 11, 2013
    Melissa W - the only problem with putting a grand entrance on this home is that it is not grand. It has a small, cottage-like feel to it and if you put a huge porch on it you will swallow up the entire front.
  • 117135 117135 on Jun 11, 2013
    @Melissa W. again I asked for color opinions. I am sorry you feel it is awful and embarrassing! The great thing is you don't have to look at it! We all need to make do with what we have and just do what we can to make it better. If money were no object than I would have a perfect house. If I have nothing nice to add to someone's questions, I usually do not respond. I am open and ok with others not liking the way that others do things, but I do believe there is a proper way to state your options.
  • Dawn S Dawn S on Jun 11, 2013
    I would definitely paint the door a nice shade of red and put some beautiful planters beneath the windows. Finish off with a classy mat to welcome anyone into your home.
  • Carol King-ricca Carol King-ricca on Jun 11, 2013
    I would paint the trim around the door White. Trim The side pieces white with a little black on the background pieces. Same for the top piece.
  • Melissa W Melissa W on Jun 11, 2013
    Not a huge porch .. just a small entrance with cottage style railings. I love the house.. really has charm. But the entrance needs some warmth. Even if they scratched the porch idea they could put too large pots of plants or ornamental trees in the pots. Or both.. After they replace the door. :-) Just warm it up a bit. Something that says Welcome .. Not Enter at your own risk. I'm not insulting the house mind you.. but she asked for opinions.... I do love the looks of the home.
  • Renee Warren Renee Warren on Jun 11, 2013
    I would purchase two beautiful black pots and place them on each side of the door..fill them with colorful flowers,Purchase a nice doormat and new house numbers as the ones you have don't fit the decor of your elegant home,
  • GLENDA P GLENDA P on Jun 11, 2013
    I would add something below the two short shutter windows. They look like wings just hanging there in mid-space. Pots with greenery or short shutters beneath. It also looks like it needs a step or half circle of bricks added to make the entrance stand out more.
  • Tamara Tamara on Jun 11, 2013
    Hey, DeDe, I love the house. It is charming, quaint and inviting. I hope you're not offended, I simply don't like black on any home unless it is black shutters on a white home with a red front door. My problem with the paint job, as is, is that the black swallows up the sidelights and the window above the door. I am an imbecile as I didn't read the entire description. I didn't realize you just painted the house. If you want to leave the blue on the front door, I'd paint the trim white, which may take several coats, but will be worth it. Then I'd take that Federal Blue I spoke of earlier and paint the trim around the door and sidelights. And, I am gonna stick with my original idea of a brick step at the front door so that it has a more finished look and I'd still add the planters. I know, you didn't want an entire makeover, but as long as I am going to "dream" with regard to your house, I am going to dream big.
  • 117135 117135 on Jun 11, 2013
    I will be adding new house numbers and a new light fixture. I always have planters on both sides of the door, but just took everything away since the house was just painted. I am in the process of adding a new walkway and a new lawn. The landscape and flowers will come when the house is complete. I will be changing the door trim to white with maybe a few black accents, once that is complete than I will decide if it will be a black door or a pop of color. Thank you all for your thoughts and comments!
  • Heather Topping Heather Topping on Jun 11, 2013
    may be a light brown
  • Wendy Stahl-Frakes Wendy Stahl-Frakes on Jun 11, 2013
    Keep the door, maybe do the door in a colonial red and the trim in a cream...or light tan.
  • Melissa W Melissa W on Jun 11, 2013
    If you can put out the money.. this is what I would do. Hire a stone mason. Tutor homes deserves a stone entrance. The paint the the and side windows a complementing color the match the stone. Click on link to see the idea. http://www.homeplans.com/plan-detail/HOMEPW02347/lovely-french-cottage
  • 117135 117135 on Jun 11, 2013
    I love the stone mason idea, but that won't be happening. This will not be the home forever, so the goal is to make due with how it is and just to make it look its best without adding all the money and over inflate my home value and not be able to get the money back out of the house.
  • R.V.R. Farris R.V.R. Farris on Jun 11, 2013
    Please don't forget to post some pictures when you're finished, eager to see the new walkway and the finished door. I still love that door, blue or not.
  • 117135 117135 on Jun 11, 2013
    @Tamara G. Not offended at all. I liked your suggestions. I hate the black around the door, it sucks the life out of it. It was painted while I was on vacation. Now I need to make the entrance pop! The wood is bad, wont be able to stain, so I will be going with white. I hate the blue front door as it is faded and I don't like country blue. The trim on the house was country blue, obviously not my choice.
  • S.K.Bailey S.K.Bailey on Jun 11, 2013
    Have you considered ripping the two side lites to the floor, install dual doors with as large a semi circular window over, to regain any light loss from losing the side lights
  • C C on Jun 11, 2013
    I would paint the door the same color as the roof and paint the trim around the door white. The outside of the Sidelight window trim I would keep the same color as the shutters. However, the INSIDE where it's curved I would match the door. So the inside squares up I would take the numbers down and put them on a sign HORIZONTALLY under the right side lite window with your last name on a sigh or a potted plant under the left side lite window to balance it out. I would paint the arch above the window the same color as the door. Then I would put a row of bricks all along the top of the concrete, so the door is the same height as the floor.When you can afford it I would get a better porch light too.
  • Kathleen Morgan Kathleen Morgan on Jun 11, 2013
    Sidelights extended to the floor. Not sure on colors. But needs some planters with flowers etc. If you can do a virtual computer imaging you should with some of the ideas mentioned andcsee what u like. I like the masonry idea, but I understand about $$$/budget.
  • Phyllis W Phyllis W on Jun 11, 2013
    I had to lol when I saw it. Gives me the impression of a 'grumpy face' looking at me. And with only one earring. I agree about the little porch roof, but the door and side lights need something. The black just accents the depressing look. --- I would put a little feau roof over that second story window too. Like the one below it. --- A pop of your favorite color for the door and the side lights can be visually extended with a little trim work to keep the budget down. Thanks for sharing with us. It is nice to read the comments too.
  • C C on Jun 11, 2013
    OOops I missed your post about the light and the numbers. Disregard that last bit.
  • C C on Jun 11, 2013
    Since you are going to have pots of flowers on both sides You COULD put the house numbers ABOVE the arch. Just a suggestion
  • Linda Linda on Jun 11, 2013
    I would paint the door to match the trim to give the focus upon the stained glass windows as all the windows are aligned. I would put the house number above the light fixture on top; done with periwinkle numbers with black background. Window shutters should be done in periwinkle. The shutters need to be different because done in black takes away from the focus of the door which will become prominent when done all in black. OR if you cannot paint the shutters, then leave black and paint the whole door and side window trim in periwinkle. The house numbers in black background with periwinkle numbers. I would definitely make the door a focal point.
  • Rosalie M Rosalie M on Jun 11, 2013
    Either do what Beth suggests (red door) or paint the door black and the trim white. That white door sticks out like a sore thumb.
  • Linda Morrell Linda Morrell on Jun 12, 2013
    I like everything that Beth B suggested...it looks cute with the red door. I don't care for the specific porch lights that she picked out, they are too big for the space. I would add brass fixture lights. You have room on that front porch to add a bench on both sides and a pot of flowers in the front of each bench. It's a nice home and I think you're on the right track.
  • 117135 117135 on Jun 12, 2013
    @BethB. Thank you! I wish I could do the photoshop thing. What did you use? I love your suggestions! I still think the windows need a pop of white! After seeing it, I like the red door! I will have to see about moving the electric to the sides, I don't know if my hubby can do this, but if not I can call my dad!
  • Charmaine Charmaine on Jun 12, 2013
    same as the windows. White inner reveal to offset the heavy black. Cheapest solution by far.
  • Wjo183667 Wjo183667 on Jun 12, 2013
    The door doesn't even fit the style of the house! I would first change the trim color and remove the door and side windows to update to the current style and add some steps or a small porch to that entrance!
  • DeAnna Whisenant-Arnold DeAnna Whisenant-Arnold on Jun 12, 2013
    A pop of white would be great with the red and black. If there is trim (I can't tell) around the side windows so you could add white and still have the black around the outer frame of the side windows.
  • DeAnna Whisenant-Arnold DeAnna Whisenant-Arnold on Jun 12, 2013
    I really like the look when it was photo shopped!!!
  • Sta183968 Sta183968 on Jun 12, 2013
  • Dol184719 Dol184719 on Jun 13, 2013
    Change black to red, not just the front door but around the windows, make front steps wider.
  • 117135 117135 on Jun 13, 2013
    @Imdb. Great suggestions! I can't remove the design of the glass, they were made that way. I will be looking into adding a small step to to be the same as the threshold. I never thought about the little step down, you are the second or third to make that comment. I will be adding a mailbox and house numbers and changing the lighting. I will be mimicking the windows with the white interior and black around the outer parts.
  • Pamela Nelson Pamela Nelson on Jun 14, 2013
    In order to get the door to not stand out, you could put shudders on each side of the door going all the way down to the bottom of the door. The shudders could be functional so that you can get light through the side windows. This would help the door to be incorporated into the look of the house, rather than it looking like the door shouldn't be there.
  • Laurie S Laurie S on Jun 14, 2013
    I absolutely LOVED Beth's Photoshop of your front door!! I would LOVE to know what she used!! Beth ~ Are you out there?? LOL!! Can you tell us all what you used?? I agree with you DeDe....I never thought about the little step down either until I saw it in Beth's "redo"....it's exactly what is needed.... Also, if you're going to do the door white (did I understand that correctly??) Then perhaps to add a bit of extra class, put a brass kick plate at the bottom and use brass light fixtures!! No matter what, it'll end up beautiful....BTW - I love your roses!! (Are they Knock Out roses??) I'm having to completely finish up my front door and landscaping as well ( my colors are the same as yours, except for the black) I am painting my front door red with a brass kick plate. My house is a beige color with white trim (pretty plain jane) I have a huge deck on the front of my house so I'm limited as to what I can add....I would love to be able to do what Beth did so I could simply "look" at potential ideas... Best of luck and absolutely POST "after" pics.....Can't wait to see how it looks!!!
  • 117135 117135 on Jun 14, 2013
    @Laurie T. I wonder the same thing!
  • DeAnna Whisenant-Arnold DeAnna Whisenant-Arnold on Jun 14, 2013
    Please post pics when you redo!
  • Valerie Valerie on Jun 16, 2013
    I would paint the door white, and then add two large, tall white plant containers on either side of the door. Conifers in the containers would probably work well with the surrounding garden. You have a beautiful home! Another suggestion - goggle Plascon visualiser. There is a free download which enables you to use photographs of the house, together with their color chart, so that you can try different colors to see which will work best. It is a much simpler method than photoshop. This will at least enable you to play!
  • 117135 117135 on Aug 21, 2013
    This is the update to the front door color choice! I will be adding the planters to the front soon!
    comment photo
  • R.V.R. Farris R.V.R. Farris on Aug 21, 2013
    Hey, that looks really good! I like that color combination with the siding. Nicely done.
  • Pretty good, and you did not even get any paint on the dog! Looks great!
  • DeDe, The door turned out great. Just to add more interest, perhaps you could add wood below the windows all the way down to the porch and paint it black. Just a thought.
    • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Jul 06, 2014
      @JUDY S - BEYOND THE BLUE SHUTTERS Agree. Door looks top heavy. This would make it more symmetrical and add extra presence. .Might repeat the black frame but do a lighter colour inside to match the top parts.
  • Laurie S Laurie S on Aug 26, 2013
    LOVE This!! The red door is perfect!! (The dog is adorable!!) It gives the front a great "pop" of color and takes your eyes off of the odd windows....Now to put the finishing touches of house numbers, landscaping, and some great plants on the porch!! Bee-Utiful!!
  • Laurie S Laurie S on Aug 26, 2013
    Oops!! My bad...I just looked at the picture again and saw that you HAD put numbers on the front.....I guess I was just so taken away with how wonderful it all looks I didn't notice....I really like the way the red grabs the red of the brick....Nice job!!
  • Bonnie Bonnie on Jul 06, 2014
    I think you're not liking the front entry because the door and side panels look dingey grey instead of bright white like the shutters..... Changing up the color of the door to shiny red as someone suggested would look very sharp, or a nice shiny white if you like playing it safe.
  • Maggie Kimble-Bernard Maggie Kimble-Bernard on May 15, 2015
    Paint the all the trim white. Leave shutters black. The black trim is overpowering. My house is a medium gray with white trim, black shutters, and a red door very close to the color of yours.
  • Diana Deiley Diana Deiley on Jul 18, 2016
    I agree, the side panels are too short and make the front entrance look top heavy. I'd paint them the same color as the house to blend them in, focusing primarily on the door.
  • Lisa Mastrogiovanni Lisa Mastrogiovanni on Oct 06, 2017

    I think red would be GORGEOUS!

  • I opened this question and saw the update. That was going to be my suggestion. The red is beautiful!